Agenda and minutes

Supporting People In Kent Commissioning Body - Tuesday, 17th April, 2012 2.00 pm

Venue: Swale 2, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Andrew Swan  (01622) 696388

No. Item


Minutes of 26 January 2012, and matters arising pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Commissioning Body held on 26 January 2012 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


Core Strategy Group Minutes, Action Plan and matters arising pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


The Commissioning Body noted for information the minutes of the meeting of the Core Strategy Group held on 20 March 2012.


Floating Support pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Additional documents:


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report provided an update in relation to the re-tendering of floating support services, which had been delayed following two challenges to the procurement process resulting in the re-commencement of the tendering process in the interests of fairness and transparency. The challenges were made during the original stand-still period, and related to TUPE and financial matters upon which legal advice was taken resulting in the decision to re-commence the tender process.


(2)    The delay has required the extension of existing contracts for 6 months. There is an under spend of £556k which had been set aside for the delivery of new services during late 2011/12.


(3)   The Commissioning Body agreed to note the report, and that new contracts will be awarded in time for October 2012.




Home Improvement Agencies and handypersons services pdf icon PDF 72 KB


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report provided an update in relation to the re-tendering of Home Improvement Agency and Handyperson services for which contracts are intended to be re-let in October 2012. Contracts with current providers have been extended by six months to ensure continuity of service during the procurement process.


(2)    It was previously agreed by the Commissioning Body on 26 January 2012 that the requirement for further investment during this time be supported through the use of non-recurring reserve funds.


(3)   During the course of discussion it was clarified that the groupings currently proposed in paragraph 2(3) of the report were not set, and that a key consideration was to find a balance between attractiveness to providers and the need to ensure that particular areas were not disadvantaged in any way.


(4)   The Commissioning Body agreed to note the progress made as detailed in the report.


Extra Care Sheltered Accommodation pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report presented the Commissioning Body with options for decision on the weekly rates to be applied to Extra Care Sheltered Housing. This decision had been deferred to this meeting by the Commissioning Body on 26 January 2012 so that further discussion could take place with housing providers.


(2)   The two options put forward were to pay the same weekly rates in extra care sheltered housing as in sheltered housing with immediate effect (Option One), or to pay double the weekly rate currently paid in sheltered housing for the first six months of 2012/13 allowing time for providers to make provision for any adjustments to services (Option Two). Option One would be cost neutral, whereas Option Two would incur a cost of £64,469 requiring agreement to a one off non-recurring contribution from Supporting People reserves.


(3)   During the course of discussion officers explained that, although only one provider had raised direct concerns about the proposed reduction in weekly rates, the other providers will have had to make adjustments despite their own pressures. In the interests of fairness and transparency it would be necessary to apply any temporary subsidy from Supporting People reserves (Option Two) to all providers. There was discussion about extending the timeframe for Option Two from six to nine months, charging-back to Supporting People, regular review to establish opportunities for earlier resolution as other interventions start to take effect, and the KCC Supporting People Team working with Canterbury on a partnership basis by providing additional expertise. 


(4)   Mr Hill said that, although the additional funding required was a small percentage of the overall reserves held, it was more a proprietary than budgetary issue, as that funding would not then be available to anyone in the future.


(5)   Mr Hill said that he would prefer to reach a consensus rather than taking the decision to a vote however, accepting that there was not a complete consensus in relation to either option, proposed that Option One be agreed with the additional offer of support to Canterbury from the KCC Supporting People Team in terms of staff expertise.


(6)   The Commissioning Body was generally in agreement with Option One as outlined in paragraph 8(1) of the report; however Cllr Austin, Cllr Clark, and Cllr Belcourt said that they were against this proposal and asked that this be noted.  


Access to Short Term accommodation and Floating Support Services pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report provided an update on work undertaken by the Kent Supporting People Programme in relation to the automation of access to short term accommodation based supported housing and floating support services.


(2)   The report advised that the cost of developing the automated referral system for both floating support services and short term accommodation based supported housing will be a one off cost to a maximum of £10k. This will present a cost pressure on the current budget, and so would have to be met through use of reserve funds.


(3)   During the course of discussion officers confirmed that the timescale for this work was tied-in with the new floating support service, and also that service users had been involved in the task and finish group referred to in the report.


(4)   The Commissioning Body agreed that the cost of the implementation for the automation of both the floating support and short term accommodation based supported housing referral mechanism be met through the use of reserve funds to a maximum cost of £10k.


Floating Support Impact Assessment pdf icon PDF 138 KB


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report provided the fourth quarterly assessment of the impact of the reduction in capacity of floating support services from April 2011, and specifically covered the period November 2011 to February 2012.


(2)   The number of people currently waiting for a service is lower than the number waiting prior to April 2011, and waiting times remain lower than they were at that time. This indicates that the non-renewal of district-based services has not had a negative impact on waiting lists or times.


(3)   The Commissioning Body agreed to note the report.


Performance Management pdf icon PDF 140 KB


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report provided performance information in line with the revised framework for performance management within the Supporting People programme as recommended by the Supporting People Performance Management Task and Finish Group.


(2)   The report also recommended revision of the Key Performance Indicators for floating support and accommodation based services on the basis that current targets have been achieved and surpassed.


(3)   The Commissioning Body noted the report, and agreed to the revision of the Key Performance Indicators for floating support and accommodation based services to 98.2% for KPI1, and to 80% for KPI2.


Financial Outturn - January 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report provided an update on projected financial outturn and balance held on reserves for 2011/12 as at January 2012. The projected under-spend results mainly from a challenge to the floating support tendering process.


(2)   The Commissioning Body agreed to note the report.


Supporting People funding 2012-13 pdf icon PDF 104 KB


Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement


(1)   This report provided a summary overview of draft funding allocations and key financial performance indicators for the coming financial year. For 2012/13 the finance report will include two activity performance indicators to provide a more informed and quantitative analysis of the funds invested. Over the coming months this reporting framework will be further developed to form part of the standard monthly/quarterly reporting framework for Supporting People.


(2)   During the course of discussion it was noted that this reporting framework provided a mechanism for demonstrating value for money, particularly in the context of funding no longer being ring-fenced.


(3)   The Commissioning Body agreed to note the report.


Glossary pdf icon PDF 98 KB


For information


Risk register update pdf icon PDF 62 KB


For information


Any other business




Date of next meeting

23 July 2012, at 2pm in the Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.


23 July 2012, at 2pm in the Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.