Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) - Wednesday, 17th June, 2015 9.30 am

Venue: Highworth Grammar School Quantock Drive Ashford TN24 8UD

Contact: Carol Wade 

No. Item



To note the appointment of Elizabeth Talbot-Methodist Group 1


(1)       Members noted the appointment of Elizabeth Talbot (Methodist) - Group 1 who was welcomed to the meeting.


Minutes - 10 March 2015 pdf icon PDF 5 MB


(1)      Attendance - Mrs N Caisley requested that the Minutes be amended to show that she was present at the previous meeting on 10 March 2015.


(2)       Annual Report Update - Mr Foster reported that he was unsure whether the letter suggested by the EYPS Cabinet Committee had been sent to Sir Michael Wilshaw regarding the issue of RE being part of the Ofsted inspection. Mr Northey suggested Mr Manion be requested to write to Mr Gough and cc him in.


(3)       Members agreed that subject to the above amendments the Minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman


Budget pdf icon PDF 403 KB


(1)       Mr Foster confirmed that the final tally for the 2014/15 budget had been 74%.


(2)       The 2015/16 budget forecast the predicted costs for SACRE throughout the following financial year, currently at 78%. Mrs Younosi wished to record the Committee’s gratitude to the KCC for its continuing support.


(3)       It was noted there was no provision for the cost of the review of the Agreed Syllabus in the Budget and Mr Foster and Mr Manion would be making a separate business case to the Authority for additional funding.


Shaping the Spirit - Working Group Update


(1)       Mr Foster reported he had previously circulated the draft document produced by the Working Group asking for feedback. None had been received. There had been no further progress made, as Mr Foster did not have any time available and was in negotiations with the KCC regarding his future contract. He hoped to resolve the matter shortly and would then arrange another Group meeting from September onwards.


(2)       Members requested the clerk email the document again.


RE Curriculum Review pdf icon PDF 676 KB


(1)       In order to aid debate regarding the curriculum review Liz Pope brought forward her presentation about being part of the NATRE Executive. She thoroughly recommended that all teachers join the national association in order to maximise take up of the many benefits on offer to schools.


(2)       Miss Pope reminded members training bursaries for RE teachers had been reinstated and was anxious publicity need to reach the right audience.


(3)       Miss Pope informed members that she is on the teacher working group for the REC as well as a tutor for the Culham St. Gabriel’s Subject Knowledge Booster Course (SKBC) and secured funding for a Government training place-but was unable to find a recruitment to fill it.


(4)       The question “what can SACRE do to promote the RE teaching profession in Kent schools?” was posed. With such a high number of academies in Kent, Highworth Grammar School dealt with up to 70 feeder schools, a situation unique to Kent which meant it was impossible to forge close working relationships.


(5)       It was noted teaching assistants/unqualified teachers often covered qualified teachers PPA time with RE. The schools were meeting their legal obligation and Mr Foster reminded members that academies and free schools could employ unqualified staff.


6)         Ms Burke reported a crisis in recruitment of RE teachers, and Mr Foster stated this had massive implications on the re-writing of the Agreed Syllabus. He advised that SACRE would need to have great care in deciding what areas to promote and their methods of teaching.


(7)       Ms Burke reported that a worse-case scenario was a third of teaching staff being off work with stress at any one time.


(8)       On a more positive note Mrs Wigg suggested trying to encourage the use of RE texts in other subjects such as literacy, whereby the class teacher would support the TA’s work.


(9)       The Committee noted that the local authority now had less influence on some schools and discussed raising awareness of the syllabus. Mr Maddison enquired about the SACRE website; Mr Foster explained that SACRE did not have one.


(10)     Miss Pope referred to the unofficial national curriculum framework document (NCFRE) developed by the RE Council. It recommended that a good syllabus should cover four areas:

·         Nature of religion and belief

·         Christianity

·         Other faiths

·         Questions of meaning, purpose and value of human life.


