Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Angela Evans 01622 221876
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutes To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr Balfour, Mr Bowles and Mrs Hohler who were substituted by Mr Lymer, Mr Parry and Mr Pearman. |
Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda To receive any declarations of interest made by Members in relation to any matter on the agenda. Members are reminded to specify the agenda item number to which it refers and the nature of the interest being declared. Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Parry declared an interest in Item B5 as a Town Councillor and a Member of the Kent Association of Local Council (KALC) Executive Committee.
(2) Mrs Stockell declared an interest in Item B5 as a representative of KCC on the KALC Executive Committee.
(3) Mr Baldock declared an interest as a Member of KCC’s Planning Applications Committee and Mr Simkins, Mr Chittenden, Mr Parry and Dr Eddy all declared an interest as Members of their respective Borough and District Planning Committees in items on the agenda relating to roads and potential planning permissions.
(4) Mr Baldock requested at the end of item B4 that it be noted that he had left the Chamber for items B2, B3 and B4 and had not taken part in any discussions or votes. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2014 To consider and approve the minutes as a correct record Additional documents: Minutes: (1) RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2014 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Verbal updates To receive verbal updates from the Cabinet Members for Environment & Transport and Community Services and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport on the following:
· Transport Strategy Delivery update · Low Carbon Kent · Major Highways Projects · Highway Operations update · Highways Programmed Works update · Update on Wardens Service Additional documents: Minutes: ENVIRONMENT, PLANNING & ENFORCEMENT
Gatwick Airport Ltd Consultation
(1) The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport informed Members that the second phase of the consultation by Gatwick Airport Ltd on the London Airspace Change had closed on 14 August, and that this consultation had focused on the Gatwick local area.
(2) The consultation generated a considerable amount of correspondence from members of the public in West Kent who were concerned about the proposals. KCC's response to the consultation opposed the concentration of flight paths into a single route and argued for multiple routes that would provide more respite than Gatwick Airport Ltd was proposing.
Growth without Gridlock
(3) An update on Growth without Gridlock would be presented to the Cabinet Committee early in 2015.
Update on the County Council’s Mineral and Waste Local Plan (MWLP)
(4) The MWLP was being prepared and this would become the County Council’s Development Plan Strategy and set out how planning applications for mineral and waste management facilities would be considered in the County until 2030.
(5) The final stage (the Submission Document) of public consultation, the statutory six-week period for representations prior to submission of the Plan to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, had closed at 5pm on Friday 12 September 2014.
(6) 167 representations had been received from 54 respondents. Responses had been received from individual local residents, district councils, parish councils, landowners, minerals and waste companies and statutory consultees. By comparison, the consultation on the pre-submission draft MWLP carried out earlier in 2014 had received 355 representations from 82 respondents.
(7) The representations would be submitted along with the Submission Document to the Secretary of State, who would appoint a Planning Inspector to hold an Examination in Public into the Plan later in the year.
(8) Following the award of the latest Pothole Grant district teams had been busy measuring up and committing works. There had been a varied approach across districts depending upon the highway repairs required; some had already spent their allocated funding on minor patching and pothole repairs while others had put together larger areas of resurfacing to prevent pothole formation and it was intended to deliver these works through the resurfacing contract. All funding from this grant had to be spent by 31 March 2015, it was expected this would be achieved well in advance of this date.
(9) Pothole numbers remained low and at expected levels for the time of year and repairs were able to be undertaken in the fine weather. District teams had been under some additional pressure due to overgrowth enquiries which could be time consuming. Highway safety inspections were being fully undertaken and low numbers of enquiries for insurance claim forms were being experienced.
Safe and Sensible Street Lighting
(10) KCC had been exploring the possibility of converting the entire stock of 118,000 street lights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology with a Central Management System at a cost of around £40m. This ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
14/00055 Lorry Park Network (Phase 1) To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member. Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the Lorry Park Network (Phase 1) for the consideration of the Committee.
(2) The Chairman announced that a letter had been received from the Leader of Shepway District Council and she had also had a written submission from the local KCC Member, Miss Carey. Both documents are attached to these Minutes.
