Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Joel Cook/Anna Taylor 03000 416892/03000 416478 Email:
No. | Item |
Notes of meeting held on 18 July 2018 PDF 93 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 18 July 2018 were an accurate record and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Kent Community Safety Agreement Update PDF 83 KB Minutes:
1. Shirley Brinson (Community Safety Team Leader) provided Members with an update on the Community Safety Agreement (CSA). This had been refreshed and agreed by the partnership earlier in the year with new priorities and cross cutting themes.
2. The CSA Action Plan was monitored by the working group and there were no exceptions to note. An end of year update would be reported back to the next meeting. Ms Brinson set out some key areas to note:
a. There would be a Scrutiny Committee (meeting as the Crime and Disorder Committee) in April 2019 and all leads for the CSA priorities, may be required to attend. There will also be an invitation to Tim Read as Chair of the Safer Roads for Kent Board. b. Strategic assessments were currently being undertaken across Kent. The Kent Community Safety Team (KCST) was supporting the process by sourcing information and setting up meetings to identify emerging issues. By the next meeting of the partnership, the strategic assessments will have been undertaken and a review of the CSA priorities would have taken place. An update report will be presented at the next meeting.
3. The Chairman asked whether KCC was working with Kent Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s staff to ensure that any work done was in line with that of the PCC. Ms Brinson explained that there was a duty for CSPs and the OPCC to have due regard for each other’s priorities and to cooperate; and that KCC was working with CSPs, local partners including Kent Police and the OPCC to ensure that all work is in line with our partners.
4. Mark Powell (Improvement Manager, Kent Youth Justice Service) asked whether it would be beneficial for someone from his team to be involved and Ms Brinson committed to liaise with Mr Powell as this would be useful.
· Notes the progress with regard to the current Community Safety Agreement. · To facilitate a discussion at the next meeting to prepare for the Crime and Disorder Committee (April 2019). |
KCSP Working Group Update PDF 76 KB Minutes: 1. Ian Thomson introduced this report to update on the work of the KCSP Working Group on behalf of the partnership.
2. The partnership had been awarded funding from the Police and Crime Commissioners Crime Reduction Grant and highlighted that only £1869 remained unallocated at this time.
3. A number of projects had been funded and Mr Thomson advised that the License to Kill show will be delivered in Feb/March 19 following a review and refresh by the Licence to Kill Working Group along with the Casualty Reduction Partnership Group.
4. The Working group would be considering projects for the new year 2019/20 and providing recommendations to the KCSP Chairman prior to submission of the business cases to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) on 23rd January 2019.
5. The Working Group was thankful that the Commissioner had approved funding of the Kent and Medway conference on ‘Preventing Extremism and Hate’ which would be held on Tuesday 27 November 2018 at Detling Showground.
RESOLVED that the KCSP note the: · progress and actions undertaken by the Working Group and the work of the KCST; · submission date of 23rd January 2019 for the Community Safety Grant Funding Business Cases to the Police and Crime Commissioner. |
Kent Housing Group - Housing Strategy PDF 5 MB Minutes:
1. Sarah Robson, Chair of the Kent Housing Group (KHG) gave Members a presentation about the work of the KHG which is available online here or via this link:
2. Workshops were being held in November 2018 to identify and develop key actions and objectives for each of the Kent and Medway Housing Strategy priorities which were: a. Accelerating housing delivery b. Affordability c. Health and wellbeing d. Infrastructure and investment. Ms Robson asked that any member of the KCSP who would like to be involved in these workshops let her know.
3. Following the workshops there would be a first draft strategy and action plan available in December 2018 for consultation and the final draft action plan and strategy would be ready for approval in February and a launch date of March 2019.
4. Cynthia Allen, CRC asked whether, from the new financial year, offenders would no longer be considered a priority group but would be assessed by their needs alongside others. Ms Robson explained that the Kent Housing Options Group (sub group of the KHG), had this issue on their agenda. Ms Robson explained that Ms Allen and other partners were welcome to attend meetings of the Kent Housing Options Group and that this would be discussed outside of the KCSP meeting.
5. KCSP Members discussed the value of having a single point of contact in KHG to discuss sensitive issues regarding housing needs. It was suggested that Members contact the KHG Partnership Manager initially.
6. Members were complimentary about the work of KHG and the positive networking opportunities.
7. The Chairman commented that the presentation and following discussion had been very positive. He asked whether KHG were asking designers and developers to consider safety in designs? Ms Robson explained that KHG did have a seat on Kent Planning Officers Group. RESOLVED that the KCSP thank Ms Robson for her presentation. |
1. Tim Woodhouse, KCC Suicide Prevention Programme Manager, introduced his report to Members. Mr Woodhouse advised that it was world mental health day and a new minister for suicide prevention had recently been announced as Jackie Doyle-Price, this was excellent news to raise the profile of suicide prevention.