(11)     The above would best constitute towards a Locally Agreed Syllabus. The previous syllabus gave a starting point, it was imperative that questions challenged teachers, giving clear direction and be practical and helpful to users.


(12)     The session concluded with a practical exercise for members and the Chairman thanked Miss Pope for her presentation and for holding the SACRE meeting at her school. SACRE agreed a donation of £100 be paid to Highworth Grammar School for expenses and hosting the meeting.


(13)     Mr Foster continued leading the debate and drew attention to the question of how best to use the three aims of the review:

·         Know about and understand a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70.


2015 Youth SACRE Events pdf icon PDF 865 KB


Primary Event - 20 May 2015


(1)       Mr Gillespie reported that the event at CCCU had been very successful, fully subscribed and attended by 31 primary schools. He tabled a very supportive email received from Lady Boswell’s Primary School and the evaluation report prepared by the CCCU Faculty of Education Outreach team - attached


(2)       He commented that the free event had been achieved on a very small budget, relying heavily on the goodwill of participants. The university had provided a free venue, student ambassadors and the quality of the event completely outstripped the amount of money reimbursed. If the event was to be repeated at Christ Church he suggested that a more realistic budget should be considered. Mrs Younosi voiced concern that SACRE’s involvement seemed secondary to CCCU.


(3)       The Clerk reported that SACRE had agreed the figure to cover the event as invoiced by Mrs Corbyn.


(4)       Mrs Corbyn was compiling the responses from teachers regarding the syllabus and requested that this item be carried forward to a future meeting, which Members’ agreed, when future events would also be considered.


(5)       The Chairman extended thanks to all involved.


Secondary Event - 4 November 2015


(1)       Mrs Grant reported a very poor response of 11 secondary schools expressing an interest in attending the event. Members debated the pros and cons of cancelling the event if it did not attract more attendees. It was decided the event was needed and necessary and would go ahead regardless of numbers in this instance.


(2)       The Clerk would write to all secondary schools again in September when time-tables were known.




Agreed Syllabus Conference- Appoint Working Group


(1)       The Clerk reported that Mr Manion had written to Mr Gough to request permission to start the review of the locally Agreed Syllabus with a view to introducing a revised syllabus for implementation in schools by September 2017. He stated that KCC was requested to convene an ASC in accordance with Schedule 31(2) Education Act 1996. The ASC would have the same composition, membership and Chairman as the SACRE, to undertake its responsibilities in accordance with non-statutory guidance on Religious Education2010, published by DCSF.

(2)       Mr Foster reported that REAct, the current Syllabus was published in 2012 and a review must be started within 5 years He hoped to hold the first meeting on the rising of the next SACRE in November 2015.

(3)       Miss Walters suggested a working party needed to be convened to debate content/details/aims and report back to SACRE.Ms Burke was concerned about the legality of convening the Conference at the June meeting and advised that the proposed syllabus for GCSE and A level were not expected from the exam boards until autumn 2015.

(4)       Mr Foster expected there would be a need for 12 day long working party meetings i.e. 2 per term, between SACRE meetings up to 2017.

(5)       Volunteers from each of the 4 constituent groups were requested and the following members agreed to be considered, subject to satisfactory funds being confirmed due to pressure form budget constraints and cover for loss of earnings where appropriate guaranteed:


Group 1

Mrs Younosi - no charge

Mrs Wigg

Group 2

Mrs Corbyn  

Ms Paterson

Group 3

Ms Burke - no charge

Mr Chambers

Group 4

Mr Manion - no charge

Co-opted as required

Mr Gillespie

Miss Pope

Plus other subject specialists as required, making use of Members’ expertise.


(6)       Mr Foster and Mr Manion would write to Mr Gough (cc Mr Northey) making a business case for additional funding and volunteers were requested to furnish Mr Foster with estimates for loss of earnings (Mrs Paterson stated her employer, Canterbury Diocese would claim £400 per day).Mr Foster stated that in previous years the Authority had relied on Members’ goodwill.


(7)       It was agreed that clarification of funding was required before the Conference could progress.


