Agenda and minutes

Faversham Local Engagement Forum - Tuesday, 10th February, 2009 6.00 pm

Contact: Bill Ronan  01622 696889 or 07786 191694

No. Item


Minutes of the Faversham Local Engagement Forum 10 Feb 2009





MINUTES of the Meeting held at The Abbey School, London Road, Faversham on Tuesday 10th February 2009 from 7:00 pm to 9:12 pm.




PRESENT: Councillor Anita Walker (Chairman), Councillors Mark Baldock, Barnicott, Bobbin, Mike Cosgrove, Cindy Davis, Trevor Fentiman, Bryan Mulhern, Prescott and David Simmons. Kent Association of Local Councils Representative: Councillor Duncan (Selling Parish Council). Kent County Councillors: Bowles and Tom Gates (Vice-Chairman).




OFFICERS PRESENT: Philippa Davies, Louise Matthews, Mark Radford, Bill Ronan and Jean Wood.




ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Inspector Tony Henley, Cabinet Member for Health (KCC) Alan Marsh, Dennis McCaughan (Faversham Fire Station), David Meikle (Director of Finance and Interim Director of Commissions, Swale Eastern and Coastal PCT), John Mills (Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)) and Inspector Kevin Swinney.











(1) That Mr Gates (Kent County Councillor) be elected Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the Municipal Year.



655    MINUTES


The Minutes of the Faversham and Swale East Area Forum Meeting held on 7th October 2008 (Minute Nos. 350 - 355) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the amendment of Minute No. 354 (Public Session) page 264, final paragraph. The minute to be amended to read 'increased fly posting' not 'increased fly tipping'.





Councillor Mark Baldock declared a personal interest in item 8 on the agenda (The Alexander Centre) as he was a trustee of the Faversham Community Café.





The Head of Policy explained that the newly formed Local Engagement Forum was a pilot scheme which brought together Swale Borough Council's (SBC) Area Fora and Kent County Council's (KCC) Local Boards. The scheme would be reviewed in December 2009.





The Chairman read a response to a letter received from Mr Oswald-Jones regarding the junction at Salters Lane/Canterbury Road, Faversham. Mr Oswald-Jones had raised concern with the dangerous access turning right into Salters Lane due to cars parked on the corner which forced westbound A2 traffic to use the right-turn slip road as a contra-flow lane.


The response from the Head of Environment and Amenities was as follows:


The issues raised in the letter have been discussed with Kent Highways and while we are aware that vehicle collisions have occurred at this location there is no record of personal injury crashes for the last 3 year period up to 30/9/08. It would not seem appropriate to restrict parking to the complete frontage of the cottages in Canterbury Road as there appears to be no alternative parking for these residents and parked cars act as a pinch point and in effect slow down vehicles in an area that is now covered by a 30mph speed restriction. However, corner protection at the junction of Salters Lane in the form of double yellow lines on the radius of the junction should be considered to try and keep the junction clear and this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Election of Vice-Chairman


Apologies for absence



To approve the Minutes of the Faversham Area Forum Meeting held on 7th October 2008 (Minute Nos. 350 – 355) as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting.

Members are reminded that even if an interest has been declared in the Members Interests Register, it should still be disclosed at the start of each meeting.  Members are encouraged to seek advice in advance of the meeting if in any doubt.


Local Engagement Forum

To receive information on the newly formed Local Engagement Forum which replaces the Faversham and Swale East Area Forum


Public Session

During public session, members of the public living in the Borough of Swale may make a statement, submit a petition, or ask the Chairman any question on any matters falling within the remit of the Local Engagement Forum.


Questions or statements shall be read at the meeting and shall not last more than three minutes.  An answer from the Chairman may take the form of a direct oral answer or be in writing.  Questions submitted to the Democratic Services section in writing (including email) at least three working days before the meeting will be taken first.


Faversham Cottage Hospital

To receive information on the future of Faversham Cottage Hospital.


David Meikle from the Kent Coastal Primary Care Trust will be attending the meeting.


The Alexander Centre

To receive information on the Alexander Centre’s future.


Police in Swale

To receive information on Policing and Community Safety matters in Faversham.


Dates, Times and Venues for Future Meetings

To agree a venue and the following dates and times for the next Faversham Local Engagement Forum meetings:

21st April 2009, at 7pm

16th June 2009, at 7pm

6th October 2009, at 7pm

9th February 2010, at 7pm