Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Joel Cook - Democratic Services Manager 03000 416892
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager reported apologies from Mr Booth, Mr Broadley, Mrs Bruneau, Mr Cannon, Mr Collor, Mrs Game, Ms Hawkins, Mr Hills, Mr Meade, Mr Oakford, Mrs Prendergast, Mr Sandhu, and Mr Shonk.
The Democratic Services Manager said Mr Baldock had sent formal apologies but was in attendance virtually.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Bartlett, Mrs Chandler, Mr Gough, and Mr Watkins declared an interest in that they were members of the Integrated Care Partnership.
Dr Sullivan declared an interest that her husband was a member of the Integrated Care Partnership. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 19 February 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 February 2024 be approved as a correct record subject to the amendment of “Mr Hood”, at paragraph 13 on page 8, to “Mr Hook”.
Corporate Parenting Panel - Minutes for noting Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel held on 10 October 2023 be noted.
Chairman's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: Armed Forces employer – Gold Certificate
1. The Chairman was delighted to welcome to the meeting, for the presentation of KCC’s MoD Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award certificate, Canon Peter Bruinvels (KCC’s Covenant Lead, Civilian-Military Liaison Adviser and Military Expert), Leigh Thomas (SE Regional Employer Engagement Director), Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Horsman and Brigadier Andrew Wood TD DL VR.
2. The Chairman highlighted that the Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award was the highest badge of honour for organisations which had signed the Armed Forces Covenant and demonstrated outstanding support for those who serve and have served.
3. He reminded Members that the award was valid for five years and KCC was first awarded with the Gold award in 2018. After 5 years, companies must apply to have the status revalidated. This was not an automatic revalidation, and the assessment was rigorous.
4. The Chairman invited Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Horsman to present the certificate.
Petition presentation from Mr Sweetland
5. The Vice-Chairman presented a petition regarding Shorne Crossroads to the Chairman.
6. The Chairman asked the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to accept the petition and arrange relevant responses.
Technology Enabled Live Service
7. The Chairman advised Members that KCC staff and external colleagues working on the Technology Enabled Lives Service were attending to showcase their work and the new digital equipment KCC was providing to those with care requirements. The service was county-wide and would be available to all residents. He encouraged Members to take the opportunity to visit the stand and talk to the representatives to learn more.
Mr Tom Maddison
8. The Chairman, with the greatest of regret, informed Members of the death of Mr Tom Maddison, former Labour Member for Dartford North East from 2005 to 2009 and 2013 to 2017. During his time at KCC, Mr Maddison served on the Communities Cabinet Committee, Planning Applications Committee, Regulation Committee, Superannuation Fund Committee and Youth Advisory Council. In addition to his time at Kent County Council, Mr Maddison represented Temple Hill at Dartford Borough Council for nearly 30 years, where he also served as Deputy Mayor between 2000 and 2001 and Mayor between 2001 and 2002.
9. The Chairman invited Members to speak, and tributes were made by Ms Grehan, Mr Lehmann, Mr Chittenden, Mr Kite, Mr Sweetland and Mr Gough.
10. The Chairman held a one-minute silence in memory of Mr Tom Maddison.
11. Mr Cooke proposed, and Mr Sweetland seconded, that the Council formally record the sense of loss it feels on the sad passing of Mr Tom Maddison and extends to his family and friends its heartfelt sympathy to them in their sad bereavements.
Agreed unanimously. |
Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Sections 14.15 to 14.22 of the Constitution, 16 questions were submitted by the deadline and 15 questions were put to the Executive as one questioner had given apologies. 9 questions were asked, and replies given. A record of all questions put and answers given at the meeting is available online with the papers for this meeting.
The remaining questions were not put in the time allocated but written answers were provided.
Report by Leader of the Council (Oral) Additional documents: Minutes: 1. The Leader updated Members on events since the last meeting and said that finance remained a great pressure on the Council and was the central focus for the Administration. He explained that at the end of February 2023 several local authorities across the country were granted exceptional financial support which signified the seriousness for the sector as a whole. He emphasised the Council was not in this position but said the overspend pressures in year were nonetheless significant. Mr Gough said the Council’s quarterly performance report reflected the areas, such as SEND, elements of adult social care and children’s services, where the financial pressures were most intense and said he had had the opportunity as the County Council’s Network spokesperson on children’s services to set out some of the challenges to the House of Common’s Education Select Committee.
2. In relation to children’s services, Mr Gough explained that Ofsted had carried out a focused visit at the end of January 2023 covering the Canterbury and Folkestone and Hythe districts. The inspectors focused on child in need, child protection, children’s entry into care and 16/17 year old young people who present as homeless. He said the findings, published on 27 February, were very encouraging and concluded that the Council continued to offer a high quality of service, with only a number of minor areas of improvement identified. He referred to KCC children’s services consultations, in particular ‘Best start for life strategies’ and ‘Early Years Education in Kent’ which supported settings to embed inclusive practice for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
3. Regarding SEND, a letter was received in January from the Department for Education and NHS England following the progress monitoring visit which recognised the Council’s determination to address the challenges. Mr Gough said this recognition reflected the historic backlog which had been capped and would be cleared completely within weeks, and the productivity of assessment teams which was up by two thirds. The new assessment panel process ensured that the Council acted in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice. Mr Gough recognised that SEND was still an area of very high risk and there were significant pressures nationally. He referred to the financial pressures represented within the safety valve process and said the 12 month review of the SEND improvement notice would soon be underway. Nonetheless, he acknowledged the continued effort to improve, and said over the next month there would be a focus on response times to customer enquiries.
