Venue: Medway Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Joel Cook/Anna Taylor 03000 416892/03000 416478 Email:
No. | Item |
Notes of meeting held on 11 October 2017 Minutes: (1) Mr Peerbux updated the Partnership on the action from the last meeting for a task and finish group to be set up regarding homelessness. Jess Mookherjee had advised that this was in progress, an initial scoping exercise had taken place and the next stage was to liaise with Mel Anthony to ensure there would be no duplication.
RESOLVED that, subject to the correction of Mr Thomson’s name in minute 163, the notes of the meeting held on 11 October 2017 were a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Kent Community Safety Agreement Review Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Peerbux explained that the Kent Community Safety Agreement was a key statutory document which brought together shared priorities into one overarching strategic document. This document gave due regard to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Plan.
(2) Ms Brinson explained that this has moved from a 3 year plan to a rolling plan with specific chapters updated annually to be more efficient. The annual refresh looks at district/borough priorities following their strategic assessment process, horizon scanning, emerging issues, new legislation as well as other partnership plans such as the Police and Crime Plan. Ms Brinson highlighted that the majority of priorities were the same as last year. The proposal was to keep Road Safety as a priority as this was a county issue and add Preventing Extremism and Hate along with a new cross cutting theme of Mental Health and Wellbeing which had previously been included in the Safeguarding priority.
(3) Ms Brinson advised that the associated action plan is being updated to reflect the changes in the CSA and this will now include Nick Wilkinson as lead for the new priority of Preventing Extremism and Hate.
(4) Mr Harper confirmed that the document aligned with the Commissioner’s Plan and he thanked the team for their work on the Agreement.
(5) Members concurred that is was right that Road Safety should be included, as this continued to be one of the top priorities of Kent residents.
(6) The Chairman thanked the Kent Community Safety Team for their hard work on the Agreement.
RESOLVED that the Kent Community Safety Partnership: - agree the priorities and cross-cutting themes within the draft refresh of the Community Safety Agreement; - note the key achievements for 2017/18. |
KCSP Working Group update Minutes: (1) Mr Thomson set out the highlights of the update report. The Kent Community Safety Partnership (KCSP) had delivered an annual Community Safety Conference last November with a theme of ‘Protecting Vulnerable People from Organised Crime’. This had been well attended and the feedback from the surveys and discussions on the day had been collated into a report with outlines 5 themes that have been incorporated into an action plan. Feedback on this would be provided at a future meeting.
(2) The KCSP had helped to fund six projects in 2017/18 as a result of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner’s CSP Crime Reduction Grant. These projects were set out within the report.
(3) Paragraph 4 of the report set out changes made to the funding criteria for the CSP Crime Reduction Grant. These changes had been introduced to add transparency and to ensure money was being invested appropriately and to avoid duplication of funding. Mr Thomson explained that for 2018/19 the plan was to allocate 2/3 of the grant to particular projects and hold 1/3 of the grant to fund projects throughout the year. There was a reassurance from Mr Harper that these changes were not meant to be arduous or difficult and he would be happy to discuss any issues arising with the relevant team.
(4) Mr Thomson explained that members of the Kent Community Safety Team (KCST) had delivered a Community Safety Information Session in early January and produced the latest edition of the Kent Community Safety Newsletter. Partners were encouraged to contact: with any suggested topics or feedback for both the newsletter and future information sessions.
(5) The KCST had also delivered Domestic Homicide Review Lessons Learnt seminars which were well attended and received excellent feedback and further details will be provided in the DHR Update paper.
(6) The Chairman thanked the team, especially Ms Brinson, for their hard work.
RESOLVED that the KCSP note the progress and action undertaken by the Working Group. |
Domestic Abuse Updates (Verbal) - Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Executive Group - Integrated Domestic Abuse Services - Commissioning Update Minutes: (1) Mr Peerbux outlined the new governance arrangements for the reformed ‘Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Executive Group’ who will be developing the new Domestic Abuse Strategy and a full update will be provided at a future meeting.
(2) Mrs Antony gave partnership members a presentation on ‘Integrated Domestic Abuse Service for Kent – Commissioning Update’.