(3) Ann Carruthers, Transport Delivery Strategy Manager, and Fayyaz Qadir, Principal Transport Planner - Delivery, were in attendance to introduce the report and in particular referred to the following:
(4) Due to its position as the gateway between the UK and Europe, Kent suffers from issues caused by inappropriate overnight lorry parking as well as the effects of Operation Stack when it is called. In order to address these issues over the past 12-18 months preliminary investigation work had been undertaken. This included a three stage process of:
(i) Site identification and assessment (ii) Assessment of demand for additional lorry parking; and (iii) Commercial viability assessment
(5) The first step in the initial lorry park site identification had been to review all previous work considering potential sites for lorry parks including Operation Stack lorry parking facilities in the county. This led to a long list of 54 possible sites.
(6) Discussions took place with relevant local planning authorities (Ashford, Dover, Shepway, Swale, Tonbridge and Malling, Gravesham, Maidstone, Medway), Kent Police, the Highways Agency and a number of KCC internal consultees which had resulted in 31 sites going forward for further assessment.
(7) The 31 sites did not include the Aldington site that had previously been considered for a large scale Operation Stack lorry park because of high land costs and need for the construction of slip roads to the M20.
(8) Further assessment was made against the criteria below which reduced the number of potential sites to eight:
· Transport (access to site, strategic network junction capacity); · Site characteristics (topography, capacity); · Environmental considerations (designations, AONB, heritage, drainage); and · Planning considerations (current land use, local plan allocations, proximity to residential)
(9) Five of the sites identified were on the M20/A20 corridor and three on the M2/A2 corridor reflecting the higher percentage of HGV (80%) that use the M20/A20 corridor and for a number of these sites their capacity could be increased if necessary.
(10) With regard to the demand assessment it was established that five to six nights a week current lorry park operators were turning lorries away. Work was also carried out to assess the level of demand for truck parking in future. HGV volumes were obtained from the Highways Agency and growth factors were applied from the Department for Transport (DfT), Eurotunnel and Port of Dover in order to forecast volumes to 2060. The latter two were used to account for growth in international traffic which was used as the basis for assessing demand for overnight parking. Along with data on ... view the full minutes text for item 32. |
14/00091 A28 Chart Road Widening, Ashford To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member. Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the A28 Chart Road Widening, Ashford . Mary Gillet, Major Projects Planning Manager, was in attendance to introduce the report and in particular referred to the following:
(2) The proposed widening of the A28 Chart Road is a KCC strategic proposal designed to ease local congestion and provide additional highway capacity to allow for the full strategic growth identified by the adopted Ashford Core Strategy 2008, including the Chilmington Green development.
(3) The widening extends from the Great Chart Bypass eastern roundabout (Matalan roundabout) and the Templar Way roundabout (Tank roundabout). The improvements would include the provision of an additional lane to the A28 Chart Road in both directions, between the Matalan roundabout and the Tank roundabout, resulting in a dual carriageway in both directions. Both roundabouts would also be improved, together with junction improvements to Loudon Way, Hilton Road and Brunswick Road. It would be necessary to widen the existing bridge over the railway to accommodate the dual carriageway.
(4) In order to optimise the design, reduce costs, minimise disruption and realise the benefits at the earliest time, it was intended that these strategic improvements were delivered as a single scheme.
(5) The recently announced award from the Single Local Growth Fund together with developer contributions secured via a proposed S278 agreement would enable the scheme to be progressed.
