Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Kay Goldsmith 03000 416512
No. | Item |
Declaration of interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this meeting Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Chard declared that he was a Director of Engaging Kent.
Minutes from the meeting held on 26 April 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes from the meeting held on 26 April 2022 were a correct record and they be signed by the Chair.
Specialist Vascular Services Review Additional documents: Minutes: Present for this item: Su Woollard, Transformation Delivery Manager (Vascular), NHS England, Dr Christopher Tibbs, Medical Director, NHS England, Simon Brooks-Sykes, Associate Director Strategy and Population Health, K&M NHS, Tracy Rouse, Director Strategic Change and Population Health, K&M NHS, Nicky Bentley, Director of Strategy and Business Development, EKHUFT, Tom Lovegrove-Bacon, Senior Strategic Development Manager, EKHUFT Virtually present for this item: Dr Alison Davis, Chief Medical Officer, Medway NHS Foundation Trust and Sabahat Hasson, Communication and Engagement Lead, NHS England. 1. The Chair welcomed the guests and asked them to introduce themselves. The Committee then turned to questions.
2. A Member asked whether outcomes had improved since elective and emergency services for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) had moved to Kent and Canterbury Hospital in January 2020. Dr Tibbs explained that there had not been enough patients treated to adequately respond, but they were confident that the service had improved as evidenced by a reduced length of stay, a reduced number of people on call, and efficiencies.
3. A Member asked how the consultation process had engaged with hard-to-reach groups, such as the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) community. Mr Brooks-Sykes summarised the types of consultation methods used during the 6-week period. These included online surveys, written information, focus groups and workshops. Professional support was provided by an independent organisation who helped reach a diverse range of people, including those who had accessed vascular and related services in the past. One to one interviews had also been conducted along with two focus groups.
4. Dr Davis gave an example of a direct action that had occurred as a consequence of concerns raised during the public consultation. Transport had been raised as a concern which led to a patient transport group being established for patients and families.
5. The Committee asked to be provided with a copy of the Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA).
6. Ms Hasson confirmed a list of the communities and organisations engaged during the public consultation were detailed in the consultation report.*
7. A Member was concerned about the timing of the staff consultation, to be held 12 December – 10 January 2023, and questioned whether it should be delayed until later in January. Dr Davis provided assurance that staff had been engaged throughout the journey and were aware, and supportive, of the plans.
8. Medway Foundation Trust was gathering information to understand which staff would be affected by the TUPE process. NHS colleagues were united in their conviction that any further delay would not be welcomed by staff. In addition, Dr Tibbs explained that Medway Hospital’s Vascular services had been unsustainable for some time and any further delay would require additional locum staff to maintain a required level of service.
9. A Member raised concerns around the impact of industrial action and bank holidays on the statutory timetable for staff consultation. Dr Davis explained the Trust would take into account how industrial action would effect employees and that it would be carried out in ... view the full minutes text for item 59. |