Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Anna Taylor 03000 416478 Email:
No. | Item |
Notes of meeting held on 19 March 2015 PDF 111 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 19 March 2015 were an accurate record and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Community Safety Integration Project - Verbal update Minutes: 1. Mr Adams, Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) Deputy Operations Manager, provided an update on the Community Integration Project based at the Fire Station site in Maidstone. This would provide a cohesive way of working across Kent. The Chairman explained how impressed he had been with the joined up approach. Mr Adams stated that there was potential for other partners to join and the tea to expand but initially the project would be allowed to settle down.
2. The integration project would initially work to demonstrate that tangible benefits were being delivered and then savings would be reviewed.
3. Mr Peerbux agreed that KFRS had done an excellent job and with regards to savings it was hoped that efficiency savings would be evident through better working together, logistically being in the same room meant operations were easier to organise with a reduction in meetings and time savings.
RESOLVED that the Committee note the verbal update provided by Mr Adams. |
Community Wardens - Verbal update Minutes: 1. Mr Peerbux explained that KCC had held a consultation 12 months ago regarding the role of the Community Wardens with a view to reducing the service by 50%. Feedback received was that a key part of the role and their effectiveness was their link with communities. If the Warden Service was reduced this link would likely diminish. Alternative ways of delivering services was investigated with a resulting decision to reduce supervisors but retaining the links with the local community. The status quo with regards to vacancies would be maintained and it was necessary to run a recruitment campaign in West Kent. There was a desire to explore a voluntary community warden scheme, and this was being looking into, with Kent Association of Local Councils. There would be a recruitment drive in the new calendar year.
2. A Member asked what powers to wardens had to allow them to issue tickets etc. In response the Chairman explained that the wardens did not have powers to issue tickets but this was considered a strength because their role was to talk to residents in the community who the Police would not be able to liaise with. There was a Home Office consultation out and perhaps it would be necessary to look again at the ‘powers’ of wardens – although it was vital to retain the links the wardens had with the local people.
3. Mr Rivers stated that the emphasis on wardens was traditionally a social signposting and support services rather than officers with ‘powers’.
4. Mr Peerbux agreed that the wardens did support the police but it was important that they continued to support vulnerable people.
5. There was a discussion around positive ticketing, at leisure centres and youth facilities for example. There had been a pilot in Thanet and Tunbridge Wells following a visit to Canada (where positive ticketing is used) and this had been very successful but was costly.
RESOLVED that the KCSP note the verbal update and receive a further update on the Community Wardens at a future meeting. |
Community Safety Conference - Verbal update Minutes: 1. Mr Adams explained that a Community Safety Conference was due to be held on 3 November 2015 at Ashford International, Mr Hill would be providing the opening speech with Angela Rippon, Chair of the Alzheimer’s Society and Government Dementia Challenge Group would also be attending. Approximately 200 people were expected to attend, with 150 people confirmed and a wide range of speakers including those living with dementia, carers and professionals working in the field.
RESOLVED that the Partnership note the verbal update on the Community Safety Conference. |
Minutes: 1. The KCSP was presented with an update on the selection of activities and projects being managed on behalf of the Partnership. Concerns about road safety were raised and with regards to domestic abuse; previously KCC Public Health had paid both KCC’s contribution and the CCG’s contributions to the Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) contract but Public Health would not be able to pay the CCG’s contribution in the forthcoming year, discussions were taking place regarding this. There had been moves towards joint commissioning of domestic abuse services to reduce back office services providing more front line services. There was also a need to modernise funding arrangements.
RESOLVED that Members note the update report, a further discussion would be had around IDVAs and Members requested an update on the Domestic Abuse Commissioning process at a future meeting |
Serious and organised Crime Strategy - Local delivery Minutes: 1. Mr Pennycook, Centre for Organised Crime at the Home Office, presented to Members of the KCSP on Serious Organised Crime. It was vital to liaise with Police Forces, Partner Agencies and County Councils to establish how organised crime was being tackled locally etc.
2. Organised crime was a national security risk with around 3-4million cases of cyber crime being recorded per year.
3. Mr Pennycook confirmed that he was happy to return to the KCSP meeting to provide any further information.
RESOLVED that the KCSP thank Mr Pennycook for his presentation and that any further questions be emailed to him. |
Child Sexual Exploitation PDF 107 KB Minutes: 1. The officer explained that Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) was a significant concern cross the county and the country. The importance of co-location was highlighted along with working closely, identifying risks, perpetrators and bringing to justice. The CSE team was co-located to share information and intelligence and to build victims’ confidence.
2. Discussions had been held with Health, Early Years support and teams had joined together. Lessons had been learnt from previous Multi-Agency Sexual Exploitatoin (MASE) reports to the Children’s Safeguarding Board. Nationally CSE was a priority, CSE and Prevent were deemed to be national threats and there was a bespoke section within the revised community safety agreement focusing on CSE.
RESOLVED that Members note the CSE update and request a short update on progress at a future meeting. |
Minutes: 1. The partnership was updated on The Prevent Duty, Andrew Ireland chaired the Prevent Delivery Board and Nick Wilkinson chaired the County Channel Panel. Work was being done within schools and the KCSP noted the high profile of the Prevent activity.
2. A member mentioned the links with taxi firms on airport runs etc and the links with licensing information and this would be included in future discussions.
RESOLVED that the KCSP note the report and be kept informed of progress. |
Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) Recommendations PDF 110 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the KCSP note the DHR recommendations |
Dates of meetings in 2016 To note the following dates for meetings in 2016 - All meetings to start at 10.00am
Wednesday 16 March 2016 Thursday 13 October 2016
Minutes: RESOLVED that the dates of the meetings in 2016 be noted. |
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) - update Minutes: RESOLVED that the KCSP note the update on DHRs. |