Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) - Tuesday, 25th November, 2014 9.30 am

Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

No. Item



To note the resignation of Mrs P Martin, Group 2 Canterbury Diocese and Mrs P Fairchild ATL and Miss S Lacon NAHT, Group 3


To note the appointment of Mr A Gillespie, Co-Opted to Group 3-Teacher Associations and Mrs N Caisley - KAH, Headteacher, Otford Primary School


To note the renewed appointments of:-Ms K Burke  and Mr S Platnauer NUT Group 3, Mrs V Thornewell, Methodist, (resigning December 2014), Miss J Webb, Baptist, Mrs C Elapatha, Buddhism, Mr C Cohen, Judaism and Miss S Malone RC Group 1


43.1    To note the resignation of Mrs V Thornewell, Methodist Group 1,Mrs P Martin, Canterbury Diocese Group 2, Mrs P Fairchild, ATL and Miss S Lacon NAHT, Group 3.


43.2    To note the appointment of Mrs E May, United Reformed Church Group 1, Mrs B Naden and Mrs N Paterson Canterbury Diocesan Board of Education, Group 2, Mrs N Caisley, KAH Primary and Mr A Gillespie (co-opted) Group 3


43.3    To note the renewed appointments of Ms K Burke NASUWT, Miss J Webb, Baptist, Mrs C Elapatha, Buddhism, Rabbi C Cohen, Judaism, Miss S Malone, RC,and Mr S Platnauer NUT


43.4    Mr S Platnauer NUT, Group 3,reported he had been retired from teaching for a number of years and would be resigning his appointment when the Union could find a suitable replacement.


43.5    Mrs V Thornewell read a letter of resignation recounting some of her experiences on SACRE during her 20 years service. The Chairman thanked her for her loyal commitment and commented she would be missed.


Minutes 25 June 2014 pdf icon PDF 43 KB


44.1    The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2014 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman subject to the addition of Mr S Platnauer to the membership present.


The Local Authority and Religious Education in Schools-Overview / Q and A Session -Mr R Gough (Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform)


45.1    Mr Gough was welcomed to SACRE and thanked for his continued support.


45.2    He advised members that he wished to listen and learn and had been pleased to meet a small group earlier in the year, which had resulted in a letter being sent to Mr Gove (the then secretary of State for Education) He had received no reply, neither had he heard from his replacement, Nicky Morgan. He felt it would be timely to send her a revised version of the letter highlighting Kent’s concerns. He firmly believed the direction of the world was not secular and religion must be given due significance.


45.3    Mr Gough conceded the world of education was  changing, the impact of Academies as single convertors, National chains and multi Academy trusts/Free schools all contributed to the reduced but still significant role of the Local Authority.


45.4    Mr Gough expressed the view that the focus should be on three main topics:-


a)            incentives for schools- overcome feeling RE is an optional extra with little significance, having regard to tackling issue over E-Bacc and Ofsted


b)           Funding-bursaries for early learning training be revived?


c)  Ofsted-must acknowledge a more diverse schools system, accepting changes bring challenges, but continue to work on good and positive relationships and work on the importance of good and lasting dialogue.


45.5    Mr Gough invited questions from members:-

Mr Elenor -how does the Authority obtain information from Academies/Free schools?


45.6    Ans-it varied, work was ongoing to maintain a steady improvement in relationships. SACRE carried out a very valuable training role, survey work and maintaining contact with schools.


45.7    Mr Maddison- the LA no longer had the influence it previously enjoyed when schools took Academy status, how could incentives be best used?


45.8    Ans-

Headteachers were under increasing pressure, sometimes with their careers at stake and L.A and SACRE must explore best methods to influence through dialogue and incentives.


45.9    Mr Tyson was encouraged by the announcement of Government bursaries-(school direct scheme) and RE graduate assistance. Teaching schools had a remit to work in collaboration with other schools-what opportunities did SACRE and KCC have to develop expertise in Kent? RE link with SMSC, Ofsted comments on British values, considered RE was the ideal way through meaningful and rigorous academic content.


45.10  Ans-

Bursaries were good, needed to be expanded. British Values agreed in principal, unsure how to take forward. Teaching schools needed to be identified, strengths recognised and work mapped out to take forward.


45.11  Mrs Younosi expressed concern that many schools do not know about SACRE, members of the multi-faith group wished to support schools and share expertise, but did not know a mechanism to do this?


45.12  Ans-

KELSI and L.A communications to schools, E-bulletin/ newsletters. Most effective way was to identify specific initiatives and publicise accordingly.


45.13  Miss Walters reported CCCU had very strong training links and suggested Mr Gough contact their teacher education.


45.14  Ans-

Will do, thank you


45.15  Mr Manion thanked  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Budget pdf icon PDF 13 KB


46.1    Mr Foster reported the Budget was in a healthy position, showing a two thirds spend to date. After taking account of Expenses for the current meeting and March 2015 meeting, plus the proposed working party to produce new guidance on spirituality, there might be a small surplus.


