Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Geoff Mills (01622) 694289
No. | Item |
Minutes of meeting of the Core Strategy Group held on 10 September 2012 PDF 57 KB Minutes:
Agreed to note the minutes of the Core Strategy Group meeting held on 10 September 2012 subject to the addition of Paul Whitfield to the list of attendees. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Commissioning Body held on 23 July 2012 PDF 69 KB Minutes: AGREED to approve the minutes of the meeting of 23 July 2012 as a correct record.
Presentation of Offender Case Studies (Oral) Minutes: (1) Melanie Anthony (Commissioning and Development Manager – Supporting People team) gave a presentation on offender management. She outlined: the background; the numbers of offenders involved; the role of supported accommodation; how “move-ons” were planned and counted; and concluded with a case study illustrating how partner organisations had come together to provide support.
(2) The Supporting People Commissioning Body thanked Melanie Anthony for the informative presentation. |
Update on outcome of Floating Support and Home Improvements & Handyman Services Tenders (Oral) Minutes: (1) Melanie Anthony (Commissioning and Development Manager- Supporting People team) gave an update on the outcome of the Floating Support and Home Improvements and Handyman Services Tender. She said 10 services were being tendered for. Twenty-five submissions had been received and they had been evaluated by internal and external assessors. She further said there had been minimum disruption in the handover to the new providers, it was intended to seek feedback from those who had bid for the contracts and from those who had helped with the evaluations and to reflect this feedback in any further tenders.
(2) AGREED to receive a paper summarising the process undertaken in commissioning the Home Improvement Agencies. |
Minutes: (1) Melanie Anthony (Commissioning and Development Manager – Supporting People) introduced the report by Angela Slaven (Director – Service Improvement Customer and Communities Directorate) on the outcome of a teenage parents’ accommodation based service in Maidstone.
(2) In response to a question Melanie Anthony undertook to send members of the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body detailed information about the tender and contract award.
(3) AGREED to note that the contract for the new teenage parents’ service identified in the Supporting People Strategy had been awarded to Golding Homes. |
3 - 5 Year Commissioning Plan PDF 59 KB Minutes: (1) Melanie Anthony (Commissioning and Development Manager – Supporting People) introduced the report which said that: the Commissioning Body had agreed the Supporting People Strategy 2010-15; the strategy now needed to be refreshed and the commissioning priorities reviewed to ensure their continuing strategic fit. This refresh would enable a commissioning plan to be drawn up, setting out the commissioning activity that will be undertaken over the next 5 years.
(2) AGREED to undertake a needs analysis in order that the Supporting People can be refreshed and to receive a report on its findings at a future meeting. |
Performance Management PDF 119 KB Minutes: (1) The report highlighted aspects of performance management within the Supporting People programme.
(2) The revised key performance indicator that relates to people maintaining or achieving independence had been achieved in Quarter 1 of 2012/13.
(3) The revised target for the indicator that relates to success move-on from short term services had been narrowly missed.
(4) The programme had funded 8,955 contracted household units relating to community alarms. It had contributed to over 2,215 handyperson/home improvement agency interventions and had also delivered housing related support services to over 9,990 vulnerable people within sheltered, supported and floating support services.
(5) AGREED to note the report. |
Supporting People Funding 2012-13 PDF 75 KB Minutes: (1) The report said that the core Kent County Council funding allocation for KCC Supporting People in 2012/13 is £25.7m which includes administration of £0.5m. Planned expenditure totals £25.7m and the report set out how this is currently allocated by service along with the Key Performance Indicators.
(2) AGREED to note: (a) the report and Appendix 1; (b) that KCC 2012/13 budget allocation is £25.7m of which planned expenditure is £25.7m; (c) the revised budget allocation for 2012/13; (d) the reserves balance of £2.1m as at 1 April 2012; (e) the £500k transfer from reserves no longer required. |
Review of Reserves 2011-12 PDF 82 KB Minutes: (1) Dave Garraway (Senior Accountant) introduced the report which set out the actual financial outturn and the balance held on reserves for 2011/12 as at 31 March 2012.
(2) AGREED to note:
(a) the report and appendix 1; (b) actual expenditure to March 2012 of £30.84m with a drawdown on reserves for 2011/12 of £1.044m; (c) balance on reserves at year end is £2.133m. |
Minutes: (1) The report updated risks relating to the Support People Programme.
(2) AGREED to note the report. |
Supporting People in Kent - Glossary of Terms PDF 97 KB Minutes: (1) The terms and acronyms used in Supporting People in Kent was set out in a glossary.
(2) AGREED to note the glossary. |
Any Other Business Minutes:
(a) That using case histories in the presentations at the meeting had been very helpful in illustrating the issues and making information clear.
(b) To receive a presentation at the next meeting with young people as its theme including information about the Troubled Families project and housing for young people illustrated with case histories where appropriate.
Meeting Dates 2013 Wednesday 23 January Wednesday 17 April Tuesday 23 July Thursday 10 October
All meetings to be held at Sessions House, County Hall Maidstone, commencing at 2.00pm Minutes: RESOLVED that the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body would meet at Sessions House, County Hall Maidstone at 2pm on the following dates: Wednesday 23 January 2013 Wednesday 17 April 2013 Tuesday 23 July 2013 and Thursday 10 October 2013. |