Venue: Swale 2, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Ann Hunter (01622) 694703
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: (1) Apologies for absence were received from Ms S Binning (Kent Surrey, and Sussex CRC), Cllr S Chandler (Dover DC), Mrs A Christou (Swale BC), Mrs S Smith (Sevenoaks), Mrs A Stacey and Mrs T Wenham (Thanet DC). Mrs L Walters represented the Kent, Surrey and Sussex CRC and Mr M Lewis represented Thanet DC.
(2) The Chairman paid tribute to Cllr Mrs Belcourt who had represented Shepway District Council on the Commissioning Body for many years and welcomed Cllr Alan Ewart-James to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Election of Vice-Chairman Minutes: Proposed by Mr Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs Clark and agreed that Cllr Mrs Anderson be elected as vice-chairman. |
Minutes of meeting held on 7 October 2014 PDF 34 KB Minutes: Agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2014 be approved as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman. |
Provision of Support to Socially Excluded Groups and Future Governance Arrangements PDF 35 KB Minutes: (1) Melanie Anthony (Commissioning and Development Manager) introduced the report that outlined the county council’s views on the on-going commitment to assist groups of vulnerable people such as victims of domestic abuse, rough sleepers and offenders. It also asked the Commissioning Body to discuss alternative arrangements that would support the ambition that services for this socially excluded cohort be better integrated and more clearly aligned with the preventative agenda.
(2) Melanie Anthony referred, in particular, to the Kent County Council’s ongoing commitment to socially excluded groups and the views of the Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee at its meeting on 4 December. The Core Strategy Group had discussed a range of options for future oversight and work was underway to develop a workable set of options from which a decision about governance could be made.
(3) During the discussion about future governance arrangements concerns were raised about: · The capacity of local health and wellbeing boards to consider housing related issues in sufficient detail; · The risk that services to socially excluded groups might vary across the county; · The continuing role of the elected member in the commissioning of services and the monitoring of delivery and expenditure; · The opportunity for members to understand what was happening in their areas; and · The involvement of providers.
(4) In response to questions it was confirmed that the intention was to work smarter and to make best use of existing groups.
(5) Mr Smith read an email from Cllr Chandler which expressed her view that the local health and wellbeing boards would be the most appropriate forum for the oversight and governance of support in the future as well as acknowledging the role of the Joint Policy and Planning Board for Housing (JPPB).
(6) Agreed that: (a) The decision of the Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee to continue to support preventative services for socially excluded groups be noted: (b) Alternative governance arrangements that would support the ambition that services across the socially excluded cohort be better integrated with the preventative agenda be reported to the next meeting of the Commissioning Body with a recommendation on the way forward. |
Performance Management PDF 89 KB Minutes: (1) Melanie Anthony (Commissioning and Development Manager) introduced the report which highlighted aspects of performance management within Supported People Services. She drew the Commissioning Body’s attention to the performance against KPI1 (Achieving or maintaining independence) which had exceeded the target and KPI2 (Percentage of planned move-ons from short term services) which had fallen short of target by 0.3% in Quarter 2.
(2) Agreed that the report be noted. |
2014-15 Budget Forecast and Reserves PDF 36 KB Minutes: (1) Michelle Goldsmith (Finance Business Partner – Social Care, Health and Wellbeing) introduced the report which provided the forecast for the 2014 – 2015 financial year and an update on the reserves position.
(2) In response to a question about reserves, Mark Lobban (Director of Commissioning) said that the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health had asked for a paper on proposals to use the money for the purpose intended.
(3) Agreed that: (a) The 2014/15 budget of £22,546K, which has a current underspend of £707K forecast, be noted; (b) The reserves balance of £1,943.5K, with £240K committed be noted. |