46.2    The summer ebulletin had given schools the opportunity to apply on a first come first served basis, for subsided membership of RE Today and/or part-funding towards the RE Quality Mark-there had been no applications.


46.3    Mr Foster reported that Miss Pope would advertise again at the RE Teachmeet on 29 November 2014 at the Bishop of Rochester Academy.


46.4    Mrs Corbyn suggested a plan should be in place to ensure the Budget was fully spent, but Mr Foster advised it looked to be accounted for.


46.5    There was debate about electronic circulation of papers to save postage, but members agreed they required a paper copy.


Annual Report pdf icon PDF 446 KB


47.1    Mr Foster had presented the incomplete draft Kent SACRE Annual Report 2013-14 which was minus the Kent school’s exam results, available on 8 December 2014.




47.2    He had changed the style to make the report more reflective of the way Kent SACRE worked, having researched other Counties reports on the NASACRE

Website, added a photograph on the cover and given greater emphasis to Kent’s Mission statement-page 6.For the first time he had included a membership record of attendance and Committee representation at Appendix 3.


47.3    Page 12-Members debated the difficulty of poorly supported or cancelled CPD events. The report was a vehicle to inform and remind schools of the requirement through the Agreed Syllabus to follow an accredited course and for Academies to meet their legal obligations regarding the provision of RE and CW.


47.4    Page 15-It was noted that there had been no determinations to grant alternative CW in any Kent schools and no complaints had been received under Section 23 of the Education reform Act 1988.


47.5    Page12-Miss Walters requested SACRE develop a strategy for the revision of the Agreed Syllabus, which was previously reviewed in 2011.-React 2012.Mr Foster envisaged revisiting the contents of the REC review before commencing the process to review the Kent Agreed syllabus. It was noted that the review of the national Curriculum for secondary pupils was still not complete and this could influence the review.


47.6    Ms Burke commented the GCSE and A level syllabus needed to be agreed in advance of the review, which should not be rushed.


47.7    Mrs Naden suggested guidance was needed in regard to RE levels which were not applied to any other subjects.


47.8    Mr Foster reported he was currently undertaking a sample survey of 60 schools, having received responses from 20 to date-all appeared to identify assessment as a concern.


47.9    Mr Northey advised there had been unparalleled challenges to marking the exam scripts in an unprecedented year of change, which had included debate about which results counted towards verified information. He advised caution in starting the review to the Agreed Syllabus.


47.10  Mrs Caisley added Headteachers were deluged with information and cautioned it was necessary to allow sufficient time to make the review thorough with a very satisfactory conclusion.


47.11  Members agreed, that subject to the addition of points raised in debate or notified to Mr Foster, plus exam data, the report be finalised and circulated to all SACRE Members, Members of the County Council( via the Members information Bulletin MIB), Education and Young Peoples Services Cabinet Committee-16 December 2014, Corporate Director- Education and Young people Services, Headteacher/Chair of Governors all Kent Schools and NASACRE.




Youth SACRE 18 November 2014 pdf icon PDF 17 KB

Additional documents:


48.1    Mr Manion reported the event had been announced at the County Council meeting on 23 October 2014.


48.2    A brief summary report, attendance statistics, participant responses from students and staff are appended to these minutes. Members viewed the results of the entire artwork exercise on display boards at the meeting. It was agreed all schools who had registered for the event would receive a pack of the information through the post accompanied by a letter signed by the Chairman.


48.3    Mrs Corbyn and Ms Burke had facilitated the final break away session for teachers and reported it was a useful exercise.


48.4    Mr Foster agreed to thank participants and publicise the success of the event in the E-bulletin.


48.5    Mrs Younosi echoed the general opinion that it had been a successful and productive afternoon and thanked all participants who had contributed to the event. She suggested that SACRE run two conferences in 2015. It was unanimously agreed that Lat Blaylock be invited to facilitate the 2015 Secondary Conference, autumn 2015 -Mrs Grant volunteered to lead, and give consideration to the number of students invited from each school.


48.6    After debate it was agreed the second conference be held at the end of the summer term, open to Year 5/6 students, possibly in a venue such as the Gravesend Gurdwara. Ms Burke would also enquire if her school-Mayfield Grammar, Gravesend could be made available.


48.7    Mrs Corbyn agreed to take the lead with assistance from Mr Gillespie, Mrs Naden, Mrs Paterson, Mrs Younosi and Mrs Caisley.


48.8    The Chairman asked if there would be sufficient funds in the budget and Mr Foster replied he would make a case for additional funding if it became necessary.



