Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone.
Contact: Dominic Westhoff 03000 412188 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutes Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies have been received from Mr Ridgers, Mr Collor, Jenni Hawkins and Ms Meade.
Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the agenda Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Streatfeild noted that a family member was the director of education, innovation and operations at Supajam Education Swanley.
Minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2024, subject to the correction of spelling errors, were correctly recorded and that a paper copy be signed by the Chair.
Verbal Updates by Cabinet Member and Corporate Director Additional documents: Minutes: 1. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Mr Dan Watkins provided a verbal update on the following: Consultations – Mr Watkins provided the committee with an update on ongoing consultations.
Ageing Without Children East Kent meeting – Mr Watkins noted that he had met with the community group that represented adults who may require care on the 28 February 2024 to discuss the issues and challenges that this group faced on navigating the care system in the absence of children. There was a concern about the power of attorney when there is no next of kin. Technology Enhanced Lives stall – The Cabinet Member said there would be a stall at the next County Council meeting, 28 March 2024. The stall would demonstrate to all Members some of the technology, tools and services available through the service. 2. The Corporate Director for Adult Social Care, Mr Richard Smith, provided a verbal update on the following: Consultations – Mr Smith thanked his staff for all the work they were doing on the ongoing consultation and noted that this would be a feature of the work going forward as the service was being remodelled and reshaped. It was said that the the digital story in Kent was something to be proud of with considerable progression made in the area which was gaining attention nationwide. Making the senior leadership team more visible - It was said that due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and hybrid working an increased effort was being made to make the senior leadership team more visible to staff. Sessions had been arranged to allow for the opportunity for all new starters to meet with the leadership. The sessions allow for the occasion to discuss the Making a Difference Everyday strategy and set the tone for the whole service. Making a Difference Everyday Strategy – Mr Smith said that the Scrutiny call-in had given the team time to review the strategy which was underway. It was noted that global events over the past 3 years had impacted the strategy. Visits – Mr Smith visited three social work teams in Whitstable, Dover and Sittingbourne. It was noted the importance of getting the balance right on hybrid working to get more joined-up working going forward. Practice Assurance Panels – It was said that the panels had been recently established to implement spending controls. A live event with several hundred staff was held to launch the panel. Joint Visit – Mr Smith said that he had a ... view the full minutes text for item 188. |
Risk Management Adult Social Care and Health Additional documents: Minutes: Alison Petters, Risk and Delivery Assurance Manager, was in attendance for this item.
Adult Social Care and Health Performance Q3 2023/2024 Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mark Albiston introduce the report. An overview was provided, and it was noted that there was an increased demand for social care as highlighted in previous reports.
2. In response to comments and questions, it was said.
a. Asked if there was any detail in the performance data that would indicate that risks were being realised it was said work had been done on the trajectory going forward based on current performance and demand data and this would inform decision-making on closing the gap. b. Asked about the lag between care needs assessments being completed and incorporated into the performance data. Mark Albiston said there was a gap between the assessments being completed and entered into the system and between when the information was required for publication for the committee.
c. It was asked when the service was last at the 80% threshold for care assessments and what was the difference between then and now. Mark Albiston said there was a gap between the demand and capacity, officer would produce further detail to show change over time.
d. It was asked why there was a big spike in safeguarding enquiries in Q3. Mark Albiston said that a review was ongoing with partners into oversight of safeguarding enquiries. It was noted that there had been an increase in safeguarding concerns but the review would ensure that effective governance arrangements were in place and that if there were a provider failure they would be able to move patients to a different provider.
e. Sydney Hill noted the importance of adult social care working with partners such as the NHS to support older people and reduce admissions for long-term care. It was said that much work was being done on prevention, support at home and hospital discharge pathways.
3. RESOLVED The Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee noted the performance of adult social care services in Quarter 3 2023/2024.
Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report April 2022 - March 2023 Additional documents:
Minutes: Andrew Rabey, Independent Chair of the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Boards, and Victoria Widden, Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Managers were in attendance for this item.
Down Syndrome Act 2022 Update Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Michael Thomas-Sam introduced the report.
2. In response to comments and questions it was said.
a. Michael Thomas-Sam confirmed that 450 Kent County Council staff had undertaken the e-learning training, 25% of adult social care staff. First-to-face training was offered by NHS Kent and Medway and further details on when this was expected would be provided soon.
b. A Member asked if they were working with the ICB, Down Syndrome Association and other groups to identify people who may need support. Michael Thomas-Sam said they worked in coordination with several partner groups but improvements could be made.
c. It was said that the operational teams were sensitive to music and animals as a form of treatment that the Secretary of State would soon publish statutory guidance which would provide more examples of what local authorities should offer.
d. Mr Watkins welcomed the report and thanked Michael Thomas-Sam for his work.
3. RESOLVED that the Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee noted the report.
Decisions taken outside of the Cabinet Committee meeting cycle Additional documents: Minutes: 1. The clerk introduced the report.
2. A Member asked for more information on the impact of this decision on care and if it was aggravating the risks that adult social care faced.
3. Mr Watkins and Richard Smith that the decision was taken outside of the cycle every year as the fee uplifts could not be agreed upon until after the County Council agreed on the budget. It was said that the Council did not have the resources to provide a larger uplift for providers or to meet the gap in the sector.
4. The Cabinet Member would write to the Leader to see if the meeting cycle could be changed to allow the decision to come to the cabinet committee before being taken.
5. It was asked by a Member what mitigations or contingency plans were in place if a provider was unable to stay on the framework or offer care packages. Richard Smith said that the Care Act would protect vulnerable people. It was noted that negotiations were ongoing with providers and that cost was one aspect of care packages.
6. RESOLVED The Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee noted that the following decision had been taken in accordance with the process set out in Part 2 paragraph 12.36 of the Constitution: 24/00009 – Fee Uplifts for Adult Social Care Providers for 2024/2025.
7. Mr Brady and Mr Streatfeild asked for it to be recorded that they do not note the decision taken outside of the committee cycle.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED the work programme was noted.