Agenda item

Kent Building Schools for the Future Wave 5 Part 2


The following is an unrestricted Minute of a matter which contained exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


Kent Building Schools for the Future – Wave 5 – Part 2

(Report by Mrs Sarah Hohler, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education and  Ms Rosalind Turner Managing Director – Children, Families & Education Directorate)

(i)         This report sought approval to progress with the development of Kent’s Building Schools for the Future Project (BSF), through the submission of the Wave 5 Outline Business Case to Partnerships for Schools for approval and upon the receipt of Government approvals to undertake a procurement using the Competitive dialogue procedure in accordance with European Regulations to establish a Local Education Partnership to deliver initially Wave 5 projects but also be granted exclusivity over waves 7-15 of the Kent BSF Programme. 

(ii)        Item 7 on the Cabinet agenda entitled Kent Building Schools for the Future Wave 5 Part 1 provided an update on the current activity in respect of the Council’s first Local Education Partnership (LEP1) and its Wave 3, 4 and 6 projects together with the current position in respect to Wave 5, LEP 2 establishment. This report covered the commercial areas surrounding the Wave 5 scheme and the LEP 2 Procurement and set out options in order to secure the investment in all the Wave 5 schemes. The report also put forward recommendations as to what needed to be included as part of the Outline Business Case which had to be submitted to the DCSF.  The decision as to the final bidder and the award of contract would be the subject of a further report to Cabinet. 

(iii)       During the course of discussion it was said, and agreed, that   the wider benefits and opportunities of BSF in support the Kent economy are a key strategy priority in Kent. It was agreed that as part of the procurement process Bidders should be required to submit proposals setting out how if they were successful they would contribute to adding value to local communities and the Kent economy.

Cabinet resolved

(a)       to note the current progress in respect of Kent s first Local Education Partnership.

(b)       to agree the submission of the Wave 5 Outline Business Case (OBC) to the DCSF and Partnerships for Schools (PFS) based on the affordability parameters set out in the exempt report and upon approval to undertake a procurement in accordance to the competitive dialogue regime as set out by European Regulations to select a partner to establish Kent’s Second Local Education Partnership (LEP). The LEP would deliver the BSF programme for Wave 5 and have exclusivity over any BSF projects in the LEP 2 area.


(c )       to agree  to delegate authority to the Director of Capital Programme and Infrastructure, CFE and the Head of the BSF Team, CFE in consultation with the Cabinet Member for CFE, the Managing Director of CFE and the Leader to proceed with the Procurement including the following within the affordability parameters set out within the exempt  report:

a.      the issuing  of  the “OJEU notice”

b.      the issuing of  the “Pre-Qualification Questionnaire”

c.      to undertake the evaluation of the  Pre Qualification responses

d.      the issuing  of the “Invitation to Participate in Dialogue”

e.      to engage in dialogue with prospective bidders

f.        to evaluate responses to the “Invitation to Participate in Dialogue” and shortlist to three prospective bidders

g.      to issue the “Invitation to Continue Dialogue”

h.      to engage in dialogue with prospective bidders, including facilitated discussion with schools

i.        to evaluate responses to the “Invitation to Continue Dialogue” and shortlist to two prospective bidders

j.         to engage in negotiations with two final prospective bidders

k.      issue the “Invitation to Submit Final Tenders”

l.         recommend a Preferred Bidder to full Cabinet for formal ratification

m.    engage in final and concluding negotiations with a Preferred Bidder

n.      recommend that the Cabinet award contracts to the Preferred Bidder, following the satisfactory conclusion of final negotiations.


4.         To also note that:


(a)       a recommendation would be made to Cabinet as to the appointment of the Preferred Bidder and that final confirmation would be sought to submit the Final Business Case, the affordability position and to proceed to contract award, in respect of Wave 5.


(b)       regular progress updates will be reported to the BSF, PFI and Academies Programme Board.

(c)        as part of the procurement process Bidders will be asked to put forward proposals setting out how if they were successful they would contribute  to adding value to local communities and the Kent economy.




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