Agenda and minutes

How to make your Community Greener, Dover North Neighbourhood Forum - Wednesday, 15th July, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: The Pines Calyx, The Pines Garden, Beach Road, St. Margaret's Bay, Dover, Kent, CT15 6DZ

Contact: Emma Carey  01622 694599

No. Item




Notes of the meeting of the DOVER NORTH Neighbourhood Forum held on 15 July 2009 at the Pines Calyx, Bay Road, St. Margaret’s Bay at 7.00pm.



Parish Councillor                   David Hart       outgoing Chairman


District Councillor                  David Lloyd-Jones  incoming Chairman


Kent County Councillor         Stephen Manion


Other Councillors, officers and members of the public.



1.  Chairman’s welcome


David Hart, the outgoing Chairman, welcomed those attending the meeting, thanked officers who had supported the three years of Neighbourhood Forums, congratulated the newly elected County Councillor Steve Manion, and stated his belief that the Forums were beginning to have an influence on the District and County Councils.  DDC Cllr David Lloyd-Jones was introduced as the new Chairman and the previous Chairman of the Forum was thanked for her contributions.


2.  Notes of the previous meeting and matters arising


David Hart was invited to update the meeting on responses to his letters to KCC Highways and the then Minister of Transport, Geoff Hoon,  in respect of HGVs using laybys on the main transport routes around Dover and the picture this gave to tourists arriving in the UK.  36 photos illustrating the rubbish and detritus had been sent to the DfT and the reply eventually received was read out to the meeting; in summary government had determined not to impose any charges on lorry drivers under a vignette scheme.  David Hart had subsequently spoken to the owner of a Dutch transport company who explained that goods transported in the UK were either bought or sold in the UK and were not in transit to other countries as was the case in Germany for example.  A reply from Michael Howard MP had referred to KCC’s proposals for an HGV park at Sellinge which was in his constituency and therefore he was unable to support the Forum’s views.   With regard to the A258, full credit should be given to those who signed petitions which resulted in about £1m spent on the route.  Great improvements had  been made but no legislation could control bad driving which had been the cause of previous accidents.



3.  Mr Alistair Gould, Chairman of the Bay Trust, spoke of the need for environmental education to focus on the next generation, the links with Rippledown Education Centre for practical skills in low carbon building techniques and the positive evidence provided by the Pines Calyx building itself.  A short video of a Danish community was shown  illustrating how, over a period of about 20 years, the 45,000 inhabitants had achieved economic, elegant and sustainable energy systems.  The UK had more wind and wave power available that any other European country, recent government initiatives were driving down from the top and needed to be met by local and community issues from the grass roots.  St Margaret’s was one of 6 low carbon villages in Kent and the Parish Council was leading initiatives such as a strategic study of options for village energy production and identification of land within the village to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.