Agenda and minutes

Kent Community Safety Partnership - Thursday, 16th November, 2023 10.00 am

Contact: Lucy Tricker  03000 417703 Email:

No. Item


Notes of meeting held on 12 July 2023 pdf icon PDF 151 KB


RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 were correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair.


Kent Community Safety Agreement Update pdf icon PDF 218 KB


1.   Mr S Peerbux (Head of Community Safety, KCC) explained that since the report had been published, the Home Office had released the outcome of the consultation into the Community Safety Partnerships review and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) powers. The consultation had been launched in March 2023 and was a targeted consultation to improve the accountability of Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) nationally and improve joint working between CSPs and the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). The document outlined the remit of the review including information sharing between CSPs and the PCC; the accountability of CSPs to the PCC; tackling ASB; and the powers that could be used to reduce ASB.


2.   Mr Peerbux outlined that responses to Parts 1 and 2 (CSP Review) of the consultation were broadly supportive of the changes proposed to strengthen the relationship between PCCs and CSPs. Based on these responses, the Home Office will seek to improve and clarify the ways in which CSPs and PCCs work together by taking forward a number of proposals, either through legislation, updated guidance, or best practice documents. The measures aim to enhance strategic alignment between CSPs and PCCs and deliver more effective outcomes for the public in tackling crime and ASB.


3.   The Home Office would soon launch a consultation on phase two of the review to better understand how CSPs currently work to inform future recommendations.

4.   A Partnership Member questioned the impact this review would have on the CSP, whether these would be statutory changes; and when it would be implemented. Mr Peerbux explained that the timescales and implications for the KCSP and district-level CSPs remained unclear, but hoped the Home Office would provide clarity as soon as possible. To keep community safety partners informed, the Kent Community Safety Team would circulate an extraordinary edition of their bulletin outlining the review outcomes.

5.   Ms Brinson (Community Safety Team Leader, KCC) outlined the Kent Community Safety Agreement report and explained that all the actions were in progress and being delivered in collaboration with partners.

6.   Ms Brinson said that the annual strategic assessment process to identify emerging priorities for the forthcoming year was underway and that partnership data was being sourced.  As part of the process, a data workshop was to be held on 6th December to enable some data providers the opportunity to offer some context and highlight any emerging issues and trends.   This information will be used by District Partners to update their strategic assessments and priorities for the next year as well as undertaking the annual review and refresh of the Kent CSA.


RESOLVED that the Kent Community Safety Partnership (KCSP) noted the update.



Kent Community Safety Partnership Working Group Update pdf icon PDF 310 KB


  1. Mr Peerbux explained that Mr Powell had been nominated as Chair of the KCSP Working Group, and he remained Vice-Chair. The Working Group continue to manage the Crime Reduction Grant funding provided by the PCC. A couple of projects had recently been submitted to the PCC for approval for funding from the Tactical Pot which were the Gaming Together bus to improve preventative community engagement surrounding extremism, and the Business Crime Reduction extension for Rural Areas, which was a subscription-based and business-led group to tackle rural crime. There were also a further two new projects currently being considered by the Working Group to tackle other issues.

  2. Following the success of the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Conference in 2022, a similar event focused on Anti-Social Behaviour was being planned to consider emerging legislation. A multi-agency planning group was in place and the proposed date was being explored for 6th February 2024 which would be delivered in a hybrid format.


  1. The Kent Community Safety Team (KCST) continue to hold numerous events including short, lunchtime Community Safety Information Sessions on various topics with the latest sessions linking into the National awareness raising campaigns, Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week and the 16 Days of Action Against Domestic Abuse.  Additionally, a webinar held jointly between the KCSP and Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) was to take place on 22nd November exploring learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) and Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) concerning ‘Who Cares for the Carer?’. 


  1. A Partnership Member thanked officers for the update and felt pleased to see that Kent’s research had been included in the national Suicide Prevention Strategy, which highlighted the impact that domestic abuse could have on people’s mental health and suicide ideation. 


RESOLVED that the KCSP noted the progress and actions undertaken by the Working Group and the work of the KCST.



Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Verbal Update


  1. Mr A Rabey explained that the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) were due to publish their annual report in the next few weeks, and an overview of this report would be provided to Partnership Members. He highlighted the similarities in the work of the KCSP and KMSAB, as both worked to safeguard vulnerable people and therefore needed to ensure connected working so no repeat work was carried out. This would also help partner agencies work with the KCSP and KMSAB to streamline the implementation of actions resulting from SARs and DHRs.

  2. The KMSAB strategic plan has three main themes: promoting person-centred safeguarding; strengthening system assurance; and embedding improvement and shaping future practice. Mr Rabey thanked partners for completing the Self Assessment Framework.


  1. Mr Rabey outlined the need for a focus on the individual rather than the outcome through the multiagency risk management (MARM) approach and that the KMSAB are engaging with over 50 partner and charity organisations as well as vulnerable adults.


  1. The KMSAB organised the annual Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week taking place next week and includes a number of webinars, for example a trauma information practice webinar was being held on 23rd November as well as the joint DHR/SAR Learning webinar mentioned previously and attendance by Partnership Members was encouraged.


  1. Hospital discharges remained an issue being considered by KMSAB as people were often released from hospital without proper support in their homes and become vulnerable adults. This had been challenged by the KMSAB at a recent Integrated Care Board (ICB) meeting, and a discussion had been held regarding the Right Care, Right Person initiative.

  2. The Chair questioned how the Right Care, Right Person initiative was being implemented, and how successful it had been in London. Supt Steenhuis explained that the police’s core responsibility was to protect life, investigate crime, and keep the Kings’ Peace, but officers were currently undertaking much more than this remit, for example carrying out welfare checks. The police force were now working with partners to identify where there were gaps in care, and help these partners fill the gaps rather than transferring issues to the police or ambulance service. Mr Rabey explained that a challenge to the Right Care, Right Person initiative was how partners were able to fill these gaps, as lots of preparation was needed, and it was difficult to judge when the police needed to be called out. The policy had only begun in London on 1st November, so it was currently too early to tell how successful it would be. Supt Steenhuis added that police dispatchers were being trained to spot when the police were needed rather than Right Care, Right Person, and the police were working closely with A&E to ensure they understood their detaining powers.

7.    A Partnership Member highlighted that KCC were now employing a Modern-Day Slavery and Human Trafficking Co-Ordinator, who supported the MARM guidance and the Channel process. Mr Rabey explained that the KMSAB were currently in the process of agreeing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103.


Kent and Medway Serious Violence Duty Update (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) pdf icon PDF 351 KB


  1. The Chair explained that Mr Powell was unable to attend the meeting but had provided a brief update report for information only. If Members had any questions regarding the report, they could email officers for a response.


RESOLVED that the KCSP noted the progress of the strategic needs assessment and supported the development of the serious violence duty prevention strategy.



Date of next meeting

·       14 March 2024


RESOLVED that the KCSP noted the dates of the next meetings.


Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) Update


  1. Mr Peerbux provided an update on the Kent and Medway Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) cases as well as a case briefing on the most recently published case for Diana 2020 which can be found on the website using the link.  


  1. Mr Peerbux confirmed that there is a funding model in place with all statutory partners contributing funding towards DHRs and highlighted that whilst there are risks to the funding model, these will be monitored and it was proposed that the funding model remains the same as previous years.


  1. The proposed funding arrangements for 2024/25 was agreed by the Partnership.


RESOLVED that the KCSP noted the update on the Domestic Homicide Reviews and that the funding arrangements for 2024/25 have been approved.



Kent and Medway PREVENT Duty Delivery Board (PDDB) Update


  1. Mr Wilkinson (Assistant Director Contest and Serious Organised Crime, KCC) provided an update on the PREVENT Duty Delivery Board.


RESOLVED that the KCSP noted the update on the PREVENT Duty Delivery Board.



Kent County Council Serious Organised Crime Team Update


  1. Mr Wilkinson provided an update on the KCC Serious Organised Crime team.


RESOLVED that the KCSP noted the update on the KCC Serious Organised Crime team.