Venue: Wooton Village Hall, Wooton Lane, Wooton, Nr Canterbury CT4 6RT
Contact: Will Farmer 01622 696911
Note | No. | Item |
6.30 pm |
Welcome - Cllr Jeff Goodsall, Chairman 1a. Apologies 1b. Matters arising and notes from previous meetings 1c. Any Declarations of Interest
6.35 pm |
Work of an Area Youth and Community Officer in the Dover district Bill Butler, Area Youth and Community Officer for Dover district, Kent County Council, will give a short presentation on what his work involves; his experiences with young people and their hopes, aspirations and frustrations. Bill will also talk about how the district and county work together to improve young peoples’ experiences and quality of life. Young people from the Dover Youth Forum will also speak.
6.40 pm |
Sports Development and Leisure Services for Young People Sarah Philpott, Sports Development Officer, Dover District Council Youth Leisure Services, will provide a short overview of her role, including how young people (and families) can become involved. |
6.45 pm |
Grant opportunities available to young people for positive activities Caroline Flynn, Kent County Council, Youth Opportunity Fund, will give a short presentation on the grant opportunities available for young people to develop positive activities and things to do. |
6.50 pm |
Group sessions The presenters will then join the audience for round table sessions (20 minutes at each table) to discuss in greater depth the issues and wishes of young people living within the Dover North area and ideas on how to involve them and improve youth provision. |
8.05 pm |
Summary of the Evening Brief feedback from each of the tables on what was discussed and the priorities identified to be taken away for action.
8.20 pm |
Future Discussion Topics Brief discussion on topics to consider at future meetings. |
8.25 pm |
Small Community Capital Project Grants Brief update from KCC on the applications received to date for the Dover West Neighbourhood Forum. |