Agenda and minutes

Kent Community Safety Partnership - Wednesday, 17th July, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Medway Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Georgina Little  03000 414043 / Email:

No. Item




Notes of meeting held on 20 March 2019 pdf icon PDF 127 KB


RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 20 March are a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman.



Kent Community Safety Agreement Update pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Additional documents:


1.     Mr Peerbux (Head of Community Safety, Public Protection, KCC) introduced the report that detailed the refreshed Kent Community Safety Agreement action plan, the feedback received from the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee and the anticipated Select Committee report due to be presented to Full Council in the Autumn of 2019 on ‘Knife Crime in Kent.’


2.     Ms Brinson (Community Safety Team Leader, Public Protection, KCC) said that the action plan mirrored the Community Safety Agreement in that it was a rolling document which retained a number of activities and projects which were delivered in 2018/19 and continued to be reviewed and refreshed as appropriate throughout the year by the KCSP Working Group as new priorities emerged (as referenced at appendix A). In terms of performance monitoring, the proxy indicators that were used to measure performance were due to be refreshed to reflect the quantitative outcomes from the action plan as well as the qualitative outcomes. KCSP members were invited to feedback on the content of the draft action plan and send any proposed actions to the Community Safety Team for consideration of inclusion.


3.     RESOLVED that the changes and content of the draft action plan which supports delivery of the refreshed Community Safety Agreement, be noted.



Kent Community Safety Partnership Working Group Update pdf icon PDF 331 KB


1.    Mr Peerbux (Head of Community Safety, Public Protection, KCC) introduced the report that provided an update on the key activities and projects that were being managed on behalf of the Kent Community Safety Partnership Working Group, in particular, the Amelix ‘App Amnesty’ which was a project funded through the previous year’s underspend that  looked to work with schools and young people to raise awareness on the risks around online behavior. The project would be coordinated by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner with input from the Kent Community Safety Team (KCST) and some district Community Safety Partnerships. Mr Peerbux confirmed that the projects discussed at the March 2019 KCSP meeting for 2019/20 had been submitted to the Police and Crime Commissioner and funding had been approved (further details found within the report). Furthermore, the KCSP had been approached by Trading Standards to support a scams conference which was scheduled to take place on 1st October 2019, further details would be circulated in due course.


2.    As agreed at the previous meeting of the KCSP, the Kent Community Safety Team had researched and developed a proposed logo for the KCSP and a linked version for the KCST which illustrated the interworking relationship between the Partnership and the KCST. Mr Peerbux welcomed comments from Members on the proposed logos.


3.    In addition to the branding, the KCST has a new central inbox and generic email address of to ensure the inclusion of all partner agencies who make up the KCST. The inbox would be monitored on a daily basis and emails would then be directed to the appropriate person/ team to manage.


4.    As part of the continuous improvement, Mr Peerbux also informed Members of the questionnaire that is being developed to help inform future working and this was due to be sent to all local Community Safety Units and partners in due course.


5.    Officers responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  Mr Peerbux noted the preference for the following logo strapline wording ‘Strong Partnerships – Safer Communities’ as opposed to ‘Inspired Partnerships – Safer Communities.’


(b)  Mr Peerbux agreed to review the logo of the Safeguarding Children’s Board to ensure disparity between that and the proposed logo of the KCST.


6.    RESOLVED that:


(a)   the progress and actions undertaken by the Working Group and work of the KCST be noted; and


(b)  that subject to the proposed amendment, the logos for the KCSP and KCST are agreed.



Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Additional documents:


1.    Mrs Exall (Strategic Relationships Advisor, KCC) introduced the report that set out the Domestic Abuse Strategy which was a partnership document managed by the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Executive Group. The Domestic Abuse Strategy had been developed in partnership with Medway Council, Kent Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office, District Councils and the NHS to ensure multi-agency representation. The Strategy included five core priority themes and was supported by a joint action plan to help drive the commitments of the Domestic Abuse Strategy. Mrs Exall said that the strategy was designed to ensure a more strategic, evidence-based approach to tackle domestic abuse.


