Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Alexander Saul 03000 419890
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutes To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present Additional documents: Minutes: 1) Apologies were received from Jane Cribbon, Valerie Dagger and Robert Brookbank. They were represented respectively by Pam Brivio, Steve Manion and Bryan Sweetland. |
Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda To receive any declarations of interest made by Members in relation to any matter on the agenda. Members are reminded to specify the agenda item number to which it refers and the nature of the interest being declared Additional documents: Minutes: 1) There were no declaration of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2016 PDF 89 KB To consider and approve the minutes as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: 1) The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed. |
Verbal updates To receive a verbal update from the Cabinet Members for Specialist Children’s Services and Adult Social Care and Public Health, the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing and the Director of Public Health.
Additional documents: Minutes: 1) The following verbal updates were received from Peter Oakford, Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services; a) The utilisation of Children’s Centres was being looked into further as a step towards further integration. He reassured Members that the focus on this would be integrating health visitors and be limited to services focused on children’s health and wellbeing. b) In regards to Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Members were informed that 40 had arrived in April. It was emphasised that the amount of arrivals had steadied from last year; the vast majority of those arriving were now from Afghanistan. Arrivals from Eritrea and Syria have both decreased significantly. c) The Cabinet Committee was informed that migrant groups had been moving around the coast and due to this there had been an increase in UASC arriving in Newhaven, East Sussex. d) It was confirmed that KCC was still awaiting further news on the UASC Dispersal Programme progressing. Mr Oakford also expressed a view that he would like Government to explain the infrastructure established to support UASC and their dispersal. He also reassured Members that other Local Authorities had so far provided assistance for 93 Asylum Seekers. e) In regards to the additional 3,000 refugee children the UK will be resettling Mr Oakford was of the view that none of these will be settled in Kent.
2) The following verbal updates were received from Andrew Ireland, Corporate Director for Social Care, Health and Wellbeing; a) In regards to a query over central government giving KCC reimbursement for the cost of UASC care Members were reassured that KCC had received an offer and it was broadly in line with the cost. b) He shared with Members that he had given evidence at a Select Committee of the House of Lords along with representatives from the LGA and Croydon. He explained most discussion was around process and funding in regards to UASC. There was also further discussion into children’s social care in European countries. c) In regards to education and support for UASC he confirmed progress on accessing English classes and college courses had been made. d) Members were informed that an advisor from the Home Office was now permanently with the Directorate.
3) The following verbal updates were received from Graham Gibbens, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health; a) He explained that the Department of Health had declared last year a reduction of payments to pharmacies. Because of this he was concerned Community Pharmacies in rural areas and town outskirts were at risk. He proposed to the Cabinet Committee to jointly respond with Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, to express their concerns over a loss of out of town services. b) Members were informed that the new regulations on tobacco packaging that would come into effect from Friday 20th May 2016 and that a briefing in regards to this could be found online. He explained that the health warning must now cover 65% of the package ... view the full minutes text for item 138. |
Specialist Children's Services Performance Dashboard PDF 61 KB To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services and the Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing giving an overview of the performance of Specialist Children’s Services. Additional documents: Minutes: 1) Maureen Robinson, MI Service Manager, introduced the Performance Dashboard for Specialist Children’s Services to the Cabinet Committee. She explained that 44 Performance Indicators were measured in the Dashboard. Of these 7 were given a red RAG rating. Mrs Robinson emphasised to Members that if UASC were excluded from the Performance Dashboard then 5 additional Performance Indicators would have met their target. She also stated that placement stability was a key area for improvement over the coming year.
2) The Chairman expressed a view that she was heartened by the drop in re-referrals, which had decreased from 28.5% to 21.3%.
3) In response to a Members query into which Performance Indicators should he be particularly cautious of Mr Ireland stated that any relating to assessment should be given attention and of these placement stability should be given particular focus.
4) Philip Segurola, Director of Specialist Children’s Services, reassured Members that the Directorate were being mindful of the emotional resilience of their Social Workers and were working with the NHS to provide the appropriate support for their staff.
5) RESOLVED that the Children’s Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee note the report. |
To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services on the Committee’s work programme.
Additional documents: Minutes: 1) The Chairman reassured Members that it was her intention a report on all services due to be recommissioned services would come to Cabinet Committee meetings in future.
2) A view was expressed by Members that a regular update on Early Help services should be included on the Work Programme.
3) Mr Sweetland stated he would be interested in a report on how Kent County Council performs as a commissioner and its perception amongst voluntary organisations.
4) RESOLVED that the Work Programme be agreed with the discussed additions included. |