Venue: Leysdown Village Hall, Wing Road, Leysdown, Isle of Sheppey, Kent, ME12 4QR
Contact: Bill Ronan 01622 696889 or 07786 191694
No. | Item |
Minutes of Sheppey Local Engagement Forum 27 January 2009 Minutes: MINUTES of the Meeting held Leysdown Village Hall, Wing Road, Leysdown, Isle of Sheppey on Tuesday 27th January 2009 from 7:00 pm to 9:15 pm.
PRESENT: Councillor John Morris (Chairman), Councillors Andy Booth, Mick Constable, Mark Ellen, David Garside, Paul Hayes, Lesley Ingham, Kenneth Pugh, Pat Sandle and Worrall. KALC Representatives: Mr Pye (Queenborough Town Council) and Ken Ingleton (Minster Parish Council). Kent County Councillors: Adrian Crowther and Harrison (Vice Chairman).
OFFICERS PRESENT: Mike Fisher, Ross Gill, Heather Knowler (Capital Projects Development Manager - KCC), Kellie Mackenzie, Louise Matthews, Ketra Najjingo, Bob Pullen, Bill Ronan, Kelly Walker, Jean Wood, Carol Valentine (Kent Highways Services (KHS) and Laurence Young.
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Inspector Applegate (Kent Police), Kent County Councillor Bowles, Councillor Ben Stokes, Mick Durkan (Station Commander - Sheppey Fire Station), Chief Inspector Tony Henley, Sergeant Neil Kimber (Kent Police), Anthony Fox (Fire Station, Sheerness), Brian Horton (Swale Housing Association) and John Mills (Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)).
APOLOGIES: Councillors David Sargent and Swale Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS).
(1) That Ms Harrison (Kent County Councillor) be elected Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the Municipal Year.
The Minutes of the Sheppey Area Forum Meeting held on 21st October 2008 (Minute Nos. 388 – 397) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the following amendments: that an update from Age Concern be included on the agenda at the next Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meeting in Queenborough, not at the next meeting of the Sheppey Area Forum and that the Executive Member for Regeneration had stated there were various contributing factors as to why a large number of people were selling their chalets.
Councillor Worrall requested that SBC Officers ensure the footbridge in Cromwell Road is regularly inspected as it was still unsafe.
Head of Environment and Amenities
Councillor Paul Hayes reported that the last Halfway PACT meeting had been well attended by SBC Officers.
Councillor Hayes further reported that he had been informed on the procedure for creating a Parish Council in Halfway. He had passed the information on to local residents.
No interests were declared.
Mr William Tatton, resident of Warden referred to the KALC meeting held on 1st December 2008 where the creation of the Local Engagement Forums (LEFs) had been discussed. He stated that it had been agreed that all Parish Councils would be asked to put forward nominees to sit on the LEFs. Several Parish Councils on the eastern end of the Isle of Sheppey had received no such notification. He also wanted to know who had given authority for only two nominees to be allowed from the KALC.
Mr John Mills, (KALC) reported that they had been asked to provide two representatives to sit on each of the Swale LEFs. The two representatives chosen for the Sheppey LEF regularly ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |
ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN To elect a Vice-Chairman for the next Municipal Year.
MINUTES To approve the Minutes of the Sheppey Area Forum Meeting held on 21st October 2008 (Minute Nos. 388 - 397) as a correct record, subject to the amendment to Minute No. 390/10/08, that an update from Age concern be included on the agenda at the next PACT meeting in Queenborough not at the next meeting of the Sheppey Area Forum.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting.
Members are reminded that even if an interest has been declared in the Members Interests Register, it should still be disclosed at the start of each meeting. Members are encouraged to seek advice in advance of the meeting if in any doubt.
PUBLIC SESSION During public session, members of the public living in the Borough of Swale may make a statement, submit a petition, or ask the Chairman any question on any matters falling within the remit of the LEF.
Questions or statements shall be read at the meeting and shall not last more than three minutes. An answer from the Chairman may take the form of a direct oral answer or be in writing. Questions submitted to the Democratic Services section in writing (including email) at least three working days before the meeting will be taken first.
UPDATE ON PARTNERSHIPS AND COMMUNITIES TOGETHER (PACT) MEETINGS To receive an update from Bill Ronan (KCC Community Liaison Officer) on PACT meetings held on the Isle of Sheppey.
UPDATE - KENT HIGHWAY SERVICES (KHS) To receive an update from Kent Highway Services for the Isle of Sheppey.
EDUCATION ON THE ISLE OF SHEPPEY To receive an overview of education on the Isle of Sheppey. A representative from children Families and Education will be in attendance to talk about the planned school at the east of the Isle of Sheppey.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS To consider future items for discussion and appropriate officers to invite. |
MARINE TOWN ALLEYGATE SCHEME To receive an update on the Marine Town Alleygate Scheme, in particular the £12,000 granted in 2002 by the Sheppey Area Committee Budget Working Group for potential alleygate schemes on Sheppey.
DATES, TIMES AND VENUES FOR FUTURE MEETINGS To agree venues and the following dates and times:
Tuesday 23rd June 2009, 7pm (to replace the meeting on Tuesday 26th May 2009).
Tuesday 20th October 2009, 7pm.
Tuesday 26th January 2010, 7pm.
Tuesday 25th May 2010, 7pm.
To consider Sheppey College as a future venue.
Copies of this document are available on the Council website If you would like hard copies or alternative versions (i.e. large print, audio, different language) we will do our best to accommodate your request please contact Swale Borough Council at Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HT or telephone the Customer Service Centre 01795 417850