Agenda and minutes

Kent Community Safety Partnership - Tuesday, 21st March, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Online

Contact: Dominic Westhoff  03000 412188

No. Item


Notes of meeting held on 17 November 2022 pdf icon PDF 129 KB


RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 17 November 2022 were correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman.



Kent Community Safety Agreement Review and Refresh pdf icon PDF 240 KB

Additional documents:


  1. Mr S Peerbux (Head of Community Safety, KCC) introduced the update.


  1. Ms S Brinson (Community Safety Team Leader, KCC) gave an overview of updates made to the Community Safety Agreement (CSA) advising that some, but not all chapters of the CSA had been updated; with all changes recorded in the version control.


  1. In the previous year’s refresh, new priorities had been added to reflect both national and local issues and saw the inclusion of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) priority was extended to include Neighbourhood Crime and the cross-cutting theme Response and Recovery from Covid-19 Pandemic priority was renamed to Response and Recovery from Significant Community Events.


  1. It was noted that there had been a change to the legislation section of the CSA, with a reference to the sharing of information to support the work of Community Safety Partnerships (CSP), and a reference to the Police Crime Sentencing and Court Act 2022 which had added a new duty for CSP’s regarding reducing serious violence. It was said that this was the first piece of legislation that had directly amended the Crime and Disorder Act and the primary focus of CSPs for a number of years. It was also noted some of the future considerations including the New Protect Duty, known as Martin’s Law, and references to other bills and legislation going through Parliament.


  1. An overview of further changes and amendments was given including the war in Ukraine, the Cost-of-Living Crisis, exit from the European Union and migration and resettlement.

  2. It was noted that there was limited need to change the chapter on governance aside from the inclusion of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board which was now a responsible authority within the CSPs.


  1. Ms Brinson confirmed that following the latest review, the current priorities and cross-cutting themes appropriately reflect the key issues for community safety partners and as recommended that they are retained.


  1. A Partnership Member noted the Serious Violence Duty required authorities in Kent to agree on a definition of serious violence. Representatives from each authority had been brought together to agree on a definition and make a partnership arrangement. Work was ongoing but much progress had been made.  


  1. A Partnership Member raised a concern that there needed to be both local and county-wide strategic needs assessments and strategies in relation to serious violence. 


  1. The Chair raised that there needed to be a focus on the cost of living, vulnerable people and the rise of scams within the document due to a large degree of public concern.  Ms Brinson noted that these sections could be strengthened in the CSA.


  1. Mr Peerbux noted that there may be a review of the remit of CSPs as part of a National PCC review but no timescale was given for when the review was expected to take place.  


RESOLVED that the Kent Community Safety Partnership (KCSP) considered and commented on the refreshed Kent Community Safety Agreement.  Agreed to the priorities and cross-cutting themes for 2023/24; noted the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80.


Kent Community Safety Partnership Working Group Update pdf icon PDF 315 KB


  1. Mr Peerbux introduced the update and provided an overview of projects that had been funded by the Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) Crime Reduction Grant (CRG). A number of projects were included in a business case to access the CRG Tactical funding pot but these did not meet the criteria. The CRG Tactical funding pot of the CRG closed on 24 February 2023, leaving approx. £10,000 underspend of the KCSP allocation which will be retained by the PCC. 


  1. Work was ongoing with the Kent Community Safety Team (KCST) and partners to identify projects for the new year to fund from the PCCs Crime Reduction Fund. Mr Peerbux said that he would welcome any ideas for projects from partnership members. 


  1. It was noted that the VAWG conference would take place the following week with many speakers covering key topics including trauma of VAWG, Incels, Safer Streets and support services available. It is expected that over 150 people will attend either in person or online.


  1. The KCST was looking at alternative ways of delivering the Community Safety Information Sessions so that they would be shorter but more frequent and can align with emerging issues and/or local/national campaigns etc. 


  1. Partners were made aware that there are resources available signposting to the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Services website which can be utilised when hosting events. 


  1. It was also noted that co-location was working, due to the commitment from KCST staff who were working collectively in the office at least one day a week.


  1. Nick Wilkinson thanked the team for the funding for the Extremism conference which would had over 300 attendees. 


RESOLVED the Kent Community Safety Partnership noted the progress and actions undertaken by the Working Group and the work of the KCST.



MARAC Update pdf icon PDF 213 KB


  1. Ms A Agyepong introduced the update and advised that a number of Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) and Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) highlighted learning and recommendations regarding MARACs. As a result, the multiagency MARAC project group completed a thorough review of the MARAC process, undertook consultations with stakeholders and proposed a new model that was signed off by the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse Executive Group in July 2022 with funding agreed upon with key partners.  


  1. The proposed new model would support an increase in oversight, progress and strengthening of the work of the MARAC and also support the prioritisation of often complex cases.


  1. Ms S Annan-Veitch, Ms A Tyler and Ms S Scott then gave a presentation on the new proposed case management model. Please find the slides attached.


