Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Christine Singh 01622 694334
No. | Item |
Declarations of Members' Interest relating to items on today's Agenda Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that Mr Burgess made a declaration that he was a Governor at Garlinge Primary school, Margate. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2012 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2012 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Verbal Update by Cabinet Member and Corporate Director, Education Learning and Skills Additional documents: Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning and Skills)
1. The Chairman invited Mr Whiting and Mr Leeson to give their verbal updates. Mr whiting began by advising Members on the following:
2. Mr Leeson gave his verbal update and advised Members on the following:-
3. Members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions which included the following:-
a) It was considered that following the Olympic Games KCC taking a lead to sustain this momentum was welcomed. Mr Whiting advised that 30,000 pupils in Kent took part in the Kent School Games. b) In response to a question, Mr Whiting advised that 31 primary schools had converted to Academy status. Out of the 17 schools planning to convert 14 were primary schools. The conversions would be in place in either January or September. c) A request was made for parents to be given the option of paying the annual cost of £520 for 16+ transport in instalments. Mr Whiting advised that the colleges and schools were operating the transactions and were equipped to take staged payments. The Policy would be reviewed in one year. d) Disappointment was expressed at the rail networks refusal to participate in the travel pass scheme which would increase the schemes benefits to Kent young people. e) A request was made for comparative figures on apprenticeship schemes nationally and how Kent compared. Mr Whiting advised that other local authorities had their own schemes such as Dover, Swale and Medway Kent was unique in scale and its collaboration ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills, Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr K Abbott, ELS, Finance Business Partner)
(Mr K Abbott, ELS, Finance Business Partner was present for this item)
1. The Education Learning and Skills, Finance Business Partner, Mr Abbott, introduced the quarterly monitoring report on the forecast outturn for Education, Learning and Skills Directorate and highlighted points that included the following:-
2. Members were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions which included the following:-
a) In response to a question, Mr Abbott advised that KCC as the local authority was not responsible academies however if a school converts to academy status with a deficit that deficit had to be covered by KCC. This was being monitored. An academy was able to roll forward 2% of its budget which was less than maintained schools. b) In response to a question, Mr Leeson advised that local Members should be informed if their school was converting to academy status. He took an undertaken to ensure that this was done on a consistent basis.
3. RESOLVED that:-
a) the responses to comments and questions by Members be noted; and
b) the revenue and capital forecast variances from budget for 2012/13 for the Education, Learning & Skills Directorate (Education Portfolio) based on the first quarter’s full monitoring to Cabinet.
Budget Consultation 2013-14 Additional documents: Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
(Mr K Abbott, ELS, Finance Business Partner was present for this item)
1. The Chairman invited Education, Learning and Skills, Finance Business Partner,Mr Abbott, to introduce the report. Mr Abbott advised that the consultation on the draft budget proposals for 2013/14 was launched on 6 September. The consultation would end on 1 November. An Informal Member Group for this Cabinet Committee had been established and would meet to discuss the net expenditure. The IMGs findings, with the issues raised in the consultation, would form part of the report to the November meeting.
2. RESOLVED that:-
a) the launch of the consultation that took place on 6 September be noted; and
b) the proposed engagement with Cabinet Committees be noted |
Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
1. The Chairman invited the Corporate Director, Mr Leeson to introduce the report. He highlighted the following points:-
2. Mr Leeson spoke on the boundaries being changed by the school examination Boards in January to June for English GCSE, which schools considered unfair. In 82% of the cases in schools had lower grades in English and this had affected some pupils’ choice on courses and apprenticeships. This had also affected the schools improving their performance results although some still made improvements. KCC was supportive to those schools and would be writing to support schools cases.
3. Mr Whiting congratulated the Headteachers, teachers and the young people in their KS2 and KS4 results. He commented on the GCSE grade boundaries being changed and advised that the views on this had been shared with the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee Chairman, Graham Stuart.
4. Members were give the opportunity to make comments and ask questions which included the following:
a) A suggestion was made that the Kent Challenge should be celebrated. Members wished their thanks to be passed on to Mrs Sue Rogers and her Team for all their work. b) Members extended their congratulation on the examination results. c) The huge improvement in boy’s attainment should be recognised. d) In response to the question, Mr Leeson advised that only a small number of primary schools were compulsory converted to academies. When a school converted to academy status they lose the previous inspection history. Ofsted inspect within two years and the expectation is that they would have improved to satisfactory ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Commissioning Plan for Education Provision 2012-17 Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
(Mr D Adams, Area Education Officer, Mid Kent, Mr S Webb Area Education Officer, West Kent and Mrs A Osbourne, Area Education Officer, East Kent, were present for this item)
1. The Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills, Mr Whiting, introduced the report advising that 84 responses had been received by 19 June, when the consultation ended, and had been considered as the Commissioning Plan was being amended. The Plan was generally welcomed. Members would have regular engagement on the Plan and the Plan would be revised on an annual basis.
2. The Corporate Director, Mr Leeson, advised that the local authority, as well as being a provider, had to be an effective Commissioner. The local authority had to ensure sufficient early years provision and had the responsibility for Special Educational Needs provision.