(6) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to:
a) give approval to the preliminary design scheme for A28 Chart Road Widening for development control and land charge disclosures shown in principle on Drg. Nos. B1620900/H/003A and B1620900/H/007A; b) give approval to progress the A28 Chart Road Widening scheme shown as a preliminary design on Drg. Nos. B1620900/H/003A and B1620900/H/007A, including any ancillary work such as drainage and environmental mitigation; c) give approval for Legal Services to undertake a dedication, transfer or other such legal mechanism to secure the land required to deliver the A28 Chart Road Widening Scheme as shown in Drg Nos. B1620900/H/003A and B1620900/H/007A, including any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation and subject to any substantive amendments arising from the design being approved by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport; d) give approval to the publication of Compulsory Purchase Orders, any other statutory approvals and any other necessary legal rights or consents required for the scheme shown in principle on Drg, Nos. B1620900/H/003A and B1620900/H/007A, including any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation and subject to any substantive amendments arising from the outline design being approved by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport; e) give approval to enter into an agreement with Network Rail to allow the County Council to design and deliver a scheme on Network Rail infrastructure; f) give approval to enter into funding ... view the full minutes text for item 33. |
14/00092 M20 J4/A228 - Widening of Eastern Overbridge To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member.
Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the M20 J4/A228 - Widening of Eastern Overbridge. Mary Gillet, Major Projects Planning Manager, was in attendance to introduce the report.
(2) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to:
a) give approval to the outline design scheme for M20 J4 Widening of Eastern Overbridge for development control and land charge disclosures shown in principle on Drg. No. ITB8066-GA-003 Rev A;
b) give approval to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the scheme shown in principle on Drg, No. ITB8066-GA-003 Rev A;
c) give approval to enter into a S6 Agreement with the Highways Agency to allow KCC to deliver a scheme on the Highways Agency network;
d) give approval to enter into Single Local Growth Fund funding agreement subject to the approval of the Corporate Director of Finance & Procurement, and
e) give approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme subject to the approval of the Procurement Board to the recommended procurement strategy. |
13/00094 Gravesend Transport Quarter Phase 3 - Rathmore Road Link, Gravesend To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member.
Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the Gravesend Transport Quarter Phase 3 - Rathmore Road Link, Gravesend. Mary Gillet, Major Projects Planning Manager, was in attendance to introduce the report and in response to questions raised and comments made referred to the following:
(2) Some car parking provision would be retained at Gravesend Station but this would be reduced. Network Rail had been given permission to build a car park over the railway but this permission had lapsed.
(3) The Borough Council had reviewed the situation and were satisfied with car parking provision.
(4) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committeeendorsed the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to:
a) give approval to the outline design scheme for Gravesend Transport Quarter Phase 3 - Rathmore Road Link shown on Drg. No. 4300015/000/001 Rev 2 for development control and land charge disclosures; and subject to planning approval;
b) give approval to the publication of a Compulsory Purchase Order, any other statutory approvals and any other necessary legal rights or consents required for the scheme shown in principle on Drg, No. 4300015/000/001 Rev 2 subject to any substantive amendments arising from the detailed design being approved by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport;
c) give approval to the advance voluntary acquisition of No. 15 Darnley Road that is affected by the scheme on terms to be agreed with the Director of Property and Infrastructure;
d) give approval to the voluntary acquisition of Gravesham Borough Council car park land that is affected by the scheme on terms to be agreed with the Director of Property;
e) give approval to enter into a funding agreement for financial support through the South East Local Enterprise Partnership Single Local Growth Fund, and other such funding agreements as required for the delivery of the scheme, subject to the approval of the Corporate Director of Finance & Procurement and Infrastructure; and
f) give approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme subject to the approval of the Procurement Board to the procurement strategy. |
13/00038 Joint Transportation Boards Parish Attendance and Voting Rights To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member. . Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information about Joint Transportation Boards (JTBs) parish attendance and voting rights.
(2) Mr John Wilson, Immediate Past Chairman of Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC), was also in attendance for this item. He welcomed the proposed decision stating that voting rights for Parish Council members seemed to be a natural progression.
(3) Mr Caller proposed and Dr Eddy seconded an amendment as follows:
It is recommended
that the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment be asked to
A report to all JTBs
seeking District Council
(4) Mr Caller stated that he had proposed his amendment because for the County Council to decide something and then seek the agreement of District Councils was counterproductive. One size did not fit all and as some areas of Kent were not parished, some were partially parished and some completely parished the question of proportionality was raised.