  1. Asked by a Partnership Member about the utility of the case management system. It was confirmed that the new system would save time and improve safeguarding by ensuring the most complex cases get the time they need to be considered.


  1. Implementation of the new model was expected to take place in early July 2023. There would be a focus on recruitment and the case management system development.


  1. Asked by the Chair about the funding going forward or if negotiations would be required each year. In response, it was said that some partners had committed to funding ongoing, but others would need to be negotiated with. The Partnership would be updated on progress going forward.  


RESOLVED that the Multiagency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) Review Update be noted.


Crimestoppers Update


  1. Mr P Breckon introduced the update and gave a presentation. An overview of the charity was given, it was noted that it was an independent 24/7 charity and all those who contacted the charity were given anonymity with no personal details taken. 95% of users said that anonymity was important.  


  1. It was said that by the end of the year, Crimestoppers expected to disseminate 195,000 pieces of information to police forces across the UK. It was noted that Crimestoppers were able to get into some communities better than the Police due to mistrust in the Police and authorities.


  1. Partnership Members were encouraged to contact senior members of Crimestoppers if they thought the charity would be able to support work in their areas of interest or if they had noticed any emerging trends. Crimestoppers could supply materials and raise awareness which in turn would generate more information that could then be passed on to the Police.


  1. An overview of recent national and local campaigns was given, including puppy trafficking which led to a 40/50% increase in reports. It was noted that campaigns would be tailored to the specific contexts of the issues or areas being targeted. A drug campaign in Maidstone and Medway was successfully targeted at younger people by utilising Social Media platforms Snapchat and Instagram.   


  1. In Kent, there would be around 4,500 information disseminations in the financial year 2022/23 which would lead to 6,000 crime reports. The most wanted page had produced numerous results which helped locate those individuals.


  1. Fearless, the youth branch of Crimestoppers, helped raise awareness of various crime types with young people. The service was undergoing a revamp in Kent and work was ongoing on how to make it most effective. There had been ongoing struggles to recruit an outreach worker. 


  1. Mr P Rollington gave further details on Crimestoppers zones, which were first implemented in Kent and then set up in the rest of the country. The zones were implemented where neighbourhood watches were not in place. It had been shown to be effective at reducing crime but could only be targeted in specific areas, so could be just a block of flats but not across the whole of Kent.


  1. The Chair asked about the impact of the pandemic on the Charity. Mr Breckon replied that there had been an increase in public order offences reported due to the lockdown regulations, but otherwise a decrease. However, it was said that in Kent over the past year, the number of dissemination had so far indicated that they would be higher than the levels seen before the pandemic.


  1. Asked by the Chair about funding, Mr Breckon said that there was funding and noted that it was a £6 million turnover charity which was not massive in national charity terms but enough to maintain day-to-day operations. National campaigns were difficult the charity had to bid for funding from various areas and pots. Overall, the financial situation was characterised as being solid, but there could be difficulties going forward.


  1. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 83.


Neighbourhood Policing Review Update


  1. Superintendent P Steenhuis introduced the update and advised that the review was taking place due to significant financial challenges and a need to increase police officer numbers.


  1. The new model would protect frontline services as much as possible while delivering neighbourhood policing most effectively going forward. 


  1. It was noted the redesign would see 210 officers in geographical beat teams. A child-centred policing team that would enhance the level of youth engagement. Neighbourhood task forces had been working well in Maidstone, Margate and Medway and would now be present in all 13 Kent districts eventually. There would be three divisional prevention hubs. Overall, the new model would offer a more structural, simplified and coordinated approach to policing in the community. The model would ensure a problem-solving approach was taken to the issues found within Kent communities.


  1. The launch date of the new model was given as 7 June 2023; however, it was noted that it would not be at full capacity on day one. It was expected on day one 50% of beat officers would be in place. 


  1. It was noted that the reduction of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) was unfortunate, but the new model would maintain the same level of youth engagement with school officers and the child-centred policing team.


  1. It was noted that two-way engagement with the local Councils and reports to Council meetings would continue going forward.


RESOLVED that the Neighbourhood Policing Review Update be noted.


Date of future meetings

§  12 July 2023

§  16 November 2023


12th July 2023

16th November 2023


RESOLVED that the date of future meetings be noted.


Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) - update


1.  Mr Peerbux provided an update on the Kent and Medway Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) cases as well as a case briefing on the most recently published case for Jean 2018 which can be found on the website using the link below.  



Kent and Medway PREVENT Duty Board Update


  1. Mr Wilkinson (Assistant Director Contest and Serious Organised Crime, KCC) provided an update on the PREVENT Duty Delivery Board.


RESOLVED that the update on the PREVENT Duty Delivery Board be noted.



Kent and Medway Joint Exploitation Group Update


  1. Mr Wilkinson provided Members with an update on the Kent and Medway Joint Exploitation Group. 


RESOLVED that the update on the Kent and Medway Joint Exploitation Group be noted.