Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Ann Hunter (01622) 694703
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were noted |
Introductions Minutes: The Chairman invited new members and substitutes to introduce themselves to the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body held on 23 January 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Matters Arising from the Minutes Minutes: (1) Overview and Outcome of the Re-tender Process for Home Improvement Agencies Services (Minute 58(4))
It was confirmed that performance targets had been agreed with the new contractors, meetings were being held regularly and all relevant information had been sent to districts. It was also said that performance monitoring was now embedded and performance information would be produced monthly. The Supporting People Commissioning Body would be advised of the dates of the regular monthly meetings with the contractor and there would be an opportunity to have any issues of concern raised at those meetings.
(2) Welfare Reform – Minute 59(3)
In response to a question it was said that work with the Kent Housing Group to consider the impact of the introduction of universal benefit was continuing and a report would be brought to the meeting of the Supporting People Commissioning Body meeting on 10 October 2013. It was also confirmed that data from districts would provide all the data needed. |
Home Improvement Agency Tender - Verbal update Minutes: This was dealt with under matters arising as is recorded at 69 (1) above. |
Additional documents: Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director – Service Improvement)
(1) The report gave information about the commissioning of an independent needs analysis to inform and shape future service provision. It also said that key strategic partners would be involved in the analysis which would be completed by June 2013. The analysis would inform commissioning intentions for the next 3 to 5 years. A commissioning plan would be provided to the meeting of the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body to be held on 10 October 2013.
(2) Stakeholders from the districts and boroughs will be contacted by the consultants and it is important that all the information is gathered at a local and county level. A decision on the provider would be finalised on Friday, 19 April. The successful organisation would spend the following six weeks collecting and analysing the data and a report of the analysis would be presented to the Commissioning Body on 23 July 2013 showing some modelling of services for the future. (POST MEETING NOTE – this meeting was subsequently re-arranged to 29 July 2013)
(3) In response to a question it was confirmed that the list of local, regional and national priorities was intended to be illustrative rather than comprehensive and references to PCT and other NHS would be updated to reflect recent changes.
(4) Agreed to: (a) Support and engage with the evidence gathering for the needs analysis; (b) Receive a report detailing the findings of the analysis at its July meeting. |
Floating Support in Lieu of Planned Accommodation Based Services PDF 71 KB Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director- Service Improvement)
(1) A revised report was tabled at the meeting.
(2) The report set out the arrangements for the revenue funding of accommodation based services that were proposed in the 2010-15 strategy. Work has continued to develop these services and in the meantime additional temporary floating support services had been commissioned. As the accommodation based services had developed, these temporary floating support services had been decommissioned and competitive tendering processes run for the accommodation schemes.
(3) During the discussion it was stated that Ashford Borough Council was likely to re-consider the planning application for a supported housing scheme for young people which had previously been refused and the supported housing service for young people in Dover had been partly delivered.
(4) During the discussion it was confirmed that the needs analysis would be used to confirm any previously identified need as well as identifying any new or hidden needs.
(5) In response to questions it was confirmed that floating support would remain in place and decisions relating to floating support in lieu would not influence decisions relating to accommodation based services.
(6) Mr Hill proposed that an interim report on the development of services be considered at the next meeting of the Supporting People Commissioning Body in July 2013. This was seconded by Mr Littlemore and agreed unanimously.
(7) Agreed:
(a) To receive a report in October that will set out a new commissioning plan that will offer more flexible models of delivery; (b) To receive an interim report giving an update on progress at the meeting of the Commissioning Body in July. |
Performance Management PDF 81 KB Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director – Service Improvement)
(1) The report was tabled at the meeting.
(2) The report highlighted the aspects of performance management within the Supporting People programme. The target for achieving and maintaining independence had been met in quarter 3. The target for the indicator relating to short term accommodation had been missed. A total of 8,955 community alarm units had been commissioned during the quarter. Housing related support services had been delivered to over 9,300 vulnerable people within sheltered, supported and floating support services.
(3) A question was raised about information which had been obtained by the local media from a Kent County Council website saying that 25% of all homeless people in Kent were in the Ashford Borough which did not correspond with the data on homelessness held by Ashford Borough Council. It was agreed to investigate and discuss further outside the meeting.
(4) Agreed to support and encourage referrals to floating support. |
2012-13 Outturn & Updated Cash Limits PDF 40 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (Report by Angela Slaven, Director of Service Improvement)
(1) The report provided a summary of the forecast outturn for the 2012-13 financial year. It also detailed the reduction in cash limit for the service.
(2) In response to a question relating to £106k underspend shown in the finance report considered at the meeting on 23 January 2013, Mr Garraway undertook to provide an answer to Mrs Hibbs in writing.
(3) There was a discussion about the forecast underspend of £415.3k and had it been known about in January 2013 if it could have been used instead of drawing down reserves to support the Excellent Homes for All PFI project. In response to questions assurances were given that financial reports were as accurate and as correct as possible when they were presented to the Commissioning Body and on advice from senior finance officers this underspend could not have been added to reserves.
(4) Mr Hill said that officers had acted on the advice given and he undertook to raise the issue with senior finance officers and report back to the next meeting of the Supporting People Commissioning Body.
(5) Agreed to note: (a) The forecast outturn for the unit is £25,189k; (b) The budget for the year has been reduced by £143.1k. |
Any other business Minutes: (1) Changes to Housing Allocations Policy
In response to a question about the impact of changes to the definition of a “local connection” it was reported that Kent County Council was engaging with districts and boroughs on consultations regarding changes and particular issues could be discussed outside the meeting. |
Date of next meeting The next meeting of the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body will take place at 2pm on Tuesday 23 July 2013 at Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.
Minutes: The next meeting of the Supporting People in Kent Commissioning Body will take place at 2pm on Tuesday 23 July 2013 at Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.
POST MEETING NOTE – This meeting was subsequently re-arranged to 29 July 2013 at 2pm. |
Glossary Minutes: Agreed that this be noted. |