Venue: Sheppey Leisure Complex, The Broadway, Sheerness, Kent
Contact: Bill Ronan 01622 696889 or 07786 191694
No. | Item |
To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2009, as a correct record. Subject to that Mr Tatton spoke as Chairman of Warden Parish Council and Mr Pussord spoke as Chairman of Leysdown Parish Council. Minutes: SHEPPEY LOCAL ENGAGEMENT FORUM
MINUTES of the Meeting held in the De Lacey Hall, Broadway, Sheerness on Tuesday 28th April 2009 from 7:00 pm to 9:32 pm.
PRESENT: Councillor John Morris (Chairman), Councillors Mick Constable, Mark Ellen, David Garside, Paul Hayes, Lesley Ingham, Kenneth Pugh, Pat Sandle, David Sargent, Paul Sturdgess and Worrall. Kent Association of Local Councils Representative: Mr Pye (Queenborough Town Council). Kent County Councillors: Mr Adrian Crowther and Ms Harrison (Vice-Chairman).
OFFICERS PRESENT: Philippa Davies, Ketra Najjingo, Bob Pullen, Mark Radford, Kelly Walker and Jean Wood (all Swale Borough Council (SBC)) and Bill Ronan (Kent County Council (KCC)).
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Inspector Tony Henley and Inspector Applegate (Kent Police), Eileen Martin and Elizabeth Smith (AmicusHorizon) and David Miekle (Eastern and Coastal Kent Primary Care Trust (PCT)). Messrs Kemp, Lewis and Moore (local residents).
APOLOGIES: Councillor Andy Booth.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th January 2009 (Minute Nos. 609 - 619) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the amendment that Mr Tatton spoke as Chairman of Warden Parish Council and Mr Purssord spoke as Chairman of Leysdown Parish Council.
In response to a question, the Chairman confirmed that, with regard to the replacement of the 'Welcome to the Isle of Sheppey' sign, discussions were ongoing.
Councillor Worrall raised concern with the lack of progress to repairs to the road surface in Millennium Way. He welcomed the update on pressure jet washing at the last meeting and requested that The Broadway, Sheerness also be jet washed. The Chairman agreed to look into this.
Chairman |
Declarations Members who have and interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting. Members are reminded that even if the interest has been declared in the Members Interest Register, it should still be disclosed at the start of the meeting. Members are encouraged to seek advice in advance of the meeting if in any doubt. Minutes: 872 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST
No interests were declared.
Apologies for absence Minutes: APOLOGIES: Councillor Andy Booth.
Public Engagement Session During the public session, members of the public may make a statement, submit a petition, or ask the Chairman any question on any matters falling within the remit of the Local Engagement Forum. Questions or statements shall be read at the meeting and shall not last more than three minutes. An answer from the Chairman may take the form of a direct oral answer or be in writing. Questions submitted to the Democratic Services section in writing / email at least three working days before the meeting will be taken first. Minutes: 873 PUBLIC SESSION
Mr Kemp, a local resident, reported that a street lamp had gone missing following highway works that had been carried out on the street where he lived and requested to know what had happened to it.
The Chairman advised that a response would be sent to him.
Democratic Services Officer
Mr Moore, a local resident, asked who had given authority for the public toilets at Beach Approach to close. He questioned why no notices had been put up and reported that there had been no prior notification.
The Chairman advised that a response would be sent to him.
The Chairman brought the Forum's attention to the questions and responses attached the agenda. The response to Question one was considered later in the meeting under the Update from Partners.
Question 2 Councillor Worrall was not satisfied with the response from KHS. Bill Ronan (KCC Community Liaison Manager) advised that he would take the question back to KCC.
Community Liaison Manager
Question 3 and 4
Bill Ronan advised that there had been lack of space in the Kent publication for an article regarding 100 years of aviation on the Isle of Sheppey to be included. He explained that KCC supported the centenary.
The Chairman advised that there would be a fly pass, from Sheerness to Southend, on Friday 1st May 2009 as part of the centenary celebrations.
Councillor Adrian Crowther (KCC) raised concern with the amount of shops in the High Street that had been forced to close as the reduction in business rates had been withdrawn.
