The Chairman brought Members' attention to the tabled papers which included questions and statements that had been submitted prior to the meeting. Responses to the questions were also tabled and these would be added to the online agenda for this meeting.
In the absence of one of the members of the public who had submitted questions, the Chairman confirmed that responses to his questions would be forwarded on to him.
Democratic Services Officer
Members discussed the responses to the questions.
Refuse Bins
Councillor Davis advised that she would report back to the Head of Environment and Amenities requesting some flexibility when bins were left out for some time due to commuters being away from their property for a large part of the day.
Councillor Cindy Davis
The Warren, Selling
With regard to the questions and responses relating to The Warren, Selling, Mr Bowles reported that there would be a Parish walk-about in Selling on 23rd September 2009 where local problems could be looked at by Members, Parish Councillors and local residents.
Mrs Regan-Mears considered that although The Warren was a private road, it did come to a junction with a Highway Authority road. The KALC representative for Selling explained that there were unresolved land ownership issues relating to the verge and the matter would be further discussed at the next Selling Parish Council meeting.
Train Services at Selling Station
The KALC representative emphasised the importance of joint pressure to the rail network in order to ensure the service was not reduced.
Sluice at Stonebridge allotments
Mr Addy, a local resident, asked who was responsible for the sluice at the Stonebridge allotment. Councillor Davis confirmed that it was SBC's responsibility and contractors had recently commenced working on the sluice repairs.
Speeds limits
Mr Levermore, a local resident, raised concern over the speed limit on Lees Court Road and considered it should be reduced. Mr Bowles acknowledged that changes to the speed limit in this area had been confusing and needed to be more logical. The Forum was reminded that a national speed review was currently being carried out.
Gas works in West Street, Faversham
Mr Addy asked whether the gas works in West Street, Faversham were overdue in contract time. Mr Gates outlined reasons for the delay. A Member considered that local residents and businesses had suffered and KHS should be in discussion with the contractors on the delays. Mr Gates explained that new legislation would require contractors to give a time limit of how long they expected work to be carried out. He also confirmed that he would contact KHS for an update on the progress of the works.
Mr Gates
Play area in Selling
Mrs Gibson, a local resident, stated that a play area for children was needed in the Neames Forstal area of Selling and requested assistance from the Forum. The KALC representative confirmed that this had previously been considered by Selling Parish Council, but that a lack of available land was the problem. Mr Gates advised that there was funding available for play areas. Mr Webb, the local vicar, advised that some land had been identified for a play area and this was currently under discussion. He emphasised that Mrs Gibson sought wide support for the scheme.
West Street, Faversham
Mr Macdonald, a local resident, raised concern with the cones and signage that had been moved around during the diversion measures that were being undertaken due to the gas works in West Street, Faversham. He explained that local residents had replaced the signs and cones when they had been moved and suggested that it was KCC's responsibility to do this. He added that grass verges were being destroyed by the signage, barrier and cones and that no one appeared to be taking responsibility. Councillor Davis confirmed that the contractors had six months to put things right and the situation was being monitored. Mr Gates advised that the contractors had responsibility for the signage.
Cricket grounds
A local resident considered there was a lack of cricket grounds in the Faversham area and asked for support from the Forum, in principle, to a new cricket ground in Faversham. Some Members advised that some local residents were not in favour of additional sporting activities being carried out due to noise issues. A Member advised that there were other cricket grounds in the Faversham area that could be developed.
Planning applications
In response to two questions about planning applications, the Monitoring Officer explained that it was important that any Member of the Planning Committee kept an open mind to avoid any pre-determination or bias issues and decisions would only be made once all information was known.