Development Plan pdf icon PDF 26 KB


49.1    Mr Foster presented the Development Plan suggesting that in the light of earlier discussions the additional Primary Youth Conference be added as a priority objective.


49.2    Mr Tyson requested the development of SMSC, linked to RE needed to be reflected. Mr Foster agreed that was an activity SACRE would undertake and the revision of the Shaping the Spirit Document be added as Priority 4.


49.3    Members debated how schools could access SACRE Members to arrange speaker visits and it was suggested this be an Item on the next Agenda.


49.4    Mrs Paterson questioned the timescale for the individual developments, what, when and how the success of the Plan was evaluated? Mr Foster explained that as a result of previous member debate the detail had been removed, and it was hoped that all targets would be achieved by the completion of the current Plans target of March 2015.


49.5    Mr Foster reported that he had received 20 out of 60 possible responses to the sample schools survey-closing date 14 December 2014. Mr Maddison suggested all County members be requested to contact any schools in their Division where they maybe Governors or Trustees and it was agreed Mr Foster would forward information to Mr Manion for dissemination to members.


49.6    Miss Walters requested the results be presented to SACRE in written form and after discussion it was agreed Mr Foster would anonymise the data before presentation, the final summary would be recorded in the next Annual report. Despite some members concerns about obtaining accurate and honest answers, Mr Foster was adamant he needed the name of the person completing the survey to make the exercise worthwhile.


49.7    Mrs Caisley was concerned such a small sample had little value and was willing to be proactive in promoting completion of the surveys in the school quadrants, chasing at partnership level e.g. West Kent 28 sub-levels.


49.8    The next Plan would include setting up the structure for the review of the Agreed Syllabus and a timeframe. Ms Burke commented Mr Foster had included under the resources column the allocation of his SACRE time and if additional work was required, it would need to be done by other members.


49.9    Members agreed the Plan subject to the addition of the points raised, plus SMSC and the provision and compliance of Collective Worship.  


Overview of National and Local Developments

1.NASACRE Conference -27 November 2014,Birmingham

Keynote speakers: Joyce Miller and Alan Brine

2.Ofsted Framework

3.Shaping the Spirit-appoint Working Group to meet January 2015.

4.HUB meetings(Minute 35.9 refers) Oral update - Mr Gillespie


50.1    NASACRE Conference-27 November 2014, Birmingham

Mr Manion reported that the conference was fully booked and he had been unable to secure a place.


50.2    Ofsted Framework

Mr Foster made reference to the most recent RE subject report from Ofsted-Realising the Potential (2013) highlighting SACRE’s areas of concern.


50.3    Mr Foster  agreed to include the link to the Ofsted Inspection Framework for members information:- He would  issue the usual reminder in the January 2015 E-bulletin to all schools stating that RE is still a statutory subject and assessment still exists, regardless of Ofsted.


50.4    Shaping the Spirit-Working group

The following members agreed to attend the Working party on 2 February 2015 at Oakwood House from 12 noon following the Chairman’s briefing:-

Mr Manion, Ms Burke, Mr Gillespie, Mrs Caisley, Miss Walters and Mrs Younosi.


50.5    Mr Foster would email the previous Shaping the Spirit publication to the working group prior to the meeting.


50.6    HUB Meetings

Mr Gillespie reported a further RE teachmeet had been arranged for 29 November 2014 at the Bishop of Rochester Academy. He would advise teachers of SACRE’s offer to part fund the RE Quality Mark (REQM) and other financial initatives.


50.7    The first 2015 meeting would be held on Saturday 21 March 2015 at the Robert Napier school. SACRE members welcome. Details of Kent and Medway Hub could be found on their FB page and holding website page:-






Patterns of Attendance pdf icon PDF 27 KB


51.1    Mrs Younosi expressed concern at some of her group members continual lack of attendance. Mr Foster suggested poor attendance could be referred back to the appointing body if applicable.


51.2    It was explained co-opted members were not recorded, as their attendance did not count towards the group being quorate in the event of a vote.


Dates of 2015 meetings


Tues.10 March 2015_County Hall, Maidstone

Wed. 17 June 2015 – Highworth Grammar school, Ashford

Mon. 23 Nov.2015 – County Hall, Maidstone


SACRE Briefings at Oakwood House, Maidstone

Mon. 2 February 2015

Mon. 11 May 2015

Mon. 19 Oct.2015


All meeting start at 9.30am


52.1    SACRE

Tuesday 10 March 2015-County Hall, Maidstone

Wednesday 17 June 2015-Highworth Academy, Ashford

Monday 23 November 2015 – County Hall, Maidstone


52.2    Briefings at Oakwood House, Maidstone

Monday 2 February 2015

Monday 11 May 2015

Monday 19 October 2015


52.3    All meeting start at 9.30am