Councillor Harrison (KCC) advised that shop owners had been made aware that the discretionary rate for businesses had come to an end. The Chairman advised that the Budget Task Force would look at this issue next year.
Councillor Sandle reminded Members that she had requested that the works to the junction of the B2231 and Scocles Road and the junction of Rowetts Way with the B2231 be programmed into the PIPKIN bids for 2010/2011 (Minute No. 614/01/09 refers, Sheppey Local Engagement Forum). She explained that there were a lot of potholes in the area and also raised concern that Kent Highway Services (KHS) did not engage with the local community. Councillor Sandle had hoped that a meeting was going to be arranged between the Four Parishes and KHS to carry this forward, but nothing had been arranged. She raised concern that the issue would be delayed until the next meeting of the Swale Joint Transportation Board.
The Chairman advised that a letter would be written to the Chairman of the Swale Joint Transportation Board and the Community Delivery Manager to request a meeting with the Four Parishes.
Councillor Worrall asked, with regard to funding available from the Local Engagement Forums (LEF), who was responsible for paying the money out and what was the criteria for local communities to bid for the funds.
The Policy and Performance Officer responded to Councillor Worrall. He advised that £100,000 had been allotted each year to ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Reports for the Sheppey Local Engagement Forum to decide. Minutes: 874 OVERVIEW OF HEALTH ON THE ISLE OF SHEPPEY
The Chairman welcomed David Miekle (Director of Financing and Commissioning, Eastern and Coastal Kent Primary Care Trust (PCT)) to the meeting.
Mr Miekle gave a presentation on the achievements of the PCT in improving access to health facilities for the people on the Isle of Sheppey and their aspirations for the future. He advised that the PCT had worked hard to identify the key priorities for 712,000 people throughout a diverse area which included rural, coastal, deprived and wealthy. He explained that there were disparities in the average life expectancy with a 17 year difference in the age that people were expected to live.
Mr Miekle outlined the key priorities of the PCT, as listed below: Break the cycle of inequalities in health - transforming the relationship between the community and the health service. Revolutionise services for older people - investing in more services in the community to improve their quality of life and allow older people to be at home rather than in hospital. Appropriate funding needed for the main killers - including heart disease and cancer - trying to encourage people to consult their doctor earlier when they had a problem as this could mean an increased chance of survival. Improve mental well-being - services at a local level, treatment to include counselling, rather than drug treatment. Transform the life chances of disadvantaged children - need to work on a local level to get a better service, especially with regard to reducing the amount of teenage pregnancies. He suggested that a targeted plan was needed to improve self esteem and encourage better engagement with young people.
Mr Miekle outlined other areas where there were improvements to service. These included maternity, elective care, reducing waiting times, end of life care and dental care. In meeting local needs, Mr Miekle advised there were eight additional beds at Sheppey Community Hospital, local clinics had increased the range of care that they could provide, community nursing staff provided an integrated service, there was an increase in specialist nurses, a fully operational minor injuries unit, improvement to mental health services and an expanded chronic pain service.
Mr Miekle advised that access to GPs had improved and reported that an Equitable Access Centre had opened on 23rd March 2009 and was open from 8 am until 8pm. There were now five additional GPs and seven extra nurses on the island. A mobile unit helped to bring medical care to the more remote areas.
Mr Miekle explained that future plans included improving access to wider services, increasing the number of GPs, establishing investment plans. He advised that there would be a mobile CT scanner on the island and increased access to clinics in the area to increase the range of services, with easier access.
Mr Miekle answered questions from the Forum: Communication with young people Working in partnership was important. The Childrens' Trust was trying to increase communications with schools. A project called 'The House ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
Overview of Health on the Isle of Sheppey To receive a presentation from Eastern and Coastal Primary Care Trust outlining their achievements to-date in improving access to health facilities for the people of the Isle of Sheppey, and the PCT’s aspirations for the future. To include those services which residents have traditionally has to travel to Medway Hospital for. Minutes: 874 OVERVIEW OF HEALTH ON THE ISLE OF SHEPPEY
The Chairman welcomed David Miekle (Director of Financing and Commissioning, Eastern and Coastal Kent Primary Care Trust (PCT)) to the meeting.