2.    Mr Weiss (Head of Headstart Kent, KCC) informed members that the Domestic Abuse Strategy had gone out for public consultation and was due to run from 8 July 2019 to 30 September 2019. Once the consultation was complete, a summary of the consultation feedback would be published with the revised strategy.


3.    Officers responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  Mrs Exall agreed that feedback from the consultation can be presented at the next KCSP meeting on 8 October 2019.


(b)  Officers noted the request for District and Borough Councils to be involved in the commissioning activity and recognised the need for a coordinated approach, both locally and nationally.


(c)  Members were informed that the Kent Safeguarding Children Board offered a variety of free-multi-agency training courses for all professionals working with children and young people in Kent. The available training could be accessed via the following link:


(d)  Mr Pritchard (Chief Superintendent, Kent Police) responded to comments regarding joint working and said that the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Executive Group was a stand-alone body supported by the Kent Community Safety Partnership and Kent Police Public Protection Team. Mr Pritchard informed members that the Domestic Abuse Strategy was underpinned by the Strategic Assessment which relied on data from other agencies to develop and implement an evidence led action plan. The ongoing challenge however was getting other agencies to contribute to the assessment and provide the necessary information which created significant gaps in the data, thus making it less meaningful. Mr Pritchard assured members that work continued to be done to encourage other agencies to provide the necessary data in the required timeframes so that the tactical actions could be developed to assist the delivery of the strategy.


4.    RESOLVED that the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy, be noted.



KCSP and Subgroups Terms of Reference review pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Additional documents:


1.    Mr Peerbux (Head of Community Safety, Public Protection, KCC) introduced the report that set out the results of the annual review of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Kent Community Safety Partnership (KCSP) and it subgroups and sought the Partnership’s agreement that the ToR were correct and that they be reviewed and included on the KCSP agenda on an annual basis.


2.    The officer responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  Mr Peerbux agreed to amend Section 5, paragraph 1 under ‘Roles and Responsibilities of Members’ within the Terms of Reference to read “and where appropriate commit resources on behalf of the body or group which they represent.”


3.    RESOLVED that, subject to the amendment under Section.5, Paragraph 1 of the Terms of Reference, KCSP members agree:


(a)  the Terms of Reference for the Kent Community Safety Partnership, subject to any changes (i.e. membership) proposed by the Partnership and approve the Terms of Reference for the KCSPs two subgroups (KCSP Working Group and the DHR Steering Groups),


(b)  to sign up to the latest version of the Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement (2018); and


(c)  agree to note that the Terms of Reference for the KCSP and its subgroups will be reviewed annually and be included as an agenda item at least once a year.



Mental Health Update


1.    Mr Harper (Chief Executive, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner) provided an update to members on Section 136 detentions, the challenges presented to Kent Police and the on-going projects funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner to help reduce demand on police officers.


2.    Mr Harper said that the current data revealed a disproportionate use of S136 detentions by Kent Police compared to other forces in the UK and acknowledged that there was a clear anomaly in Kent and that Kent Police were committed to working with partner agencies to understand the challenges inherent to the county and to develop a single data set to ensure multi-agency collaboration.


3.    Kent Police were also in discussion with the NHS Trusts to review possible Fastrack pilots for those requiring a Mental Health Act Assessment in A&E. The average waiting time for an assessment by an Approved Mental Health Professional was 9.5 hours and in terms of resources, this required two police officers to sit with that person. An Internal review by Kent Police was due to be conducted to ensure the S136 power was being applied and managed correctly.


1.    Mr Harper said that a new advisory group had also been established to better understand the issues around the S136 power and to look at what responsibilities remained with the Police and what responsibilities remained with the NHS.


2.    Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) had agreed in January 2019 that the National Police Chiefs Council for Mental Health and the College of Policing should draft and agree a new national definition of mental ill-health and that this would be included within the new national strategy on policing and mental health. All forces would then be expected to adopt the agreed definition as soon as reasonably practicable.


3.    The current challenge was the ability to identify the demand of Mental Health. Mr Harper informed members that Kent Police would be participating in a ‘Snap-Shot Day’ to better understand Mental Health and educate its task force on how to respond to different demands.


