Agenda and minutes

Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee - Thursday, 30th July, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Contact: Emma West  03000 412421


No. Item


Apologies and Substitutes


Apologies for absence had been received from Mr Roper.





To note that Mrs Allen had joined the Committee as a Committee Member.



Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda


(1)        Mr Manion declared an interest as his partner worked for a special school in Dover.


(2)        Dr Sullivan declared an interest as her husband worked as an Early Help Worker for Kent County Council.



Minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2020 pdf icon PDF 446 KB


(1)        Mrs Dean referred to section (8) within item 7 (20/00016 - Section 106 Funding)in the minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2020 and requested more information on the matter.


(2)        The clerk confirmed that she would investigate and provide further information to Mrs Dean outside of the meeting.


(3)        The Chairman reassured Mrs Dean that an update in relation to youth service funding would be provided to Committee Members in some format on or before the next meeting of the Committee.


(4)        RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee held on 11 March 2020 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman.



Minutes of the Corporate Parenting Panel held on 10 December 2019 pdf icon PDF 324 KB


(1)        Mrs Allen (Chairman of the Corporate Parenting Panel) provided a brief update in relation to the positive work of the Corporate Parenting Panel in recent months, referring specifically to the young people’s excellent film productions and media releases.


(2)        RESOLVED that the minutes be noted.



Protocol for Virtual Meetings pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:



Verbal Update by Cabinet Members and Corporate Director pdf icon PDF 108 KB



(1)        Mrs Chandler (Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services) gave a verbal update on the following issues:


a)    Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC)

The increasing number of UASC that were coming into Kent continued to be a significant pressure for Kent County Council’s Children’s Services. In recent month, the Council’s Children’s Services team had made 70 successful transfers through the National Transfer Scheme to other authorities. However, since 1st June 2020, Kent had had also 116 new UASC arrivals. Restrictions in relation to the UASC age assessment process had meant that Kent were unable to make any more transfers to other authorities, despite having 51 young people who were awaiting age assessments, a lengthy and costly process. The issue of age assessments for UASC was being raised at central government level.


b)   ‘The Nest’ facility in Ashford

The Nest was a new intervention facility in Ashford which aimed to provide a safe haven for teenagers with emotional, behavioural and mental health difficulties. The Nest’s specialist trained team would support the teenagers by using an approach called ‘positive behavioural support’. Mrs Chandler had visited The Nest facility and had seen many sensory adaptations that had been put into the facility such as secure windows and no corners on the walls, as well as bright colours and accessories. The idea of a Nest facility came from parents and was being developed by a range of partners. The funding for the changes that were needed within the facility came from the NHS, but the facility itself would be operated by Kent County Council. Mrs Chandler said that she would be visiting the facility again in the future to see how well it was working.


c)    ‘Inside Britain’s biggest child protection unit’ documentary

At the end of July, Sky News worked alongside Kent County Council’s East Kent children’s services team to create a powerful and moving documentary which presented the complexities of many of Kent’s social work cases, the outstanding work that social workers continued to undertake throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and it conveyed the scale of what Kent might be faced with in September once children had returned to school and referrals increased. Mrs Chandler encouraged all Members to watch the Sky documentary which had been circulated in a recent briefing, as well as a short film presentation that Kent’s young people had created which provided insights into the life of a young person during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the Sky documentary and the short film were helping to inform and shape the work that had been taking place through the Kent Resilience Forum and the Children, Young People and Education (CYPE) recovery cell, chaired by Sarah Hammond (Director of Integrated Services (Children’s Social Work Lead)). Mrs Chandler emphasised the importance of the recovery cell and stated that the focus in coming months would remain on ensuring that children’s services were as prepared as possible for the school return in September.


(2)        Mr Long (Cabinet Member for Education and Skills) gave a verbal  ...  view the full minutes text for item 183.


Review of the Commissioning Plan for Education Provision in Kent 2020-24 pdf icon PDF 377 KB


Mr D Adams (Director of Education) was in attendance for this item


Mr Adams responded to a number of comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


(1)        Mr Adams provided more information to Committee Members in relation to the figure of £7.9m within the report, which was the estimated cost for the 2020-21 projects that had been delayed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. He added that a decision had been taken recently by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services (20/00056 - Capital Construction Programme – Delay costs to projects as a result of COVID-19) which had allowed the delayed schemes to continue to move forward to accommodate the children that had already been offered places and would start in September 2020.