(5) The Cabinet Member explained that to note the recommendation was not acceptable in this instance and that the document attached to the report as Appendix B was an agreement between KCC and Borough and District Councils.
(6) Mr Caller withdrew the amendment but suggested the recommendation should read ‘approve on behalf of KCC subject to JTB agreement’.
(7) The Cabinet Member stated that it was not within KCC’s power to impose anything on JTBs if they objected to Parish Council members being given voting rights.
(8) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to:
a) approve the KALC request for a total of two Parish Members to attend JTBs (with voting rights) and attendant changes as set out in the report.
b) commission a report to all JTBs seeking District Council agreement to the KALC proposal for consideration in the autumn round of meetings. |
To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member. Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the Sittingbourne Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) and Waste Transfer Station Redevelopment. Melanie Price, Partnership and Development Manager, and Ian Dudding, Infrastructure Development Manager - Waste Management, were in attendance to introduce the report.
(2) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committee endorse the letting of contracts for the redevelopment and re-provision of the Sittingbourne Household Waste Recycling Centre and Waste Transfer Station. |
14/00103 Upgrading Safety Camera Partnership Equipment To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member. Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on upgrading Safety Camera Partnership equipment. David Joyner, Transport and Safety Policy Manager, was in attendance to introduce the report.
(2) In response to questions raised and comments made the following points were made:
(3) Digitalised mobile cameras created a more flexible approach.
(4) The only way to not get caught speeding was not to speed. Speed awareness courses helped fund projects and were a good way of educating drivers. Education was a key factor in reducing speeding.
(5) Following the debate the Chairman put the recommendations to the vote. As Mr MacDowall had requested a recorded vote the results were as follows:
For (13) Mrs P Stockell, Mr M Baldock, Mr C Caller, Mr I Chittenden, Dr M Eddy, Mr M Harrison, Mr G Lymer, Mr J Ozog, Mr R Parry, Mr C Pearman, Mr C Simkins, Mr M Whybrow, Mr A Wickham
Against (1) Mr MacDowall
(6) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member’s proposed project to upgrade the existing Safety Camera Partnership equipment be endorsed. |
14/00104 Winter Service Policy for 2014/15 To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport and to consider and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member. Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the Winter Service Policy for 2014/15. Carol Valentine, Highway Manager (West), was in attendance to introduce the report and in particular referred to the following:
(2) KCC’s Highways Operations Winter Service Team had started work last year to implement national guidance for winter service as issued by the Department for Transport (DfT) and detailed in the Code of Practice for highway authorities – Well Maintained Highways - section 13 Winter Service. The appendix to this section of the guidance – Appendix H – had been updated and amended as a result of lessons learnt in the industry over four successive cold and snowy winters.
(3) Although, for the first time since 2009, there were no snow days during the winter period 2013/14 there were still a number of days and nights where there were marginal temperatures hovering around zero. This lead to 70 primary salting runs being undertaken, 39 full runs covering all of Kent and 31 part runs.
(4) Kent was an example of best practice in Winter Service and during the summer work had been undertaken to refine and improve the winter service in the following areas:
· a route optimisation programme; · assessing areas of Appendix H to implement this coming winter; and · the procurement of the weather station contract.
(5) Kent’s farmers were currently contracted to clear rural areas when there are snowy conditions and this provided an extremely valuable service. Last year it had been intended to carry out a trial by providing a few farmers with a trailer and salt so that they could treat areas that they have in the past just ploughed. The trial did not go ahead as there were no snow events; dependent on the weather it will be trialled this season. The results of the trial will be reviewed at the end of the season and decisions taken about how it can be taken forward in future years.
(6) Following the successful winter service campaign ‘We’re prepared are/have you?’ which ran across the county in 2012/13, a similar campaign was planned for last year which was not used. Work is ongoing to continue this work for the coming season and the website and radio advertising as well as Twitter will be key in getting the winter message across the county.
(7) In response to questions raised and comments made the Committee received the following further information from officers:
(8) Route optimisation was an activity to optimise the existing gritting routes for the county and develop an in-house capability so that routes could be updated and amended without the necessity of asking consultants for help.