4. Mr Gough wished the Corporate Director, Sarah Hammond, well following her being nominated as one of four finalists for the MJ achievements awards as corporate director of the year. He said the achievement was recognition of some of the extraordinary work the children’s services teams carried out.
5. Turning to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) Mr Gough said the first three months of the year had seen exceptionally high levels of referrals and as a result the Council was close to exhausting its reception ... view the full minutes text for item 212. |
Integrated Care Strategy - Update Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Mr Gough proposed, and Mr Watkins seconded the motion that
“County Council notes the update on the delivery of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy.”
2. The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
3. RESOLVED that the County Council notes the update on the delivery of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy. |
Pay Policy Statement - 2024/25 Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mr Gough proposed, and Mr Rayner seconded the motion that
“County Council is asked to endorse the attached Pay Policy Statement.”
2. Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the motion set out in paragraph 1 and the voting was as follows:
For (45)
Mr Baker, Mr Barrington-King, Mr Bartlett, Mrs Bell, Mrs Binks, Mr Bond, Mr Brazier, Miss Carey, Mrs Chandler, Mr Cole, Mrs Cole, Mr Cooke, Mr Crow-Brown, Mr Dance, Mr Dendor, Mr Gough, Ms Hamilton, Mr Harman, Mr Hill, Mrs Hohler, Mr Holden, Mr Hook, Mr Jeffrey, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kite, Mr Love, Mr Manion, Mr Marsh, Mrs McArthur, Mr McInroy, Mr Murphy, Mr Ozog, Mr Passmore, Mr Rayner, Mr Richardson, Mr Ridgers, Mr Robey, Mr D Ross, Mr Simkins, Mr Sole, Mr Streatfeild, Mr Sweetland, Mr Thomas, Mr Webb, Mrs Wright
Against (6)
Mr Brady, Ms Constantine, Mr Campkin, Ms Grehan, Ms Meade, Dr Sullivan
Abstain (2)
Mr Hood, Mr Lehmann
Motion Carried.
3. RESOLVED that the County Council endorses the Pay Policy Statement 2024/2025. |
Treasury Management - 6 Month Review - 2023/24 Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Mr Rayner proposed, and Mr Gough seconded the motion that
“County Council is asked to endorse the report.”
2. The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
3. RESOLVED that the County Council endorses the report. |
Financial Regulations Update Additional documents:
Minutes: 1. Mr Rayner proposed, and Mr Gough seconded the motion that
“County Council is asked to adopt the revised Financial Regulations (attached as Annex A) and Scheme of Delegation (attached as Annex B).
2. The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
3. RESOLVED that the County Council adopts the revised Financial Regulations (attached as Annex A) and Scheme of Delegation (attached as Annex B). |
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) Terms of Reference Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mr Bartlett proposed, and Ms Hamilton seconded the motion that
“County Council is asked to agree the revised Terms of Reference as set out in the Appendix and ask the Monitoring Officer to update the Constitution accordingly.”
2. The General Counsel advised that it was a legal requirement to adopt the Terms of Reference and failure to do so would mean the Committee was operating outside of the legal framework for HOSC.
3. Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the motion set out in paragraph 1 and the voting was as follows:
For (44)
Mr Baker, Mr Barrington-King, Mr Bartlett, Mr Beaney, Mrs Bell, Mrs Binks, Mr Bond, Mr Brazier, Miss Carey, Mr Carter, Mrs Chandler, Mr Cole, Mrs Cole, Mr Cooke, Mr Crow-Brown, Mr Dance, Mr Dendor, Mr Gough, Ms Hamilton, Mr Hill, Mrs Hohler, Mr Holden, Mr Hook, Mr Jeffrey, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kite, Mr Love, Mr Manion, Mr Marsh, Mrs McArthur, Mr McInroy, Mr Murphy, Mr Passmore, Mr Rayner, Mr Richardson, Mr Ridgers, Mr Robey, Mr D Ross, Mr Sole, Mr Streatfeild, Mr Sweetland, Mr Thomas, Mr Webb, Mrs Wright
Against (2)
Mr Hood, Mr Campkin
Abstain (7)
Mr Brady, Ms Constantine, Ms Grehan, Mr Lehmann, Mr Lewis, Ms Meade, Dr Sullivan
Motion Carried.
4. RESOLVED that the County Council agrees the revised Terms of Reference as set out in the Appendix and asks the Monitoring Officer to update the Constitution accordingly. |
Governance & Audit Committee Terms of Reference Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Mrs Binks proposed, and Mr Jeffrey seconded the motion that
“County Council is asked to agree the revised Terms of Reference as set out in the Appendix and ask the Monitoring Officer to update the Constitution accordingly.”
2. The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.
3. RESOLVED that the County Council agrees the revised Terms of Reference as set out in the Appendix and asks the Monitoring Officer to update the Constitution accordingly. |