(2)        Mr Adams provided more information to Committee Members in relation to Basic Need funding and said that based on previous trends, Kent County Council received approximately £25m a year.


(3)        In relation to Member involvement, Mr Adams reassured Committee Members that Member briefings and district briefings could be arranged to discuss local matters in further detail.


(4)        Mr Adams provided more information to Committee Members in relation to developer contributions and said that the government’s decision to remove the pooling restrictions allowing more than 5 agreements to be linked to a single projects had helped to secure increased funding in the longer term and provide more flexibility.


(5)        In relation to forecasting accuracy, Mr Adams stated that the forecasts were accurate at the time of agenda publication, but there was variation within districts and planning groups.


(6)        Mr Adams confirmed that he could provide further information to Committee Members at a later date in relation to the £7.9m outlined within the report.


(7)        RESOLVED that the report be noted.



SEND Update and presentation on CYPE Directorate recovery phase (Schools and the latest position)

Slides to be presented during the meeting.


Mr M Walker (Interim Director for SEND) and Mr D Adams (Director of Education) were in attendance for this item


(1)        Mr Walker presented a series of slides to Committee Members which set out information relating to the background and context, structure, governance, delivery, workstreams and next steps of the SEND Improvement Programme.


(2)        Mr Adams presented a series of slides to Committee Members which set out information relating to the full reopening of schools in September, early years and childcare providers.


Officers then responded to a number of comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


a)    Mr Walker confirmed that he would submit a further progress presentation or report to the Cabinet Committee in 3 months’ time.


b)    Mr Adams confirmed that whilst officers would not have enough time to provide a full report to the next meeting of the Cabinet Committee in relation to the reopening of schools as they would not have open for long enough, either Mr Long (Cabinet Member for Education and Skills) or Mr Dunkley would provide a verbal update at the next meeting.


c)    In relation to collective worship within schools, Mr Adams said that schools would continue to have broader foundation subjects such as Religious Education, but in the coming months would be expected to focus on core subjects.


d)    In relation to the progression of pupils once they return to school, Mr Adams said that governors would be expected to scrutinise performance and hold head teachers to account until Ofsted inspections resume.


e)    In relation to school transport, Mr Adams confirmed that conversations would soon take place with the passenger transport unit with regards to school bus capacity. He added that it was currently unclear as to what parental preference would be in relation to school transport come September.


f)     In relation to a potential second wave of COVID-19 and the effect that it would have on children and young people, Mr Adams referred to the DfE’s concerns with regards to secondary-aged pupils and their wider social network and interactions.


(3)        Whilst it was noted by officers that Committee Members would prefer to receive presentations ahead of the meeting, the clerk circulated both of the presentations that had been shown to Committee Members during the item.


(4)        RESOLVED that the information within both of the presentations and the updates that have been provided by officers be noted.



School Alterations/Expansions pdf icon PDF 380 KB


(1)        Mr Adams introduced the supplementary report which summarised the present position of the Children, Young People and Education Basic Need Programme in respect of the current 2020-2023 Medium Term Financial Plan and set out changes to the costs of some individual capital projects, agreed in previous years, which required budget reallocations in order to proceed. In addition, the report reminded the Cabinet Committee of the redesigned approval process for school organisation proposals, previously endorsed by the Cabinet Committee.


(2)        Ida Linfield asked that her comments and concerns in relation to the total cost of the proposals (£11.5m) be noted within the minutes.


(3)        RESOLVED that:


(i)    The process whereby the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee will receive school organisations proposals, which are subject to a formal Cabinet Member decision, at an early stage for the required consideration of proposed Executive Decisions, be agreed.


(ii)  The overall the budget position be noted; and


(iii)The reallocation of capital funds within the CYPE Capital Programme as outlined in this report and associated decision reports be noted.



20/00070 - Funding update on the proposal to permanently expand and relocate St Peter's Church of England Primary School, Tunbridge Wells from 140 places to 210 places from September 2019 pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Additional documents:



(1)        Mr Abrahams introduced the report which set out information relating to the proposed decision to release additional funding to permanently expand and relocate St Peter's Church of England Primary School from 140 places to 210 places, increasing the published admission number (PAN) from 20 to 30 Year R places from September 2019.


