Agenda and minutes

Education and Young People's Services Cabinet Committee - Friday, 1st July, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Alexander Saul  03000 419890


No. Item


Apologies and Substitutes

To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present

Additional documents:


1)         Apologies were received from Mr Manion, Mr Northey, Mr Oakford Mr Ridings, Mr Roper, Mr Tear and Mr Truelove.


2)         The following were attending as substitutes; Mr Wedgbury for Mr Ridings, Mrs Stockell for Mr Northey, Miss Carey for Mr Manion and Mr Lymer attended as Deputy Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services


3)         Patrick Leeson, Director of Education and Young People’s Services, also sent his apologies. Keith Abbott, Director of Education Access and Planning, was in attendance to give updates to the Committee from the Directorate in Mr Leeson’s absence.


Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda

To receive any declarations of interest made by Members in relation to any matter on the agenda.  Members are reminded to specify the agenda item number to which it refers and the nature of the interest being declared

Additional documents:


1)         Mr Wedgbury declared that he was also a Member of the Planning Committee.


2)         Mr Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, declared an interest in item B3 and as such this decision would be taken by the Leader.


Minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2016 pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To consider and approve the minutes as a correct record

Additional documents:


1)         The Minutes were agreed as a correct record.


Verbal updates

To receive verbal updates from the relevant Cabinet Members and Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services portfolio.


Additional documents:


1)         The following verbal updates were received from Mr Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform:

                     i)        Ofsted figures for Kent remained extremely encouraging with 87% of Kent schools now at good or outstanding and only 5 schools were in a category for concern.

                    ii)        Feedback on Kent County Council’s role in supporting schools had been positive despite the fact that local authorities were being asked to step back from this role by Government.

                   iii)        There had been a large response to the consultation on the Fair Funding Formula. Mr Gough confirmed nothing had yet been said regarding Early Years’ services.


2)         Mr Hill, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said that a report on Youth Commissioning Services would be presented to the next meeting of the Cabinet committee on 22 September 2016.


3)         Keith Abbott, Director of Education Access and Planning, gave the following verbal updates:

                     i)        The London Borough of Redbridge had acquired a lease on 147 properties at Howe Barracks, Canterbury after outbidding Canterbury City Council. The first 41 houses had already been occupied by council tenants of Redbridge. He also said that, in the directorate’s view, local primary school capacity could support the families that had moved in, but that secondary schools could not. As a result some of children were attending The Community College in Whitstable.

                    ii)        In response to Members’ queries he confirmed that both Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council had only been informed of this a month ago.


Proposal to expand Sellindge Primary School by 0.5FE pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To receive a report from the Corporate Director of Education Young People’s Services asking the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee to comment on and endorse the decision to allocate funds from the Education and Young People’s Basic Needs budget so that the expansion of Sellindge Primary School by 0.5 FE can go ahead.

Additional documents:


1)         David Adams, Area Education Officer - South Kent, introduced the report that updated the Committee on the results of the public consultation on the proposal to expand Sellindge Primary School for September 2018 and asked the Committee to endorse an allocation of funds from the Education and Young People’s Basic Needs budget so that the expansion of Sellindge Primary School by 0.5 FE could go ahead.


2)         Mr Adams explained that to meet Department of Education guidance the record of decision had been amended to include issuing a public notice. He said that the allocation remained unchanged.  The decision now read as follows:  “As Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform I:

a)    Agree that a Public Notice be published to permanently expand Sellindge Primary School from 0.5FE to 1FE, and following a representation period of four weeks with no statutory objections received, implement the proposal;

b)    Allocate £836,000 from the Education and Young People’s Basic Needs budget so that the expansion of Sellindge Primary School from 0.5FE to 1FE can go ahead.

c)    Authorise the Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Director of Governance and Law to enter into any necessary contracts/agreements on behalf of the County Council.

d)    Authorise the Director of Infrastructure to be the nominated Authority Representative with the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts.”


3)         In response to a concern, Mr Adams explained that the size of the expansion was limited due to the size of the site, and the current proposal required the purchase of adjacent land.


4)         The Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee agreed to endorse the Cabinet Member of Education and Health Reform’s proposed decision to;

a)    Agree that a Public Notice be published to permanently expand Sellindge Primary School from 0.5FE to 1FE, and following a representation period of four weeks with no statutory objections received, implement the proposal;

b)    Allocate £836,000 from the Education and Young People’s Basic Needs budget so that the expansion of Sellindge Primary School from 0.5FE to 1FE can go ahead;

c)    Authorise the Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Director of Governance and Law to enter into any necessary contracts/agreements on behalf of the County Council.

d)    Authorise the Director of Infrastructure to be the nominated Authority Representative with the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts.


Should objections, not already considered by the Cabinet Member when taking this decision, be received during the notice period a separate decision will be required in order to continue the proposal and allow for a proper consideration of any points raised.


Proposed changes to Maidstone Grammar School (Boys) pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To receive the report by the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services to consider and endorse or make recommendations on the decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform on the proposed changes to Maidstone Grammar School (Boys).


Additional documents:


1)         Jared Nehra, Area Education Officer - West Kent, introduced a report on the proposed changes to Maidstone Grammar School (Boys) and explained that this was in response to a need for additional school places.  He further informed the Committee that Maidstone Grammar School (Boys) was an outstanding school and that the almost £2 million of the cost would be offset by the developers’ contribution.  He said the recommendation was that £3.58 million be allocated from the Basic Needs budget to fund the permanent expansion of Maidstone Grammar School (Boys), Barton Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 7BT by one form of entry.