(9) The DfT’s Well Maintained Highways Code of Practice recommended that local authorities identify a minimum network that would be treated continuously for a period of six days in the event of a severe winter event. Last year KCC ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
Update on Trading Standards activities and initiatives To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Commercial and Traded Services and the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport on progress in the service to date. Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Commercial and Traded Services and the Director of Environment, Planning and Enforcement which contained an update on Trading Standards activities and initiatives. Mark Rolfe, Trading Standards Manager (East), was in attendance to introduce the report and in particular referred to the following:
(2) This report was in response to the Cabinet Committee’s request at the July meeting for an update on the roles, responsibilities and remit of the Trading Standards (TS) service. The report included the legislative background to TS and the innovative intelligence-led work the team did such as protection from harm, animal health, rogue traders and Checkatrade.
(3) The report also looked at the support offered by TS to Public Health and business throughout Kent with advice and help, including the removal of rogue traders and scammers, to enable legitimate businesses to grow, develop and prosper.
(4) In his verbal update on 22 July the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport had spoken about the seizure of 1,000 dangerous chainsaws. These had been tested and confirmed as unsafe with the safety chain on the chainsaws being inoperable. This left TS with the problem of what to do with 1,000 chainsaws and in an innovative move they had been given to a well-known local children’s charity to dismantle and dispose of for scrap metal.
(5) The prosecution of a seller of counterfeit goods mentioned in the report had resulted in the seller pleading guilty and currently awaiting sentencing. The prosecution of people storing explosives and fireworks in a dangerous manner, storage so bad it could have resulted in the loss of the whole storage facility, had also pleaded guilty and were awaiting sentencing.
(6) The most recent success was that, in partnership with border forces, TS had seized 32,000 sets of dangerous cosmetics with a street value of £13m. TS were working with Kent Scientific Services to see what chemicals were in the cosmetics but one brand holder had recognised that one of the eyeliners contained paint stripper.
(7) TS were now dealing with individuals and businesses that were deliberately engaged in fraud and organised criminality. Dealing with money launderers required more work than it had previously because crimes were now more serious. In relation to rogue trading and the amber KPI, Members were assured that the dashboard target would be met.
(8) TS recognised that the majority of businesses in Kent were legitimate. Many businesses struggled with the technicalities of compliance with all the laws and legalities and TS invested a significant amount of time in advising businesses on this. Much of their advice was free however some services, including food services whose stock was tested at Kent Scientific Services, were chargeable.
(9) Following a meeting, and a major prosecution, about live animal export Members were informed that it was a lawful trade and TS was a law enforcement service so their powers in relation to the trade were limited. TS worked closely in partnership ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
DCLG Consultation on the formation of the Ebbsfleet Urban Development Corporation To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Director Environment, Planning & Enforcement on the consultation. Additional documents: Minutes: 41. DCLG Consultation on the formation of the Ebbsfleet Urban Development Corporation (Item C2)
(1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Director of Environment, Planning and Enforcement which contained information on the DCLG Consultation for the formation the Ebbsfleet Urban Development Corporation (UDC). Sharon Thompson, Head of Planning Applications, was in attendance to introduce the report and in particular referred to the following:
(2) This was Members’ opportunity to shape KCC’s response to the consultation on the UDC. Parliamentary approval was required before the formulation of the UDC could be taken forward and this would be informed by any responses.
(3) In March 2014, as part of the Budget, the Government announced plans to create a new ‘Garden City’ at Ebbsfleet capable of providing up to 15,000 new homes, primarily on previously developed land.
(4) The Ebbsfleet UDC was seen by Government as the delivery vehicle for the new Garden City as a response to the slow progress of development in the locality despite planning permission having been granted.
(5) The UDC, if established, would work closely with local authorities to coordinate investment, provide direction, focus and expertise to accelerate and drive forward development within the identified UDC area. A £200m funding package would be available to the UDC to unlock some of the infrastructure delays.