(3) KCC had been successful in receiving Violence against Women and Girls Funding from the Home Office over three years to pilot hospital based Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs).
(4) Mrs Anthony highlighted some challenges/opportunities in the near future including GDPR, changes to the DA bill following the Queens Speech, the government are undertaking a national review of women’s refuges.
(5) In response to a question about whether there was any stress in the system Mrs Anthony explained that whilst there has been a reduction in high risk cases, there are more medium risks. The courts have received additional training and there had been some changing arrangements regarding One Stop Shops.
(6) Mr Rivers asked about male refuges for domestic abuse. Mrs Anthony explained that work had been done with male domestic abuse charities and it was clear that refuges were not what men are after. They did want safe accommodation but this was not necessarily in the form of a refuge. This had led providers to seek other accommodation outside the traditional refuge. Work was ongoing and the next iteration of contracting would need to include how men were reached appropriately to understand what is required.
(7) In response to a question about financial resources and whether they were sufficient Mrs Anthony explained that there was likely to be increasing demand however currently there was sufficient resource and the providers and contracts allowed for flexibility.
(8) Mr Harper referred to the hospital based Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA). These had been hugely successful in London where victims who had never reported abuse were often identified and through IDVA triaging serious injuries were often identified.
(9) It was requested that an update on the Integrated Domestic Abuse Services be brought to a future meeting of the Partnership, this should also include an update on facilities for men in a years time.
RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted. |
Kent and Medway Road Casualty Reduction Partnership Minutes: (1) Mr Read explained that across Kent and Medway in 2017, 900 people suffered life-ending or life-changing events on roads. Kent County Council had a Statutory Duty under the Road Traffic Act 1998 for ‘road safety’.
(2) Mr Read set out some highlights from the report, it was vital to ensure consistency of message from all partners and although there were synergies between the Kent and Medway Road Casualty Reduction Partnership (KMCRP) and KCSP the current view was that the complex agenda meant that both groups should continue to work together but in their separate forms.
(3) Mr Read explained that there was a tendency for roads to be blamed for road accidents however human behaviour was the biggest factor and the key was to develop individual techniques to target behaviour. Around the world some countries had ‘de-risked’ the environment around roads but this required adequate space to do so. Resources had to be targeted at those places where there had been deaths or serious injuries. Mr Read briefly updated Members on the progress of ‘smart motorways’, changes would be seen in the future on roads such as the M20 and M2. Concerns were raised about the idea of smart motorways transmitting information via mobile phones and the mixed messages of the uses of mobile phones when driving.
(4) Mr Harper explained that the issue on which the OPCC received the most communications was road safety. The Commissioner had made a good investment into roads policing and road safety. There was an appetite from the public to inform the police with dashcam footage and there were discussions around how this information should be stored and the cost of viewing it. Nationally investment was being made into a Digital Asset Management system through which media could be utilised by the Police. Through this it was envisaged that the public would become a fundamental part of road safety.
(5) The partnership discussed the role of Speedwatch, it was considered that this did have an impact but it was only for the duration of the exercise. There was also a discussion about how to motivate volunteers who were immensely valuable to villages and towns. Members of the Partnership would feedback to their communities that the presence of speed watch volunteers saved lives and their actions were hugely worthwhile and appreciated.
(6) There was a discussion around where Speedwatch equipment can be obtained and that the police could provide a PCSO to assist.
(7) Kent had seen a spike in fatalities in 2017 but this could be explained by some awful multiple fatalities. Traffic density in Kent was also very large.
RESOLVED that the Partnership thank Mr Read for attending the meeting and note: - the purpose and structure of KMRCRP - that the KMRCRP maintain and strengthen its relationship and links with the KCSP - that there are benefits in local CSP support for KMRCRP messages - that consistent messages are important to support community safety |
Mental Health and Policing Oversight Board Update (Verbal) Minutes: (1) The Commissioner’s Chief of Staff, Mr Harper explained that since the last meeting a third mental health and oversight board had been held with senior colleagues from the mental health trust and SECAmb. The Board was trying to reduce the demand on all partners. Frequent callers to the emergency services were also very likely to be calling local councils.
