Agenda and minutes

Supporting People In Kent Commissioning Body - Tuesday, 22nd July, 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Ann Hunter  (01622) 694703

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs C Clark, Mr P Dosad, Cllr Mrs M Dwyer, Ms S Kaur, Mr A Hammond, Cllr A Hicks, Cllr J Howes, Cllr Mrs C Howes and Cllr Mrs L Weatherly.


Declarations of Interest

Members of the Commissioning Body are requested to declare any interests at the start of the meeting.  Members are reminded to specify the agenda item number to which the interest refers and the nature of the interest being declared.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the last meeting of the Commissioning Body held on 2 April 2014 pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To consider and approve the minutes as a correct record.


Agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Minutes of the Core Strategy Group held on 9 June 2014 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To note the minutes of the Core Strategy Group.


Agreed that the minutes of the Core Strategy Group meeting held on 9 June 2014 be noted.


Supporting People Review - Presentation


(1)       Mark Lobban (Director of Commissioning) gave a presentation about the proposed review of Supporting People.  He set out the key messages of the Council’s transformation plan “Facing the Challenge”, changes in directorate and cabinet portfolio responsibilities, a new perspective for housing-related support, the key issues and the next steps in the provision of integrated services. 


(2)       In response to questions he said part of the purpose of conducting a review was to map Supporting People priorities against the wider transformation programme and to provide assurance that preventative services were integrated with other services to maximise outcomes.  Mr Lobban said the review was not suggesting ceasing funding for services to any particular client group. He also said discussions about housing related supported needed to include representatives from a range of partner organisations including districts and boroughs and the NHS.


(3)       The particular needs of ex-offenders, gypsies and travellers and those with mental health issues were highlighted.  The importance of monitoring progress and measuring success against objectives and the transformation agenda was raised and Mr Lobban said that all expenditure needed to have a demonstrable outcome.  The findings of the review will be presented to the next meeting of the commissioning body on 7 October 2014.


(4)       Agreed that the presentation be noted.


Transforming Rehabilitation - Presentation by Mr H Cohn pdf icon PDF 263 KB

To receive a presentation from Mr H Cohn about changes in the Probation Service.  


(1)       Howard Cohn, Commissioning Manager, Kent, Surrey and Sussex CRC gave a presentation about reforms to the probation and rehabilitation service.  His presentation included information about the reasons for reform, the timelines and process for implementation, the establishment of the new national probation service and community rehabilitation companies and their roles.


(2)       In response to questions, he confirmed that community orders and the community payback scheme would continue.  He also said the CRC would provide “through the gate services” and assess needs of offenders including accommodation needs prior to release however peer advisers would continue to provide advice and support relating to accommodation.


(3)       Agreed that the report be noted.


Offender Service Commissioning pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To receive a report setting out the intentions for commissioning an Integrated Offender Service in Kent, with a preliminary timeline for the commissioning process


(1)       Melanie Anthony introduced the report which set out the intentions for commissioning an Integrated Offender Service in Kent, with a preliminary timeline for the commissioning process.


(2)       In response to comments Ms Anthony said the intention was to empower providers to work with local landlords with assistance and support from the districts to enable rough sleepers to step down to shared housing and it was recognised that the private rented sector would not be able to meet all needs.


(3)       Resolved that the report be noted.


Proposals for Underspend Pilots pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To receive a report summarising the work of the Core Strategy Group in identifying proposals and making recommendations for using the Supporting People budget reserves.

Additional documents:


(1)       Melanie Anthony introduced the report which summarised the work of the Core Strategy Group in identifying proposals for using the Supporting People budget reserves.


(2)       She confirmed that it would be possible to implement the proposals quickly as the existing contracts could be varied.


(3)       Resolved that:


(a)       Available funding be utilised to continue the ‘Hostels Plus’ model introduced in 2013/14 to provide additional short term bed spaces for rough sleepers all year round;


(b)       Funding be extended to the rough sleepers outreach service to facilitate support to greater numbers and at a greater intensity of support using the existing evidence base;


(c)        A focus be placed upon year-round provision, rather than season limited services;


(d)       Commissioned Services facilitate a discussion between the Generic Floating Support Service Provider and Swale Borough Council to further explore the SBC proposal from existing contract capacity;


(e)       Commissioned Services and Sevenoaks District Council explore more effective use of existing rent deposit monies within the Sevenoaks area.


2013-14 Outturn, 2014-15 budget & 2014-15 forecast pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To receive a report providing a forecast of the 2014-15 financial year.


(1)       Di Wright (Head of Commissioned Services) introduced the report which provided the out turn figures for the 2013-14 financial year, confirmation of the 2014-15 budget and the current forecast for the 2014-15 financial year.


(2)       Resolved


(a)          That the actual outturn of £23,503.7k against the cash limit of £24,856.5k be noted;


(b)          That an underspend of £1,352.8k be noted;


(c)          The 2014/15 budget of £22,546k, which is a planned reduction of £2,310.5k, with a current underspend of £704.2k forecast be noted.


Performance Management pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To receive and note a report on aspects of performance management within the Supporting People Services


(1)       Melanie Anthony introduced the report which highlighted aspects of performance management within the Supporting People services.  Overall targets for the key performance indicators had been exceeded again in Quarter 4 of 2013/14.  Housing related support services had been delivered to 9,767 vulnerable people within sheltered, supported and floating support services.


(2)       Resolved that the report be noted.


Agenda Items for Future Meetings


No items for future agendas were identified.


Date of Next Meeting - 2pm on Tuesday 7 October 2014