Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Hayley Savage 03000 414286
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutes Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Mrs Binks, Mr Ridgers, Mr Sandhu and Mr Sole. Mr Passmore was present as substitute for Mr Sole.
Mr Manion was present virtually. |
Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2024 were a correct record. |
Verbal updates by the Cabinet Members and Corporate Director Additional documents: Minutes: Mr James Pearson (Head of Libraries, Registrations and Archives) was in attendance for this item.
1. Mrs Bell, Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services, provided an update on the following:
Libraries Registration and Archives (a) The annual summer reading challenge, ‘Marvellous Makers’, took place over the summer holidays with over 16,000 children taking part.
(b) The public consultation on Folkestone Library was taking place with public drop-in sessions being delivered. The consultation closed on 11 September and a report on the findings of the consultation would be produced.
(c) The Hope Project was a free exhibition at the Kent History and Library Centre in Maidstone inspired by the Inclusive Arts Practitioner Elaine Foster-Gandey.
(d) Works at Dover Discovery Centre were due to be completed in March 2025 and a temporary library service was being delivered from the Dover Gateway.
Trading Standards (e) Mrs Bell attended a Trading Standards Checked briefing with officers from the service. Trading Standards Checked, in partnership with Kent Police, aimed to protect residents from criminals and provided a list of safe local traders. The service also helped legitimate businesses to thrive and supported the local economy.
(f) The vapes team continued to be active and had in the last year conducted 800 visits to businesses where 143 were selling illegal products. Over 23,000 illegal vapes had been seized.
(g) Trading Standards officers had been conducting border controls on the safety of goods.
(h) Community Wardens and Trading Standards carried out a doorstep crime information day in Gravesend engaging with the community to improve resilience.
2. Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:
• Information in relation to illegal vape prosecutions could be provided. • The Cabinet Member would consider writing to the Secretary of State regarding the banning of single use vapes.
3. Mr Murphy, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, provided an update on the following:
(a) Work on the Kent & Medway Economic Framework’s five ambitions was underway including: the submission of a bid to the Department for Education to run a series of skills bootcamps to tackle employment needs in different sectors; the establishment of a new ‘Strategic Partnership for Health & Economy’; making the case to government about the lack of international passenger rail services at Ebbsfleet & Ashford and; initial work on the development of a place-based Innovation Partnership.
(b) A Work and Health Strategy for Kent & Medway was being developed to tackle barriers that prevented people from succeeding in employment due to health issues.
(c) Since the re-launch of the Kent & Medway Business Fund in November 2023, nineteen new business loans had been approved and were projected to create approximately 130 full time equivalent jobs. Among recipients was an environmentally friendly dry cleaners based in Medway, a Children’s Nursery in Swale, two Life Science businesses in Sandwich and arts and recreation business in Tonbridge & Malling.
(d) The annual Taste of Kent Awards took place on 13 June and celebrated winners and finalists from Kent’s food & drink sector ... view the full minutes text for item 217. |
Performance Dashboard Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mr Matthew Wagner, Chief Analyst, introduced the report which set out the performance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and activity indicators for Quarter 1 of 2024/25. Mr Wagner highlighted the seven new indicators that had been added and the four that had been removed. He explained of the 22 KPIs for this quarter 17 had been RAG rated green, three were RAG rated amber, two were RAG rated red, and three new KPIs were still awaiting confirmation of funding before they could be reported.
2. Following a comment from a Member it was agreed the target for CST01 would be reviewed.
3. RESOLVED to note the performance report for Quarter 1 of 2024/25.
24/00080 - Amendments to the Highways Act 1980 - Sections 118ZA & 119ZA Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Mrs Bell and Mr Graham Rusling (Head of Service Public Rights of Way and Access) introduced the report regarding the amendments to the Highways Act 1980 (included in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) to provide a right for landowners to apply for public path diversion and extinguishment orders. Agreement was sought for the Council to accept the delegation by Kent district councils of their functions in this area.
2. RESOLVED that the committee endorses the proposed decision by the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services on the acceptance by Kent County Council of the delegation by Kent District Councils of their functions in respect of public path orders and applications made under the Highways Act 1980 sections 118ZA and 119ZA. |
Playground Early Years Programme Additional documents: Minutes: Ms L Keely (Principal Project Officer) and Ms S Bedingfield (Service Manager – Innovation, Digital & Libraries) were in attendance for this item.
1. Mrs Bell introduced the report and explained that the project was funded by the Arts Council and the sessions were free of charge and were inclusive as much as possible for children from all communities and parts of the county.
2. Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:
· The project had been delivered well and the potential development of a five year strategy was encouraging. · Members expressed their support for the project and thanked all those involved in its delivery including the welcoming nature of library staff.
3. RESOLVED to note and endorse the report.
24/00082 - Kent Minerals and Waste Local Development Scheme Update Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Mr Murphy and Mrs Sharon Thompson (Head of Planning Applications) introduced the report regarding proposed changes to the timetable for the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (KMWLP) and the Kent Mineral Sites Plan (MSP).
2. Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:
· It was not uncommon for a minerals and waste local plan to have a plan that sets out the strategy and a second that sets out allocations. In the case of Kent, the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan sets out the strategy and, the current review work is proposing to address national and local policy changes since 2016. The Mineral Sites Plan set out allocations where development is acceptable in principle. · If the final version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (which was at the consultation phase) made significant changes that affected the Minerals and Waste Local Plan then this would need to be considered in future plan reviews. The NPPF is also considered as part of the determination of a planning application.
3. RESOLVED that the committee endorses the proposed decision by the Cabinet Member for Economic Development who is responsible for the Minerals and Waste Local Plan on the proposed Kent Minerals and Waste Local Development Scheme 2024.
24/00083 - Old Rectory Business Centre Management Contract Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Mr Murphy and Mr Mark Reeves (Project Manager) introduced the report regarding the next steps for the Old Rectory Business Centre in Northfleet which was a KCC-owned facility offering high quality office space to local businesses. Five options were outlined in the report and in light of ‘Securing Kent’s Future’ it was proposed that the asset would be disposed of as a going concern.
2. Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:
• The building was a significant asset to the Gravesham community both historically and commercially. • Full legal advice was being sought to protect the current use and ethos of the building. Should legal advice indicate that there was not adequate protection for businesses, further discussions and evaluations would take place. • Gravesham Borough Council’s bid to secure £370,000 of Getting Building Fund funding to refurbish empty retail units and create new flexible workspace in the town centre was an independent process. • The income of £25,000 profit was after refurbishment and staff costs. The total income was approximately £60,000 a year.
3. Mr Hood proposed and Mr Lewis seconded that the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee recommends that the Cabinet Member for Economic Development extends the current contract for a duration of 2 years exercising the full extension clause within the existing contract, so the Council could explore all options further. The motion was lost.
4. RESOLVED that the committee endorses the proposed decision by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development to
(i) APPROVE and DELEGATE to the Director of Growth and Communities to extend the current contract period for a period of nine months to allow time to undertake the disposal.
(ii) AGREE that the necessary steps can be taken to dispose of the Old Rectory Business Centre in Northfleet as a going concern.
(iii) DELEGATE authority to The Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, to finalise the terms of the disposal and execution of all necessary or desirable documentation required to implement the above.
5. In accordance with paragraph 16.31 of the Constitution Mr Hood and Mr Lewis wished for it to be recorded in the minutes that they voted against the motion. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Mr Murphy and Ms Susan Berdo (Strategic Programme Manager) introduced the report regarding the Investment Advisory Board (IAVB) Terms of Reference and the voluntary appointments made to the board, including the IAB Sub-Group and the IAB Debt Recovery Group.
2. Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:
• The Kent and Medway Business Fund was government funding ringfenced to support and promote local businesses in Kent by way of loans.
3. RESOLVED that the committee endorses the proposed decision by the Cabinet Member for Economic Development on the Investment Advisory Board Terms of Reference and the voluntary appointments made to the Boards: The Investment Advisory Board, (“IAB”), IAB Sub-Group and the IAB Debt Recovery Group. |
Kent and Medway Business Fund Bi-Annual Monitoring - Q4 2023-24 Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mr Murphy and Mr Martyn Riley (Project Manager) introduced the report summarising the results of KCC’s monitoring returns from businesses that have received loans and equity from KCC managed government funded Business Investment Schemes including the Kent and Medway Business Fund (KMBF) and the former Regional Growth Fund (RGF) schemes.
2. RESOLVED to note the report. |
Developing Discovery Park: Sandwich Task Force Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mr Murphy and Mr David Smith introduced the report regarding KCC’s support for Discovery Park, the work of the Sandwich Task Force following Pfizer’s decision to exit from its facilities at the Discovery Park site, and the development of an action plan using local potential to meet national challenges.
2. RESOLVED to endorse to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development the suggested actions described in paragraphs 7.6 – 7.8 of the report. |
Work Programme 2024/25 Additional documents: Minutes: |