Mr Miekle gave a presentation on the achievements of the PCT in improving access to health facilities for the people on the Isle of Sheppey and their aspirations for the future. He advised that the PCT had worked hard to identify the key priorities for 712,000 people throughout a diverse area which included rural, coastal, deprived and wealthy. He explained that there were disparities in the average life expectancy with a 17 year difference in the age that people were expected to live.
Mr Miekle outlined the key priorities of the PCT, as listed below: Break the cycle of inequalities in health - transforming the relationship between the community and the health service. Revolutionise services for older people - investing in more services in the community to improve their quality of life and allow older people to be at home rather than in hospital. Appropriate funding needed for the main killers - including heart disease and cancer - trying to encourage people to consult their doctor earlier when they had a problem as this could mean an increased chance of survival. Improve mental well-being - services at a local level, treatment to include counselling, rather than drug treatment. Transform the life chances of disadvantaged children - need to work on a local level to get a better service, especially with regard to reducing the amount of teenage pregnancies. He suggested that a targeted plan was needed to improve self esteem and encourage better engagement with young people.
Mr Miekle outlined other areas where there were improvements to service. These included maternity, elective care, reducing waiting times, end of life care and dental care. In meeting local needs, Mr Miekle advised there were eight additional beds at Sheppey Community Hospital, local clinics had increased the range of care that they could provide, community nursing staff provided an integrated service, there was an increase in specialist nurses, a fully operational minor injuries unit, improvement to mental health services and an expanded chronic pain service.
Mr Miekle advised that access to GPs had improved and reported that an Equitable Access Centre had opened on 23rd March 2009 and was open from 8 am until 8pm. There were now five additional GPs and seven extra nurses on the island. A mobile unit helped to bring medical care to the more remote areas.
Mr Miekle explained that future plans included improving access to wider services, increasing the number of GPs, establishing investment plans. He advised that there would be a mobile CT scanner on the island and increased access to clinics in the area to increase the range of services, with easier access.
Mr Miekle answered questions from the Forum: Communication with young people Working in partnership was important. The Childrens' Trust was trying to increase communications with schools. A project called 'The House ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Update for Local Strategic Partnership Partners To receive a brief update on Partners and Communities Together (PaCT) priorities from Inspector Dave Applegate (Kent Police). Minutes: 875 UPDATE FROM PARTNERS
Discussion ensued on the question from Councillor Worrall regarding response times to reported incidents to the Police and the response by Inspector Applegate. The Inspector advised that the information Councillor Worrall had requested was not readily available and the time taken to respond to all Councillor Worrall's questions was not viable, nor a good use of Police time. The Chairman advised that he would pass on an email received from Inspector Applegate to Councillor Worrall.
Inspector Applegate explained that crime figures were on the Police website. In response to a statement that not everyone had a computer, Chief Inspector Henley suggested that others could access the information on behalf of those who wanted it.
Inspector Applegate gave an update on PACT priorities for each area of the Isle of Sheppey.
He advised that criminal damage, theft and violent crime had decreased on the island. There had been increases in cases of burglary, fraud and forgery, sex offences, theft of bicycles and vehicle interference.
Inspector Applegate informed the Forum that crime levels generally increased in the summer months, including anti-social behaviour and minor crimes. He explained that there was still much to do and that he relied on the support of local people in the aim of reducing crime.
In response to a question, Inspector Applegate endeavoured to keep PCSOs in one area, but when other incidences occurred, sometimes they needed to be relocated.
The Community Cohesion Worker explained, with regard to the poor attendance at PACT meetings, that there would be PACT surgeries on 21st and 22nd May 2009 held at venues in Sheerness East and West.
Future Meetings of the Sheppey Local Engagement Forum To agree arrangements for future meetings: Tuesday 21st July 2009 – 7pm Tuesday 20th October 2009 – 7pm Tuesday 26th January 2010 – 7pm Tuesday 25th May 2010 - pm Minutes: 876 FUTURE MEETINGS
The venue for the next meeting on 21st July 2009 was to be arranged.
Democratic Services Officer