(6) Some key areas that Members might consider when forming their response to the consultation included:
· The boundary – the area largely covers the major development sites of Ebbsfleet, Eastern Quarry, Northfleet Embankment, Northfleet West Sub-Station and the proposed London Paramount site on Swanscombe Peninsula. The proposed area did not include the existing residential communities of Swanscombe, Greenhithe and Northfleet and also excluded areas such as Northfleet Industrial Estate and Springhead Enterprise Park where there was existing commercial development and multiple land ownership. The area included two wharves, Robin’s Creek and Red Lion Wharf. A significant proportion of minerals come into the county through these wharves and the safeguarding of them was critical for the county’s emerging Minerals & Waste Local Plan (MWLP). The implications of the loss of these wharves would lead to a need to establish alternative importation methods, potentially adding significantly to the cost and environmental impact of transport, including a potential change to road transport options which would ultimately impact on the costs of construction in the county.
· The powers of the UDC – the statutory objectives and powers of a Development Corporation are set out under Section 136 of the Local Government, Planning & Land Act 1980. It is proposed that the Ebbsfleet UDC should be given comprehensive and consistent powers within its boundary area. The UDC would not have plan making powers but would have powers to determine planning applications. In determining planning applications the UDC must have regard to the provisions of existing plans so far as they are material to the application; which means that the UDC would determine all planning applications within its area, including minerals and ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |
Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee Work Programme 2014-15 To receive an update on the Committee’s proposed work programme. Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report from the Head of Democratic Services which contained information on the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee Work Programme 2014-15.
(2) RESOLVED that the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee Work Programme 2014-15 be agreed. |
Performance Dashboard The Environment and Transport Performance Dashboard shows progress made against targets set for Key Performance Indicators. Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Members for Environment and Transport and Commercial and Traded Services and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the Environment & Transport Performance Dashboard. Richard Fitzgerald, Performance Manager Business Intelligence, was in attendance to introduce the report. In response to questions raised and comments made the Committee received the following further information from officers:
(2) Recycling rates for municipal waste were calculated through detailed tracking of all waste collected by tonnage and waste type. Waste recycling included items such as green waste, wood and metal.
(3) While street lighting repair was showing as amber this was only 1% below target with the year to date performance at 93%, the highest it had been for several years. There were two issues affecting this target;
(i) The new electricity regulations had meant that many of the streetlights had had to be disconnected and reconnected. In some cases lights had had to be cut down for structural reasons. Reinstallation and reconnection had to be done by the electricity board and this took some time with training causing a bottleneck to repairs; and
(ii) resources had been largely concentrated on the part time lighting implementation.
(3) With regard to Kent Scientific Services income, the spend of clients shared with Hampshire had been low to date. However expected spend from clients shared with other local authorities meant that income would increase to meet the target.
(4) In response to a query about gulley emptying, Mr Burr confirmed that a report would be brought to the Cabinet Committee in the near future. The implementation of scheduled gulley emptying now meant there was sometimes a delay in responding to reported blockages; unless a reported blockage would cause a major accident or flood property it would be added to the schedule and so, although the service itself had improved, public satisfaction had reduced.
(5) RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Annual Equality and Diversity report To receive the statutory Equalities and Diversity Annual Report for 2014/15. Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport which contained information on the Annual Equality and Diversity Report. Akua Agyepong, Corporate Lead, Equality and Diversity, was in attendance to introduce the report.
(2) RESOLVED that the Cabinet Committee:
a) Noted current performance; b) Continue to ensure that equality governance is observed in relation to decision making; c) Noted the proposed changes to Equality Objectives and agree to receive revised objectives; and d) Agreed to receive the report annually in order to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. |
Motion to exclude the Press and Public Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Committee resolved that, under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Establishment of a Transport Related Local Authority Trading Company Minutes: SUMMARY OF EXEMPT ITEM (Where Access to Minutes Remains Restricted)
(1) The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste which contained information on the Establishment of a Transport Related Local Authority Trading Company (LATC). Tim Read, Head of Transportation, was in attendance to introduce the report and answered Members’ questions.
(2) RESOLVED that the information be noted and that Members endorsed the proposed Cabinet Member decision. |