Venue: The Guildhall, Westgate, Canterbury
Contact: Committee Administrator Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies received from Councillor Carter, KCC and Councillor King, KCC. Minutes: Apologies received from Councillors Carter (Kent), King (Kent) and Wise (Thanet).
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST TO RECEIVE declaration of interests Minutes: No declarations of interests were received |
SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS The Chairman to report any notifications received prior to this meeting regarding the attendance of substitutes for the named Members of this Committee. Minutes: Councillor Jean Law was authorised by the Leader of Kent County Council to represent Kent County Council and its cabinet at the meeting.
TO CONFIRM as a true record the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 19 May 2010. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2010 were agreed as a correct record.
EAST KENT SHARED SERVICES - DELEGATION OF FUNCTIONS TO THE DIRECTOR OF SHARED SERVICES To RESOLVE – the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (Canterbury) Minutes: The Head of Legal and Democratic Services (Canterbury) informed the committee that the report set out the schedule of powers to be delegated to the Director of Shared Services of EK Services, so that with effect from 1 February 2011, the new shared service between Canterbury, Dover and Thanet could operate. He explained that each council had passed a resolution to transfer the delegations to EKJAC, in order that they in turn could transfer them to the Director of Shared Services.
Members also had before them the original delegation of functions agreed by the committee in May 2010, to enable the Shared Services arrangement to be established.
1. That, following the decisions of Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council and Thanet District Council to delegate the powers and functions as follows pursuant to the powers contained in, or having effect under the Local Government Acts of 1972 and 2000 and that with effect from 1 February 2010, the executive powers and functions of the Councils set out in the Schedule 1 to this report be discharged by the Director of Shared Services employed by Thanet District Council.
2. That the powers and functions hereby delegated to the Director of Shared Services be incorporated into the existing scheme of delegation of functions to officers approved by the Committee on 19 May 2010.
A Member said they welcomed the close working relationship between the East Kent districts and the County council and hoped it would continue in the future.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.10am.