(8)       Mr Northey reminded members that SACRE had a budget of £5k per year, which he felt the Authority would expect SACRE to contribute from, towards the review.   


Development Plan pdf icon PDF 80 KB


(1)       Mr Foster reported that there was no change since the last meeting. In response to a question he stated that he had been unable to support the Youth SACRE events due to lack of clarity regarding his contract and no financial provision had been allowed to him for these events.


Overview of National and Local Developments

1. NASACRE AGM - 21 May 2015 - Report

2. Trojan Horse Conference - 20 March 2015 – Feedback

3. RE Hub - Update


(1)       NASACRE AGM - 21 May 2015

(a)       Mr Foster reported that neither Mr Manion nor Mrs Younosi had been able to attend the AGM in May. He advised Members to view the NASACRE website for an update of the meeting. He noted that NASACRE was promoting the idea of regional networking and collaboration.

(2)       Trojan Horse Conference – 20 May 2015

(a)       Mr Foster and Miss Walters explained that they had attended the above conference, on behalf of SACRE, and heard Alan Brine (former HMI with responsibility for RE at Ofsted) speak about Ofsted’s review of schools in the Birmingham area and also in Tower Hamlets where concerns about undue influence by Muslim groups on Governing bodies were causing concern. Other speakers included Joyce Miller who spoke about the aftermath of ‘The Trojan Horse’ and implications for schools; Joy Schmack fed back on her review of Ofsted school reports and the lack of helpful comment about SCSM development; and Lesley Prior led a workshop concerning Collective Worship and what was happening in some LEAs with regard to determinations. Miss Walters stated the lack of subject experts in primary put a huge burden on teachers of RE, especially with the concerns of children forming extremist views. Mrs Wigg noted that the umbrella term of safeguarding had now replaced the term child protection.

(3)       RE Hub

(a)       Mrs Paterson noted that she had attended the last meeting where, amongst other topics the REQM had been discussed. Primary and Secondary sectors had been split into groups to maximise productive debate.

(b)       Miss Pope reported that now the Hub had been operating for a year, the format was being reviewed. She commented that the London area ran a very successful model. Saturdays were obviously an issue, as teachers were expected to attend in their own time. No new dates had as yet been identified.

(4)       Ramadan

(a)       Mrs Younosi reminded Members it was the start of Ramadan month, and teachers might experience issues of dehydration in students. Mrs Wigg was concerned that it would commence 15 days earlier in 2017 and considered the JQC should issue guidance.

(5)       Crayford Mosque Event

(a)       Mr Maddison reported that he would keep Members updated on the progress of the proposed event being organised in collaboration with students from Dartford Grammar School for Boys.


Patterns of Attendance pdf icon PDF 70 KB


(1)       Members noted the Patterns of Attendance report.




Mon. 23 Nov. 2015-County Hall, Maidstone



Mon. 7 March 2016 –County Hall, Maidstone

Wed. 15 June 2016 – Outside venue

Tues.29 Nov. 2016 – County Hall, Maidstone


2015 - Briefings at Oakwood House, Maidstone.

Mon. 19 Oct. 2015


2016-Briefings at Oakwood House, Maidstone

Mon.8 Feb.2016

Mon.9 May 2016

Mon.17 Oct. 2016


All meetings start at 9.30am


Youth SACRE-Secondary-County Hall, Maidstone

Wed.4 Nov.2015,  2-5 pm


(1)       Members noted the following dates of meetings in 2015 & 2016:

(a)       SACRE

Monday 23 November 2015 – County Hall, Maidstone

Monday 7 March 2016 - County Hall, Maidstone

Wednesday 15 June 2016 - Outside Venue

Tuesday 29 November 2016 - County Hall, Maidstone



(b)       SACRE Briefings - Oakwood House, Maidstone

Monday 19 October 2015

Monday 8 February 2016

Monday 9 May 2016

Monday 17 October 2016


            (c)        Secondary Youth SACRE

                        Wednesday 4 May – County Hall, Maidstone

                        14.00 – 17.00