Venue: Tenterden Town Hall
Contact: David Geoghegan
No. | Item |
I. Introductions II. Terms of Reference III. Community Grants IV. Emergency Planning V. Current Issues VI. Any Other Business
Minutes: Actions arising: 1) Agreed terms of reference. 2) Agreed to meet once a quarter to explore problems and solutions within Tenterden District and decide best use of limited funds. 3) Explore what information would be useful to share at future meetings: Highways information, planning applications etc. 4) Distribute information about funding streams. 5) Distribute information about the LAA grants. 6) Explore whether in the “emergency planning template” private officer’s numbers can be included. 7) Explore whether residents could have better clarification on H&S issues like snow clearance on public footpaths/drives etc. 8) Future meetings to include partners when appropriate eg Police, Youth Service and officers from Kent Highway Services.
Next meeting in 10 November.