3. The Commissioning Plan had been welcomed widely. Responses on the Plan indicated that people wanted the process to the open and transparent on where additional capacity was needed. It was the duty of the local authority to procure quality provision for the children and families in Kent.
4. The Plan sought to indicate the pressures and issues in the Kent and had clear definite proposals on what could go forward and be funded.
5. Mr Leeson concluded by acknowledging the work undertaken by the 3 Area Educational Officers to produce the Commissioning Plan.
6. Members made comments and asked questions which included the following:
a) In response to a question, Mr Leeson advised that increasing the capacity of a school, including an academy, would be a process of joint planning and negotiation. Enlarging a school was a lengthy process. As the Commissioner, the local authority would make a request to the academy to enlarge its capacity. b) In reply to a comment, Mr Leeson suggested that there should be sensitive discussions made on surplus schools. There was 5-7% surplus capacity. The provision needed to be in the right places. c) There was a suggestion that the focus should be on basic need rather than a focus on parental need. Mr Whiting explained that the Plan proposed to expand on the number of surplus spaces to accommodate parental preferences. The local authority was committed to accommodate parental preference where it can. d) In reply to a comment, the Chairman gave Members his assurance that there would be further consultations where Members could express their views. This included the Locality Boards and public meetings within the districts to be held before the Cabinet Member took the decision. e) Mr Christie stated that this was a comprehensive document but he did not accept paragraph 1.6 of the Plan that referred to welcoming free schools. He had concerns that the free schools would be where parents wanted them to be rather than where the local authority wanted them to be. He wanted to see priority given to supporting schools ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |
Priority School Building Programme (PSBP) Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
1. The Chairman invited the Corporate Director, Mr Leeson, to introduce the report. Mr Leeson advised that the level of investment in Kent schools was welcome. There were still discussions to be held with the DfE as there was still no clarity on the figures for each project. Mr Whiting added that he had requested a meeting with the DfE to understand the criteria. He would report his findings back to the Committee when the information was made available.
2. Mr Leeson agreed to forward the appendix to the report that had been omitted from the printed papers.
3. RESOLVED that:
a) Members noted that there was no information at present regarding future additional funding; and
b) the lobbying for inclusion of schools that had not been successful in obtaining funding and for reprioritisation would continue be noted.
Draft 14-24 Learning, Employment and Skills Strategy Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
(Ms S Dunn, Head of Skills and Employability was present for this item)
1. The Cabinet Committee received a report on the Learning and Employment and Skills strategy before it was due to be submitted to Cabinet in late November.
2. The Corporate Director, Mr Leeson, gave a brief introduction highlighting the ambitions of the Draft 14-24 Learning, Employment and Skills Strategy.
3. Members made comments and asked questions which included the following:- a) A Member welcomed the 26 targets and gave the following references to issues he considered should also be included in the strategy including: Ø Enterprise and entrepreneurial skills Ø Internships Ø “Destination” Ø “Wolf” report Ø Who the report was targeted at b) A suggestion was made that a conference on the aims of the Strategy should be considered. c) A suggestion was made that the number of university entrants should be monitored especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. d) It was suggested that students considering studying at university should receive comprehensive advice entering into a student loan agreement. e) It was considered that students would benefit from learning the rudiments of a language to extend their work prospect in Europe. f) Employers should be encouraged to come into schools to discuss employability skills with students. g) Referring to the 5 areas mentioned as hot spots for high youth unemployment, it was suggested that the issues could be referred to the appropriate Locality Boards [Gravesham Locality Board had already started work on this]. It was considered that Maidstone should be included in the list of hot spots.
4. RESOLVED that the views and comments made by Members and the report be noted, with thanks. |
Re-locatable Classroom/Additional School Places Programme 2012-13 Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
(Mr B MacQuarrie, Schools Capital and Premises Development Team Manager was present for this item)
1. The Chairman invited the Schools Capital and Premises Development Team Manager, Mr MacQuarrie to introduce the report. Mr MacQuarrie highlighted the following:-
2. Members made comments and asked questions which included the following:- a) The Chairman referred to Item F1 on the agenda a decision on additional classrooms which also tied in with this report.
b) Reassurance was sought on future funding being available. Mr MacQuarrie advised that the Medium Term Plan made informed assumptions about future funding, however the grant allocations which supported the programme were still confirmed on a year on year basis.
3. RESOLVED that the responses to comments and questions made by Members and the report be noted, with thanks. |
Amalgamation of Walmer Science College and Castle Community College - 12/01977 Additional documents:
Proposed District Primary Commissioning Plans - East District Mid Kent District and Tonbridge and Malling District Additional documents: Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
RESOLVED that the Chairman sought Members agreement to note Items E1a to Item E3d and following the public consultations receive a full report in November. Mr Christie was happy to note the Commissioning Plan but not the recommendations detailed in Item E3b.
Permanent and Temporary Classroom Programme 2012-13 - Decision taken on 9 July 2012 Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member, Education, Learning and Skills and Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning)
(Mr B MacQuarrie, Schools Capital and Premises Development Team Manager was present for this item)
1. RESOLVED that the report be noted. |