2)         Members expressed their support for the proposal.


3)         The Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee endorsed the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform’s proposed decision to:


i)   Allocate £3.58 million from the Basic Needs budget to fund the permanent expansion of Maidstone Grammar School, Barton Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 7BT by one form of entry, which over a period of time was expected to be offset by significant developer contributions;

ii)  Authorise the Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Director of Governance and Law to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council;

iii)Authorise the Director of Infrastructure to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts.

iv)This decision is conditional upon planning permission being granted.


Special School Programme - Additional Costs for Ridge View School pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To receive the report by the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services to consider and endorse or make recommendations on the decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform on increasing the funding allocated from the Education and Young People’s Services Capital Budget to the rebuild and expansion of Ridge View School.

Additional documents:


1)         Jared Nehra, Area Education Officer for West Kent, introduced the report on additional costs required to continue the special schools’ programme at Ridge View School. This would be to meet additional requirements that had emerged since the original design including the planning costs as well as the cost of enabling development for the re-provision of playing facilities for the Judd School. All of which would be required for the scheme to proceed.


2)         Miss Carey said the Special Schools’ Programme was enormously important and that it was critical that Kent County Council continued its commitment to such a worthwhile project.


3)         In response to a concern Mr Nehra reassured Members the proposed decision would not, at any point, deprive the Judd School of a playing area.


4)         The Education and Young People’s Cabinet Committee endorsed the Leader’s proposed decision to:

i)          Allocate an additional £2.1m from the Special Schools Review budget to rebuild and expand Ridge View School (Tonbridge);

ii)         Authorise the Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Director of Governance and Law to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council;

iii)        Authorise the Director Infrastructure to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts.


Procurement of SEN Transport provision - Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To receive the report by the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services and the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform to consider and endorse or make recommendations on the decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform on the decision for the award of contracts for SEN Transport Provision in following completion of the procurement process for the provision of SEN Transport provision.

Additional documents:


1)         Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, introduced a report providing an update on the progress of the implementation of the SEN Transport Phase 1 and asking the Committee to endorse the proposed decision to award contracts for SEN Transport Provision following completion of the procurement process. He explained this would be required to move this scheme into Phase 2.


2)         Scott Bagshaw, Head of Fair Access, explained that colleagues in the Highways team had done significant work to improve engagement with contractors.


3)         A view was expressed that when commissioning services for the SEN Transport there should be a preference for local companies with local knowledge.


4)         In response to a suggestion that a cross-party informal group could be established to monitor contracts of commissioned services the Chairman said this would be  included on the Work Programme and discussed at the next agenda setting meeting.


5)         The Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision for the award of contracts for SEN Transport provision following completion of the procurement basis (single school lots) or multiple routes, based upon the geographical spread of students for each school.


Family Support Service Commissioning Update pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To receive the report by the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services, Cabinet Member for Community Services, Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services and the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform to consider and endorse or make recommendations on the decision to be takenby the Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services to make the award of contracts for the Family Support Service.

Additional documents:


1)         Stuart Collins, 0-25 Area Head of Service - North Kent, introduced the report that said that Early Help and Preventative Services were planning to procure a Family Support Service and asked the Cabinet Committee to endorse a proposed decision by Peter Oakford, Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services to make the award of contracts for the Family Support Service.


2)         In response to a concern raised Helen Cook, Commissioning Officer (Children’s), said she would circulate KPI’s detailing the performance of this service after the meeting.


3)         Mr Lymer, Deputy Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, said both he and Mr Oakford were committed to achieving the tight timeframe required.


4)         The Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision by Peter Oakford, Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services to make the award of contracts for the Family Support Service.


Review of the Kent Commissioning Plan for Education 2016-20 pdf icon PDF 421 KB

To receive a report asking The Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee to note the progress achieved with the Education Commissioning Plan.


Additional documents:


1)         Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, introduced the report which set out progress achieved with the Education Commissioning Plan and said that he had found the results encouraging.  The Committee’s attention was brought to the large reduction in the number of reception class children not receiving their first choice of school. Mr Gough stated that overall there was significant progress.


2)         David Adams, Area Education Officer – South Kent, said that the report provided evidence that Kent County Council had delivered on its projects. He also said he and his colleagues were mindful of the variability between Districts and were considering how best to respond to this.


3)         The Chairman commented that it was important to keep this item on the agenda twice a year with the changes that were happening in Kent as a result of planned housing developments and inward migration particularly from the London boroughs to Dartford.


4)         The Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee noted the progress achieved with the Education Commissioning Plan.


Work Programme 2016 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To receive the report from the Head of Democratic Services that gives details of the proposed Work Programme for the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee.


Additional documents:


1)         Members agreed the Work Programme subject to the addition of an item on the possible establishment of an informal task and finish group SEN transport provision.


Development of the Education Services Company (new standing agenda item)

The Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee’s attention is brought to this new standing item on the agenda. Although there is no written report or update at this time it will be come with a full report in September and the meetings thereafter.


Additional documents:


1)    Mr Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, drew Members’ attention to this new standing item on the agenda and said there would be a written report in September and the meetings thereafter.