Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: James Clapson 03000 417387
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence/Substitutes Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Elapatha, Ms Cheema, Mr Philpott, Ms Porteous, Ms Williams, Mrs Lawson, Mr Paul, Miss Pope and Ms Curtis. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interests. |
Minutes of the Meeting Held on 19.3.24 Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2024 were correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chair. |
Development Plans 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mrs Smith-Orr introduced the Plans, advising that the 2023-24 Plan looked back at what had been achieved, and the 2024-25 Plan looked forward over the year to come.
2.During consideration of the item, the following points were noted:
3.RESOLVED that the 2023-24 Plan and 2024-25 Plan were noted, and that a review of collective worship within schools be undertaken.
RE Advisor Verbal Update Minutes: 1. Mrs Smith-Orr provided her update.
2.During consideration of the item it was noted that:
3.RESOLVED that the update was noted and that Kent SACRE would respond to the DfE’s Call for Evidence Review.
Minutes: 1. Mrs Smith-Orr introduced the Budget.
2.During consideration of the item it was noted that: · If there was sufficient budget available, RE Today could be used to provide some collective worship resources for schools. · Previously enquires about providing schools with a copy of the RE Today magazine had indicated that it would cost around £10,000.
3. RESOLVED that the update was noted.
Update on Local Network Groups Minutes: 1.Mrs Smith-Orr noted that there were now a couple of network groups in place that were running very successfully.
2. During consideration of the item it was noted that:
3. RESOLVED to note the update.
Update following the Kent Teachers Events 30 September and 15 October. Minutes: 1. Mrs Smith-Orr introduced the item.
2. During consideration of the item, the following points were noted: · The secondary school network event, held on 15 October, was not very well attended, although there was some very good discussion.
3. RESOLVED to note the update and endorse:
Minutes: 1. During consideration of the item the following points were noted:
2. RESOLVED that Westlands Primary School be awarded the Wire award.
Draft Annual Report 2023/24 Minutes:
2.The Chair noted that Kent SACRE was in the minority of SACREs who have consistently submitted their annual report on time. Thanks were offered to Mrs Smith-Orr for her efforts in producing the annual report and her support throughout the year.
3. RESOLVED that the Draft Annual Report 2023/24 was noted.
Monitoring RE in schools Minutes: 1.Mrs Smith-Orr advised that she would get in touch with Mrs McInnes, Director of Education, and copy in Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Hammond, to obtain a list of schools for the school collective worship review and a copy of the exam results.
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent Minutes: 1. There were no other items at the Chairman felt were urgent. |
Future Meeting Dates 12.3.25, 10am, Darent Room, Sessions House 10.6.25, 10am, Venue TBC Minutes: 1. It was noted that the next meetings were scheduled for: 12.3.25, 10am, Darent Room, Sessions House 10.6.25, 10am, Venue TBC