Venue: River Methodist Hall, Common Lane, River, Dover, CT17 0RA
Contact: Emma Carey 01622 694599
No. | Item |
Notes of the previous meeting Minutes: Notes of the Forum meeting held on 10 July 2008 had been circulated and there were no matters arising |
Chairman's Welcome Minutes: The Chairman welcomed representatives and facilitators to the meeting and reminded the meeting that there had been an article about the Local Development Framework in the DDC@Your Service magazine.
Active Older People Minutes: The Chairman reported an expected increase in Dover’s population over the next 20 years from 43,000 to 59,000 including an increase in the proportion of older people.
3.1 Derek Hall – KCC Planning Manager for East Kent Adult Social Services spoke about Kent’s Strategy for Later Life and responsibility for all older people in Kent which brought together all agencies in delivering services. · this strategy provides over-arching framework for all others and provides means for public to hold service providers to account if not delivering in accordance with strategy; · draft document being considered by editorial panel of older people and applications to serve on panel or be part of consultation should be made to · final strategy to be ready by end of 2008, has 5 themes: value later life; planning for a secure old age; healthy communities; learning and independent living · preparation needed for retirement; specific actions needed on dementia, sensory impairment, advocacy, support for carers, residential/nursing care when necessary. · should there be a parliament for older people?
3.2 Ruth Ridley – Care Navigator with INVOKE project explained her role: · since November 2007 has contacted 250 people in District 50% of which were over 70; she reaches into communities providing information, promoting services and collating evidence for viability; · post is attached to Age Concern, funded by Dept. of Health and designed to help people address their own needs by explaining what help is available and helping to choose what is right for them; · referrals dealt with occupational therapy, physio, mobility issues, allowance and benefit entitlement and cases in rural areas, with nearly 100% success rate for benefit claims; life changing impact from receipt of allowances. · more volunteers needed to help with transport, befriending, etc.
3.3 Jane Meehan – Community Information & Liaison Assistant with INVOKE project: · purpose of role to promote health and wellbeing and signpost people to resources available in District; · undertaking pilot project to create an Information Directory of associations, activities, services, etc. to be available at specific hubs for all to access in addition to being on website; · information needed from communities and Parish Councils to update directory regularly but distribution of directory limited by resources available to constantly update – at present only one person and low budget; · confirmation recently received that project will continue for further year after March 2009; · posters and leaflets available to be taken and distributed.
3.4 Chris Tough – Senior Citizens’ Forum: · 100 members in 2 years with support from newsletters and meetings, is free to join; · different areas visited to find out what is needed and encourage more volunteers; · helping older people to use computers with free internet use for 3 months on a trial basis and IT support; · asked permission to contact those attending the Forum with information.
3.5 Discussion points: · Why is dementia increasing? Mainly due to more people living to greater age; more treatment needed for early onset dementia. · Cost of older people staying in own home eats up limited savings whereas is free in ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
DDC/KCC Small Community Capital Project Grants 2008/09 Minutes: Chairman reported results of scoring the various applications and recommendations to DDC and KCC for grants:
Organisation Project Amount Capel-le-Ferne Refurbish toilets £5,000 Village Hall Temple Ewell Provision of hardstanding/ £1,200 Parish Council seating Lydden Village Toilet facilities for the £1,500 Hall Committee disabled and baby changing facilities Capel-le-Ferne Bus shelter provision £3,000 Parish Council Whitfield Parish Bench renovation £685 Council Alkham Valley Garden Scheme £1,000 Community Project Move the Miner Create new site for statue £731.61 and purchase 4 smaller statues Total £13,116.61
KCC Local Schemes Grant 2008/09
KCC Cllr. Bryan Cope had allocated his funding under the above scheme as follows:
Organisation Project Amount Alkham Valley Therapeutic carriage driving/ £8,578.57 Community horse riding for disabled and disadvantaged children and adults Capel-le-Ferne Virtual Post Office £750.00 Village Hall Total £9,328.57
Members of the Forum agreed that these amounts be recommended to the Leaders of KCC and DDC for approval.
Future Meetings Minutes: Joint Forum with Dover North on 20 November 2008 at Elvington Community Centre to discuss Street Scene and Public Realm issues. Possible topics for 19 January 2009 Forum : Progress on the Dover Project/ Health trainer programme. Adult Education/real function of libraries today. Pre-school playgroups. A venue is needed for this Forum.
The meeting ended at 8.50pm