Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Ann Hunter (01622) 694703
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: APOLOGIES: noted
Draft Minutes of the last meeting of the Core Strategy Group - 6 December 2012 PDF 64 KB Minutes: (1) Agreed that the minutes of the Core Strategy Group held on 6 December 2012 be noted.
(2) Cllr Mrs Anderson said attendance at meetings of the Core Strategy Group appeared to have become low and she therefore urged greater attendance at future meetings if it was to continue in its role and purpose of supporting the work of the Commissioning Body.
(3) Noted
Minutes of the Last Meeting of the Commissioning Body PDF 68 KB Minutes: Subject to the addition of Cllr Mrs K Belcourt to the list of those present, the minutes of the meeting of the Commissioning Body held on 11 October 2012 be approved as a true record. |
Young People Services Presentation Minutes: (Mr R Cahill, Commissioning Officer, was present for this item)
(1) Mr Cahill’s presentation focused on the prime factors and circumstances which can lead to a young person becoming homeless. These included family breakdown, complex support needs, deprivation, crime and exclusion from school.
(2) Through use of a case history Mr Cahill highlighted the key actions and interventions used to support young people to both help them avoid homelessness or to find suitable safe accommodation should they become homeless. A copy of the presentation used by Mr Cahill has been circulated to members of the Commissioning Body.
(3) During the course of discussion members of the Commissioning Body asked a number of questions of detail to which Mr Cahill responded accordingly. At the conclusion of this item the Commissioning Body placed on record it’s thanks to Mr Cahill for his presentation. |
Overview and Outcome of the Re-tender Process for Home Improvement Agencies Services PDF 81 KB Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement)
(1) This report provided an overview of the re-tender process undertaken for the Home Improvement Agencies (HIA) services.
(2) During the course of discussion members of the Commissioning Body raised a number of questions, particularly in relation to the need to undertaking a needs assessment and the need for further clarity around what the agreed outputs would be in relation to the contracts. In response it was said the contractor would be setting out in writing what would be delivered within the terms of the contract and those activities that stood outside of the contract and also if there were any areas that might need more money. Once that information was to hand it would be circulated to the Commissioning Body.
(3) Discussion concluded on the basis that whilst there was not yet complete clarity around all of what would be delivered within the terms of the contract, it was important for this matter to move forward.
(4) Agreed that there would be an update to the meeting of the Commissioning Body in April 2013 and in the meantime members of the Supporting Team would hold discussions with colleagues in the Borough and District Council’s, both individually and in groups. |
Welfare Reform Overview PDF 77 KB Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement)
(Cllr Mrs Anderson made a declaration of interest on the grounds that she is the Chairman of the Tonbridge and Malling Citizens Advice Bureau)
(As paragraph 4 (1) of this report contained inaccurate grammar a corrected version was circulated at the meeting.)
(1) This report provided an overview of the forthcoming changes due to be implemented in the progressing of welfare reform.
(2) During the course of discussion several members of the Commissioning Body voiced concerns about the effect moving to a universal benefit could have on recipients.
(3) Agreed that a further report should be submitted to the meeting in April 2013 and that in the meantime the Core Strategy Group be asked to undertake some more detailed work on the effects of these changes on relevant client groups. |
Quarter 2 Performance Management Report PDF 85 KB Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement)
(1) This report highlighted the aspects of performance management within the Supporting People programme. Whilst the report presented a mixed picture for quarter 2, the results for quarter 3 were expected to show a good level of improvement due to a combination of better data collection and better results.
(2) Agreed thatthe report be noted. |
2012-13 Outturn, 2013-14 Budget PDF 68 KB Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement)
Following some discussion on points of detail the Commissioning Body agreed the forecast outturn figure of £25.6m and that the budget for 2013/14 would be reduced by £750k. |
Minutes: Agreed that this be noted. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body will take place at 2pm on Wednesday 17 April 2013 at Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.
Minutes: The next meeting of the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body will take place at 2pm on Wednesday 17 April 2013 at Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.
Exempt Item Minutes: Motion to Exclude the Press and Public – Agreed
The following is an unrestricted minute of a matter which the Commissioning Body agreed should be exempt under paragraph 3 of Part1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
Excellent Homes for All Housing PFI - Development Costs Proposal Minutes:
(Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement)
(Mr D Weiss and Mrs A Tidmarsh were present for this item)
1. This report put forward the case for the use of a portion of Supporting People funding to enable the continued procurement of 221 units of new housing for vulnerable people across five districts in Kent. The housing was for older people, people with mental health problems, and move-on accommodation. Nominations to the accommodation would be managed through the choice based lettings process. Initial nominations would come from the District in which the facility was based, but may also be made available to neighbouring Kent areas.
2. The requirement for additional funding had been created because the procurement of the project had been delayed by approximately two years largely due to a central government review. Without additional funding to cover the project development costs there was a risk that the procurement may have to be stopped which would result in the loss of £66.8 million funding for housing in Kent, a lack of provision for older and vulnerable people and the potential for legal challenge on the procurement.
3. The current development budget which had been jointly funded by six Authorities was £907,000. Up to an additional £400,000 was required to complete the procurement and that was the contribution which was being requested from the Supporting People budget.
4. It was said the project had potential benefits across all Districts in Kent. The Housing would be developed across five districts in Kent and provide new accommodation and services for very vulnerable people. Nominations would be managed through the choice based lettings process, and where a vacancy arose that was not required in the local community it would be offered to residents of neighbouring Kent authorities. Therefore over the 25 year life of the contract and 99 years of the leases for the land vulnerable people from all Districts in Kent would likely benefit from the housing.
5. A decision on the funding for EHFA was, the report said required quickly in order to ascertain the future of the project and re-assure central government that Kent local authorities were committed to the development of this new accommodation. Without an extension to the development costs the procurement may have to be stopped and there would be a resulting loss of investment and new accommodation in Kent, putting pressure on other sources of funding to replace the capacity which this project was providing.
6. During the course of discussion some members of the Commissioning Body asked questions as to how the present situation had been reached and why it was thought appropriate to support any shortfall from money within the Supporting People budget. Also there was concern that approving this expenditure could set an unwanted precedent.
7. It was also said that the delays could not have been foreseen and were not in any event down to the KCC Team who had been working hard to bring this project ... view the full minutes text for item 65. |