Venue: Swale 1, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Ann Hunter 03000 416287
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutes Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Mrs T Dean. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2014 Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2014 are a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Exclusion of the Public Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Chairman proposed that the press and public be excluded from the meeting.
(2) Resolved that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
New Ways of Working Strategy (East Kent region) and Proposal to acquire a Freehold to become an East Kent Key Office Hub To receive exempt information relating to Item B1 Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) Mr Cooke (Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services) introduced the reports relating to this item. The reports asked the Property Sub-Committee to consider and endorse or comment on his proposed decision. Mr Cooke said the intention of the New Ways of Working project was to create hubs in addition to the Strategic Headquarters in Maidstone. He said hubs had already been established in west and mid Kent and it was proposed to acquire a suitable property near Whitstable as a key office hub for east Kent.
(2) In response to questions, Mark Cheverton (Property Fund Manager) and Bob Appleby (New Ways of Working Programme Manager) outlined the current arrangements for office accommodation and gave further detailed information about the options considered for east Kent as outlined in the exempt report. It was also confirmed that: it would cost significantly more to build a new premises than to acquire an existing one; a surveyor’s report had been commissioned; due diligence was underway to ensure value for money and any risks were considered; any premises acquired would provide suitable and flexible accommodation without the need for additional adaptation or refurbishment.
(3) Resolved to endorse the Cabinet Member’s proposed decision to agree:
(a) To the continued implementation of the New Ways of Working Programme into the east Kent region;
(b) To the freehold purchase and inclusive refurbishment of a property located on the outskirts of the Whitstable area at the price stated in the recommendations of the exempt report;
(c) To note the additional costs of purchase, including agents’ fees and stamp duty, together with final fit-out works, as stated in the exempt report;
(d) That the Executive Scheme of Delegation for Officers set out in Appendix 2, Part 4 of the Constitution (and the directorate schemes of sub-delegation made there under) provides the governance pathway for the implementation of this decision by officers. In this instance, the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support on behalf of the Corporate Director of Strategic & Corporate Services) will take all such steps as are necessary to implement the decision.
Disposal of Land at Churchill CEP School, Westerham To consider and either endorse or make recommendations on the Cabinet Member’s proposed decision Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Cooke (Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services) introduced the reports relating to the proposed disposal of the land at Churchill CEP School, London Road, Westerham and asked the Property Sub-Committee to consider and either endorse or make recommendations on his proposed decision. Mr Cooke suggested the addition of the words “in consultation with the Cabinet Member” to the recommendation set out in the reports.
(2) Rod LeMerle (Disposals Surveyor) outlined the history of the site and gave further information about an adjoining site currently being used for allotments. He also provided an update on the offers received and outlined the proposed next steps to establish the best overall bid that should be accepted and taken forward.
(3) During discussion it was confirmed that no information was available in relation to an objection to an earlier planning proposal by KCC for a care home on the site.
(4) Resolved that:
(a) The Cabinet Member’s proposed decision to sell the property and to delegate final authority to the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, to finalise the selected purchaser and the terms of the proposed sale be endorsed;
(b) A report on the outcome of the disposal be received at a future meeting of the Property Sub-Committee. |
Disposal of five leasehold interests for 125 years at market value for all units in the Nautical Mews Development in Cliftonville, as part of the Live Margate regeneration programme To consider and either endorse or make recommendations on the Cabinet Member’s proposed decision Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) Mr Cooke (Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services) introduced the report which considered the proposed disposal of five leasehold interests for 125 years at market value for all units in the Nautical Mews development in Cliftonville as part of the Live Margate regeneration programme. The report also asked the Property Sub-Committee to consider and either endorse or make recommendations on the Cabinet Member’s proposed decision.
(2) Peter Smith (Assistant Asset Management Surveyor) gave a short history of the site and described how the proposed decision would contribute to the Live Margate regeneration programme. He also circulated a proposed site plan.
(3) Mark Cheverton (Property Fund Manager) confirmed that in accordance with the Council’s constitution the proposed decision should be taken by the Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services.
(4) Resolved: (a) That the Cabinet Member’s proposed decision to agree the disposal of five leasehold interests in the terms set out in the exempt report and to delegate authority to the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support to adjust the final terms, if necessary, to conclude the transaction, be endorsed;
(b) That a report on the Live Margate regeneration programme be considered at the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee on 22 April 2015. |