4.    Mr Pritchard (A/Chief Superintendent) said that Mr Thomspon (Chief Inspector) was due to be meeting with other service providers to look at a strategic, multi-agency approach to reducing the demand of repeat users with complex needs.


5.    The PCC continues to fund projects via the Mental Health and Policing fund that reduce demands on Kent Police and also chairs the executive level Mental Health Concordat in Kent.


6.    RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted.



Commissioned Domestic Abuse Services Update


1.    Mr Stephens (Senior Commissioner, KCC) outlined that the integrated Domestic Abuse (DA) Commissioning whose aim was to draw together funding from partners and to commission an integrated service removing duplication and create clear client pathways and outcomes, offer greater consistency to victims, deliver operational efficiencies and facilitate improved strategic oversight of the sector.


2. The contract was for a five-year period with two, two-year extensions available.  This is split into the county assessment and triage and then there are four commissioned Domestic Abuse providers offering community support across Kent. The training, education and awareness element is being delivered by providers with a longer-term plan being developed. There are performance measures of the contract which had sought service users’ own views, experiences and satisfaction and further improvements are being made with providers around improved reporting mechanisms to stakeholders.


3. The Council had also been successful in securing additional funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) for specialist provisions particularly for substance misuse, male and LGBT support,


1.    The campaign #areyouokay in hospital maternity wards was within its second year and a comparative review had been carried out to identify how the objectives had evolved over the two-year period.


2.    Mr Stephens informed members that the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy was out for consultation and was due to close on 30 September 2019.


3.    RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted.



New Partnership Arrangements for Safeguarding Children


1.    Mr Pritchard (A/Chief Superintendent) informed members that the Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership (KSCMP) arrangements was published on 17 June 2019. The new arrangements superseded the previous Local Safeguarding Children Board and were due to be implemented from 17 September 2019. Mr Pritchard assured members that the implementation of the new KSCMP arrangements was a clear indication of Kent’s intention to take forward a robust partnership arrangement which was a revised way of working collaboratively across local agencies and organisations to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.


2.    The Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership Arrangements document could be accessed via the following link:



3.    RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted.




Date of meetings in 2019/20


RESOLVED that members noted the date of the next meeting which was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 8October 2019.



Any Other Business


1.    Mr Pritchard (A/Chief Superintendent) said that the Home Office had allocated £35 million to police forces for violence reduction units across England and Wales. The introduction of the new violence reduction units was part of the government’s focus on early intervention, as set out within the Serious Violence Strategy Published in April 2018. Mr Pritchard said that the new public health duty meant that the funding would be spent on outward facing initiatives rather than Policing or enforcement and that all funding needed to be spent by April 2020. Mr Pritchard said that an update would be provided to the KCSP once the bid had been agreed.


2.    Kent Police had also procured case management tools and commissioned media campaigns along with outreach support services for Young People who were at risk of becoming involved in violence and knife crime which was aligned to the Police and Crime Commissioners Violence Reduction Challenge. To ensure collaborative working, Kent Police were working alongside a range of other agencies including education and health partners, housing, youth and victim services etc. to develop a single tiered data system that could be accessed at all levels with government approval.


3.    Mr Peerbux suggested that an update report be presented to the KCSP in due course.



Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) - Update


1.    Mr Peerbux (Head of Community Safety, Public Protection, KCC) provided an update on Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs).


2.    RESOLVED that the update be noted.



PREVENT Duty Delivery Board Update


1.    Mr Wilkinson (Prevent and Chanel Strategic Manager, KCC) presented a series of slides that provided an update to members on the activity in regard to Prevent Duty.


2.    RESOLVED that the information set out in the presentation and given in response to comments and questions, be noted.



Kent and Medway Risk, Threats and Vulnerabilities Group Update


1.    Mr Wilkinson (Prevent and Chanel Strategic Manager, KCC) provided an update on the Kent and Medway Risk, Threats and Vulnerabilities Group.


2.    RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted.



Domestic Homicide Review Briefing on Rosemary/2017


RESOLVED that the information set out in the presentation and given in response to comments and questions, be noted.


Domestic Homicide Review Briefing on Emily/2017


RESOLVED that the information set out in the presentation and given in response to comments and questions, be noted.