Officers then responded to a number of comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


a)    In relation to the cost of the project, Mr Abrahams acknowledged Members concerns and said that the project would deliver a 1FE primary school with 2FE infrastructure. He explained the rationale behind the proposal and the cost of the project, referring specifically to the cost of the land, unexpected additional costs and the typography of the site. He said that when the budget was set for the project and the costs came to light, the project’s contract was in the pre-tendering phase and therefore the decision was signed off before a contractor had been chosen. He added that colleagues in Infrastructure had challenged all surveyors and contractors in relation to the project’s costs and the additional charges discovered. Mr Adams added that there were some elements to the project that officers were in contractual dispute with others about, in terms of where some of the costs would lay, and therefore the anticipation and hope would be that part of the funding would come back to offset some of the additional costs. He stated that despite continuing to dispute some of the additional costs incurred, the school was part way through being built.


b)    Mr Abrahams said that currently, there were no plans to expand the school to a 2FE within the current commissioning plan arrangements.


c)    Mr Adams shared Members concerns in relation to the cost of the project and confirmed that additional information would be provided to Committee Members outside of the meeting on the matter.


d)    Ms Hamilton (Local Member – Tunbridge Wells Rural) agreed with the comments which had been made by Members in relation to the high cost of the project.


(2)        RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to:


a)    allocate an additional £1.3 million from the Children, Young People & Education Basic Need Capital Budget to fund any necessary additional works or variations to accommodation;


b)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services in consultation with the General Counsel and Director of Education to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council; and


c)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts. Variations to contract value to be no more than 10% above the capital funding agreed by the Cabinet Member without requiring a new Record of Decision,


be endorsed.


Ida Linfield asked that her abstention from the recommendation be noted within the minutes


20/00069 - Funding update on the proposal to permanently expand Harrietsham Church of England Primary School pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        Mr Abrahams introduced the report which set out information relating to the proposed decision to release additional funding to complete the proposal to permanently expand Harrietsham Church of England Primary School from 210 places to 420 places, increasing the published admission number (PAN) from 30 to 60 for Year R entry in September 2018.


a)    In response to a question, Mr Abrahams referred to the cost of the project and stated that a significant amount of monies would come from developer contributions, and for every housing development developed in the Harrietsham area, Kent County Council had sought contributions towards the project and had secured a significant number. He confirmed that he would provide further information to Committee Members in relation to housing growth and development within Harrietsham and the total developer contributions outside of the meeting.


b)    In response to a question relating to surveys, Mr Abrahams stated that Kent County Council had taken ownership of a piece of land next to Harrietsham primary school which would serve as a car park and additional surveys were needed on the car park land.


c)    Mr Adams reminded the Committee that items 10a to 10f within the agenda pack were legacy schemes.


(2)        RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to:


a)    allocate an additional £600,000 from the Children, Young People & Education Basic Need Capital Budget to fund any necessary additional works or variations to accommodation;


b)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services in consultation with the General Counsel and Director of Education to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council; and


c)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts. Variations to contract value to be no more than 10% above the capital funding agreed by the Cabinet Member without requiring a new Record of Decision,


be endorsed.



20/00068 - Proposal to provide additional funding to support the provision of a New 2FE Primary School on the Ebbsfleet Green Development, Dartford pdf icon PDF 253 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        Mr Adams introduced the report which set out information relating to the proposed decision to release additional funding to support the provision of a New 2FE Primary School on the Ebbsfleet Green Development, Dartford.


a)    In response to a question, Mr Adams recognised that the aspirations of stakeholders were not always achievable with limited amounts of funding and confirmed that he would ask Mr Watts (Area Education Officer – North Kent) to provide further information to Mrs Dean in relation to the help of the Education Development Centre outside of the meeting.


b)    Mr Adams referred to the Section 106 and Kent County Council’s dependency upon colleagues in district councils to determine financial outcomes. He added that as part of the Section 106 process, Kent County Council had to evidence the need for funding, explain exactly where money would be spent and how provision would be made available. He reminded Committee Members of Kent’s changing landscape and the need for flexibility to be able to respond to the need that exists at the time in the most appropriate way.


c)    Mr Adams referred to Kent’s legacy schemes in relation to school expansions and alterations and said that whilst the number of legacy schemes continued to diminish, a number could potentially be brought back to the Committee in the future. He added that conversations took place regularly between Finance, Education and Property to ensure that legacy schemes and projects continued to be identified and held to financial account.


d)    Mr Adams referred to a typographical error within the report and confirmed that the local member had been consulted on the proposal.