2. Mr Woodhouse set out the highlights of his report and explained that many people who died by suicide were not known by secondary mental health services and did not have a diagnosed mental health issue. Mr Woodhouse highlighted the ‘Release the Pressure’ campaign which signposted people to trained counsellors who were available 24/7. NHS England had secured over £600k funding from Government for suicide prevention work in Kent, due to higher than national average suicide rates. The report highlighted ways in which that funding had been spent including continuing with campaigns and delivering training. Mr Woodhouse welcomed any organisations or voluntary groups to attend the free training which was considered to be very valuable, giving people the skills and confidence to recognise signs of mental illness and most importantly to know what to do if someone was feeling suicidal.
3. Mr Woodhouse sought ideas from the KCSP of how to work more closely with those organisations present. The Chairman referred to social isolation which could make people vulnerable and lonely. There were queries over what the funding was being targeted towards and the Chairman suggested considering additional funding for Community wardens who could sometimes identify people who were lonely and isolated. Mr Woodhouse explained that Community Wardens were a key group who he wanted to work with, the Wardens were accessing suicide prevention training and raising awareness.
4. Jess Mookherjee explained that she had been speaking at a Workplace Health event at County Hall during the morning and it was necessary to look at other innovative options that are being done in communities to foster communication and to build community connections such as ‘Men’s Sheds’.
5. It was highlighted that it is important to have timely and accessible services that people could access.
6. Cynthia Allen, CRC explained that they were in the process of training staff and asked whether the suicide prevention training would be complimentary. Mr Woodhouse explained that suicide prevention training was suitable for anyone working with members of the public including Taxi drivers, GP receptionists, café workers, barbers etc. In addition, suitable for professionals as well as members of the public. Mr Woodhouse would send details of the training to Members of the KCSP.
7. In response to a question about whether training had been offered to British Transport Police (BTP), Mr Woodhouse confirmed that both BTP and Network Rail were members of the steering group and were good at training staff to recognise signs and symptoms of distress in other people. They would be able to access the training.
8. In response to a question about whether the programme would be targeted around a data set. Mr Woodhouse explained that it would be a combination, suicide ... view the full minutes text for item 201. |
Mental Health Update Minutes:
1. Neil Wickens gave the KCSP an update on Mental Health from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office. The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) was committed to revolutionising mental health services. In an ideal situation people would receive the right support at the right time. The demand around mental health was not changing, policing had a role but clearly there was an element of partnership working. More facts and figures were being collected around mental health and the PCC had concerns around capacity and increasing demand.
2. Mental health detentions continued to increase nationally but the Policing and Crime Act had ensured that officers could not detain children in police cells and only adults could be detained in specific circumstances.
3. There continued to be some issues such as how officers accessed Section 136 suites for those who needed to be detained and the requirement to take individuals to A&E if there were no Section 136 suites available. In June the average time spent waiting at A&E was 7 hours which was over 1000 hours of police officer time equating to £30k spent waiting to access the right service.
4. The PCC was aware that there were limited beds available for Section 136 detentions and partners need to work together to find a solution as A&E was not considered to be the right place to take individuals in crisis. However, A&E was currently the only option if the Section 136 Suites were at capacity and were no longer able to detain in police cells.
5. This was the 3rd year that the PCC had funded Mind counsellors to work in the Force Control Room. There was also a triage facility working with people with mental health issues. It was hoped that this would reduce demand on officers attending individuals and helping to signpost.
6. The PCC was part of the national independent review of the Mental Health Act as this was now over 35years old. The aim of the review was to look at the whole act but particularly the Criminal Justice system. The PCC had attended panel meetings and had been asked to Chair a topic group on policing and the effect of mental health. Recommendations had been made and positively received and it was anticipated that the report would be published in December.
7. The PCC was hosting a blue light jobs fair on Friday 26 October at North Kent college in Dartford. This included representatives from all blue light services and volunteering services. Members were asked to promote this event and if anyone wanted to attend, they would be welcome to do so.
8. The Chairman thanked Mr Wickens for the interesting update and the KCSP would continue to ask for a regular update.
RESOLVED that the KCSP receive an update on Mental Health at the next meeting. |
Violence Reduction Challenge Minutes:
1. Jack Hart, OPCC introduced this item and advised that in response to the National Serious Violence Strategy, the Violence Reduction Challenge was a local process to look at how violent crime could be reduced across Kent accepting that there were a large number of offence types of violent crime. An Advisory Panel had been held in Canterbury along with a presentation on social justice work around county lines. Evidence was being gathered to look at how to reduce violent crime across Kent.
