Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Dominic Westhoff 03000 412188
No. | Item |
Introduction Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair made a statement on the passing of Mr Dan Daley. |
Apologies and Substitutes To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Mr Simon Webb. Mrs Trudy Dean was in attendance as a representative for the Liberal Democrats.
Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the agenda To receive any declarations of interest made by Members in relation to any matter on the agenda. Members are reminded to specify the agenda item number to which their interest refers and the nature of the interest being declared Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Baker noted that his fiancée was a communications manager at the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust.
Minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2023 To consider and approve the minutes as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2023 were correctly recorded and that a paper copy be signed by the Chair.
Verbal updates by Cabinet Member and Director Additional documents: Minutes:
Mental Health Awareness Week - It was noted that this had taken place 15-21 May, the focus this year was on anxiety. Residents were encouraged to think of simple steps they could take to improve their mental health and to recognise where intense anxiety is impacting daily life and when to seek support. Mrs Bell then gave details of services and advice available countywide. Kent and Medway authorities, health services and community groups were coming together to remind residents of locally based support available. Live Well Kent and Medway were a network of voluntary groups and charities offering free mental health support and guidance for young people and adults. Better Health Every Mind Matters website offered advice on stress, anxiety, low mood, and sleep issues. One You Kent, a free local healthy lifestyle service, helps residents set realistic fitness goals and stay motivated. Counselling services were available for a range of concerns through Release the Pressure. It was noted that further information and links to these services were available on the Kent County Council Website and promoted on the Council's social media channels. Please find links to the services below:
(b) Detling Showground Dementia Event - Mrs Bell said that on 19 May, there was a free event at the Detling Showground showcasing the support available for those living with or caring for those with dementia. The event would be organised by members of the Kent Dementia Action Alliance which includes KMPT, KCC and NHS Kent & Medway. Voluntary organisations would be in attendance with information available. People would be able to meet with experts and professionals and connect with local dementia support services. As well as learn about new research and take part in activities. In the afternoon the Kent dementia friendly awards would take place to recognise individuals and organisations that benefit the lives of those with dementia. The event would be attended by Kent County Council Leader Roger Gough and Minister of State for Social Care, and local Kent MP, Helen Whately.
(c) Health Watch Recognition Awards - Mrs Bell noted that she had attended the awards on 29 March 2023, where Kent County Council had won 4 awards. The Council’s Public Health directorate had won two of the awards. The first was for Kent and Medway’s Listens, a large engagement project that engaged with numerous residents and the findings from which would help inform the interim Integrated Care Strategy. The second award was for their commitment to be involved with and listen to those with lived experiences of suicide. This has further developed the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Network and ... view the full minutes text for item 255. |
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Health Needs Assessment Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Anita Jolly, Interim Consultant in Public Health, was in attendance for this item.
(a) It was said that more needed to be done to get GRT children into schools and support given to those with both physical and mental health conditions, as the provisions were limited or absent. Also, the Members asked who was responsible for training providers and to ensure that the participatory research acquires rich data from the communities. Dr Ghosh said that they were very aware of the challenges they faced going forward. The participatory research would be coproduced with the communities. It was noted that they had been in contact with providers who exemplified this approach needed by being culturally sensitive and may get them to inform and train other providers on the approaches required. Technology, such as smartphones and AI would be embraced to improve accessibility amongst such communities but would need to be mindful of digital exclusion. Dr Jolly noted that providers were trained in cultural competency before entering communities.
(b) Asked for further clarification on the figure that 45% have housing, as this may relate to several contexts. It was said that 45% came from 2011 census, so this may have changed once the data was received from the 2021 census, no Kent-specific figures were available.
(c) Asked about a mobile clinic and if this could be used to take primary care services into sites. It was said that there were no active examples ... view the full minutes text for item 256. |
Kent and Medway Interim Integrated Care Strategy Update Additional documents: Minutes: Mike Gogarty, Interim Consultant in Public Health, was in attendance for this item.
(a) A Member thanked officers and NHS staff but noted the decline in health and life expectancy and the difficulty of access for residents to GPs and dentists. It was said that there was evidence of an increase in child poverty in Kent, greater than that seen in the rest of the country and that there were a number of key challenges related to the upstream wider determinants of health including loneliness, education, income and lifestyle choices. It was noted that skills and recruitment challenges were of key concern in primary care. There would also need to ensure that resources were properly allocated, with the right care targeted at the right places.
(b) Asked for a graph on declining life expectancy, area-by-area, in the next paper to inform the Members and the public. It was said that Kent Public Health does have resources available mainly in West Kent but would try to make available more granular data county-wide. It was noted that interested Members and residents should view the Kent Public Health website. It was confirmed that there had been a drop in life expectancy across the OECD but further and faster in the UK, the drop had started before the Covid-19 pandemic. A change in life expectancy takes many years to show in the data.
(c) A Member noted the importance of consulting parish and town councils as they can make a key difference. But they would need support and guidance going forward.
(d) Asked about ... view the full minutes text for item 257. |
Implementing the Research, Innovation & Improvement Unit in Kent County Council Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Abraham George, Consultant in Public Health, was in attendance for this item.
(a) Asked how many projects the Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) intends to fund and the likelihood to be successful. Dr George noted that the funding was for research facilities, not the research itself, this would allow the Council to facilitate research at pace and scale when required.
(b) Asked about the sustainability of the funding model, and if further alternative funding models were being considered, for example with private sector partners. Dr George said they were highly conscience of the competition for funding and noted that there was a 1 in 5 success rate. It was said that they were actively applying for and exploring funding and collaboration opportunities.
(c) Asked for clarification on how long it would take for Kent residents to benefit from the unit and what strain the unit would put on Council resources.
(d) Dr Ghosh responded that much of the current research was undertaken in London and there would be a benefit to have a facility in Kent as this research had been successful in supporting medical treatments and interventions. It was noted that in many key areas, there was not enough research to show the positive impacts of initiatives. It was stated that this would not be a vanity project of academic research but would directly impact what the council defines as priorities. Dr Ghosh confirmed there was considerable interest in the project from several stakeholders, also there was an opportunity to generate employment and income opportunities for the Council. Overall, the unit was relatively low cost and low risk but a high-value proposition.
(e) A Member asked for a running update over the next 5 years. The request was agreed upon by the Chair.
(f) Asked about the level of risk involved. Dr Ghosh said that risks had been identified and a business proposal would be made. Dr Ghosh noted that it would be a low financial risk to Council but could be a reputational risk.
RESOLVED to note the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Health Reform and Public Health Committee noted the work programme for 2022/23.