(2)        RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to:


a)    provide £1.9m of additional funding, making a total of £9m (including £4.6m of Developer Contributions) to build a new 2FE Primary School on the Ebbsfleet Green Housing development in Dartford Borough;


b)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services in consultation with the General Counsel and Director of Education to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council; and


c)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts. Variations to contract value to be no more than 10% above the capital funding agreed by the Cabinet Member without requiring a new Record of Decision,


be endorsed.


Ida Linfield and Dr Sullivan asked that their abstention from the recommendation be noted within the minutes



20/00072 - Allocate approved Basic Need funds to increase the RoD as outlined below on a proposal to permanently expand the secondary provision at Trinity School, Sevenoaks, from a PAN of 120 to 180, ongoing from September 2018 pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        Mr Adams briefly introduced the report which provided information relating to the proposed decision to release additional funding to complete the proposal to permanently expand the secondary provision at Trinity School, Sevenoaks, from a PAN of 120 to 180, ongoing from September 2018.


(2)        In response to a question, Mr Adams confirmed that the proposal would take the school from 4FE to 6FE.


(3)        In response to a question, Mr Adams confirmed that the proposal would address highways issues for Trinity School as well as other site users.


(4)        In response to a question, Mr Adams explained the costs associated with the proposal in more detail, referring specifically to the need to extend the school’s bus parking area and the additional S278 works to the main highway which was producing a significant amount of pressure. It was issues of this nature, identified during design stage, that the new process sought to avoid. Mr Long (Cabinet Member for Education and Skills) added that measures had been put in place to ensure that future schemes would not suffer from the issues that had been raised in relation to inaccurate estimates and additional costs.


(5)        RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to:


a)    allocate an additional £2.5m from the Children, Young People & Education Capital Budget, in addition to the £9m previously allocated, to provide a project total of £11.5m to fund any necessary additional works or variations to accommodation;


b)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services in consultation with the General Counsel and Director of Education to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council; and


c)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts. Variations to contract value to be no more than 10% above the capital funding agreed by the Cabinet Member without requiring a new Record of Decision,


be endorsed.


Ida Linfield asked that her abstention from the recommendation be noted within the minutes



20/00071 - Funding Update on the proposal to permanently expand Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys by increasing the published admission number (PAN) from 180 to 210 places from September 2019 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        Mr Adams briefly introduced the report which provided information relating to the proposed decision to release additional funding to complete the proposal to permanently expand Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys, St John's Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 9XB by increasing the published admission number (PAN) from 180 to 210 places from September 2019.


(2)        In response to a question, Mr Adams said that he would provide further information to Committee Members in relation to gender provision within schools in Tunbridge Wells outside of the meeting.


(3)        RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to:


a)    allocate an additional £4.3 million from the Children, Young People & Education Basic Need Capital Budget to fund any necessary additional works or variations to accommodation;


b)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services in consultation with the General Counsel and Director of Education to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council; and


c)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts. Variations to contract value to be no more than 10% above the capital funding agreed by the Cabinet Member without requiring a new Record of Decision,


be endorsed.



20/00073 - Agree the allocation of additional Basic Need funds to increase the RoD as outlined below to permanently expand the secondary provision at Ursuline College by 1FE from September 2019 pdf icon PDF 267 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        Mr Adams briefly introduced the report which provided information relating to the proposed decision to release additional funding to permanently expand the secondary provision at Ursuline College by 1FE from September 2019.


(2)        RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to:


a)    allocate an additional £1.3m from the Children, Young People & Education Capital Budget, to fund the delivery of the accommodation required to enable the school to operate its agreed Published Admission Number of 150;


b)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services in consultation with the General Counsel and Director of Education to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council; and


c)    authorise the Director of Infrastructure, Strategic and Corporate Services to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts. Variations to contract value to be no more than 10% above the capital funding agreed by the Cabinet Member without requiring a new Record of Decision,


be endorsed.



Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 329 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        Mr Dunkley confirmed that whilst the information contained within the Performance Scorecard was for noting, further information would be circulated to Committee Members with regards to the COVID-19 indicators affected due to the pandemic outside of the meeting.


(2)        RESOLVED that the information contained with the Performance Scorecard be noted.



Work Programme 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Additional documents:


(1)        RESOLVED that the work programme 2020-21 be noted, subject to the inclusion of the following item: -


·         SEND Improvement Programme (Mr Walker – November 2020 mtg)