(2) Nationally there was a huge challenge around the demand of individuals with mental health problems. Over 1/3 of all policing was linked to someone with mental health problems. Mr Harper updated the partnership on a recent operation which identified 17 prolific individuals who accounted for 1000s of calls to all services. With the help of the community mental health team the individuals would be targeted and provided with diversionary support. Mr Harper would report back on this operation.
(3) The Commissioner was leading on mental health on behalf of all PCCs nationally and was on the board of a national review into the Mental Health Act. This review was due to report in April and it was hoped that there would be some significant changes to the Act.
(4) There was a discussion around the involvement of safeguarding officers on the Mental Health and Oversight Board but Mr Harper advised that most agencies would refer to their safeguarding policy and refer to the mental health crisis team where necessary.
(5) Mr Harper stressed that there is a need to educate partners to refer straight to Mental Health Crisis Team rather than the police.
RESOLVED that the KCSP thank Mr Harper for his interesting and useful update and request a report back at a future meeting. |
Kent Community Safety Team Update (Verbal) Minutes: (1) Mr Peerbux explained that the Kent Community Safety Team (KCST) had been co-located in Maidstone Fire Station for two years now. The team consisted of KCC Community Safety staff, Kent Police staff and KFRS staff and was vital in progressing the actions within the CSA Action Plan and supporting the work of the KCSP which had delivered conferences, seminars, workshops around online safety and training through police colleagues. There was an aim to develop a consistent approach across the county.
(2) A recent audit of the KCST and the Partnership had been positive and had been given a rated as having very good prospects for the future on the basis of the management plan being implemented. A further update would be provided at an appropriate time.
(3) In response to a question Mr Peerbux explained that in the future, the aim was to have the capability for the KCST tohost multi-agency teams coming together to focus on cross county issues identified in the CSA.
(4) The Chairman commented on the positive progress of the KCST which was a good delivery arm for the partnership. There were ambitions to include more partners as and when required. The Ambulance Service was raised regularly as a partner to include but due to the area covered by SECAmb this was more difficult.
RESOLVED that Members note the verbal update. |
Kent and Medway Gangs Strategy (to follow) Minutes: (1) Ms Fisher introduced this report and explained that it had been recognised that there was a need for a countywide Gangs Strategy to provide a strategic focus and drive to address gangs collectively, through an agreed set of objectives, outcomes and measures. The Strategy was based on the 4 Ps: Prepare, Prevent, Protect and Pursue.
(2) The strategy committed to tackling gangs operating across Kent and Medway and to support those affected by gangs and gang related crime. It was a strategy aimed at both children and adults recognising that the most common age for gang involvement was 15-25years. The aim was to look at ways to work together to prevent young people and adults becoming gang affected, to pursue those who have committed offences and to prepare communities in terms of reducing the impact of gangs and organised crime within them.
(3) The strategy was a draft document which would be signed off within Kent Safeguarding Children’s Board. It was designed to be an overarching strategy that other organisations could use to meet their own objectives.
(4) Mr Overbeke asked whether there had been discussions with KCCs Public Protection Intelligence Team, he undertook to liaise with Jennifer Maiden-Brooks.
(5) The Chairman was invited to Kent Safeguarding Children’s Board, the strategy would now be submitted to a number of Boards and Groups for review and endorsement.
(6) The Chairman thanked Ms Fisher for the strategy, the Partnership would look forward to seeing it delivered and requested that they be updated at a meeting in March 2019.
RESOLVED that Members note the draft Kent and Medway Gangs Strategy.
Date of next meeting The nextmeeting ofthe KentCommunity SafetyPartnership willbe heldon 18 July 2018, 10am, Darent Room, Sessions House, Maidstone.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the date of the next meeting be noted. |
The PREVENT Duty and Home Office Dovetail Pilot Minutes: (1) Mr Wilkinson set out some of the key points relating to the PREVENT Duty and Home Office Dovetail Pilot.
RESOLVED that members thank Mr Wilkinson for his update and keep this as a standing item on the KCSP agenda. |
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) - update Minutes: (1) Mr Peerbux update Members on the status and progress of all the active Kent and Medway DHR cases.
RESOLVED that the KCSP note the updates within the report and progress on all cases. |