2. Nick Wilkinson suggested that Mr Hart ensured that there were links with the ‘Risk, Threats and Vulnerabilities’ group which oversaw the gangs strategy, it was vital to ensure that all groups did not lose sight of the work being done around gangs. Mr Hart explained that the group involved young people from Ebbsfleet Academy who had the opportunity to feed into the Advisory Panel.
3. A KCSP Member expressed interest in the details of the Advisory Panel. Youth Justice Services had seen a reduction in offending, but violence remained prevalent, this was an area of concern and Mark Powell was keen to be involved. A Youth Justice Apprentice had recently been appointed and this individual could offer a professional view alongside having experience of the Youth Justice System as this apprentice does. This was seen to be a good opportunity to have the apprentice involved.
4. Mr Hart explained that the PCC was very keen for various groups to be involved and there would be an interim report detailing progress at the beginning of next year.
5. The Chairman thanked Mr Hart for the interesting discussion and requested that this be brought back to a future meeting when the report was available. RESOLVED that an item on Violence Reduction Challenge be brought back to a future meeting of the KCSP when the final report was available. |
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Executive Group Update PDF 95 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
1. Susie Harper, Kent Police gave an introduction to this item and explained that there had been limited responses so far on the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy consultation but that this would be chased.
2. Ms Harper highlighted that the number of Domestic Abuse (DA) incidents had increased from last year. Whilst the arrests had increased, the number of charges had reduced. Ms Harper explained that 50% who reported DA did not want to support police prosecution.
3. The initial results from the Kent Police victim satisfaction survey showed that on initial contact with Kent Police, 83% were satisfied with the police response. Of those 19% strongly agreed that Kent Police had listened. Respondents were not satisfied when they considered that they had not been taken seriously. Kent Police were taking positive action to reduce risk.
4. Ms Harper spoke about Operation Encompass in Avon and Somerset whereby schools are notified if a child was subject to a DA incident within the previous 24 hrs. Kent Police were implementing this in Kent with Headstart schools.
5. Ms Harper also advised that a National best practise framework for DA was launched on the 26th September and all areas had until January to have an action plan in place.
6. A DA risk assessment algorithm is being developed to undertake a deep dive to identify gaps that need to be addressed.
7. There had been a significant increase in adolescent parent violence and there was a need for the assessment tools to move and evolve with society and be fit for purpose.
8. It was considered that the key to tackling these issues was partnership working.
9. The Chairman thanked Ms Harper for her interesting and informative report and requested that this be kept under review.
RESOLVED that an item on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Executive Group be brought to a future meeting of the KCSP. |
Youth Justice Approach to working with CSPs PDF 174 KB Minutes:
1. Mark Powell, Improvement Manager, Kent Youth Justice Service, gave the Partnership a presentation about development around youth justice over the previous few years and set out the opportunities for closer working with CSPs. The presentation is available online here or via the following link:
2. Mr Powell was keen to talk with the District Councils about opportunities to strengthen links, KCC was looking to develop teams to work with adolescents and discussions were being had about how this might work.
3. The Chairman commented that for a young person being taken into custody was a major concern and often had an enormous effect on a young person’s life. The District Council’s offered invitations to Mr Powell to the local CSP meetings to develop work in the districts. It was also suggested that Mr Powell linked in with the Community Safety Managers meeting. Shirley Brinson would liaise with Mr Powell about these meetings.
4. The Chairman thanked Mr Powell for his most encouraging report and the partnership looked forward to receiving a further update. RESOLVED that the KCSP thank Mr Powell for his encouraging report and welcome an update at a future meeting of the Partnership. |
Date of meetings in 2019/20 Kent Community Safety Partnership meetings to be held on the following dates at 10am in the Medway Room, Sessions House, County Hall.
- 20 March 2019 - 17 July 2019 - 9 October 2019 - 18 March 2020 Minutes: RESOLVED that the dates of the meeting for 2019/20 be noted. |
Prevent Duty Delivery Board and Risk Threats and Vulnerabilities Group Updates Minutes: 1. Nick Wilkinson referred Members to a future episode of the television programme ‘Inside Out’ which would include a feature on Prevent in Kent.
2. It was important to ensure that the work with gangs was joined up.
RESOLVED that the update be noted. |
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) - update Minutes: RESOLVED that the update be noted. |