Dr Rowlstone, a local resident, raised concern with the threatened closure of the Abbey School Day Nursery in Faversham. He explained that a letter had been sent to all parents of the children attending the nursery, on the previous Friday, which had explained that there was a deficit of £90,000. Dr Rowlstone raised concern that parents had not been allowed to see the report regarding the nursery and considered it was important that they were able to view it before the planned consultation meeting on 18th June 2009.
Mr Gates reported that he had been in touch with the headmistress of the school on Monday 8th June 2009. He advised that he had been told that he could view the financial report, but that it was not available to be viewed by the public. He had contacted the Cabinet KCC Member for Children, Families & Education, Sarah Hohler. Mr Gates had received conflicting reports regarding other parties that were interested in taking the nursery on. He had also spoken to Rosalind Turner, the Director of Children, Families & Education at KCC. Mr Gates explained that he was unclear why there was a deficit of £90,000. Copies of the letter from the nursery were made available. Mr Gates suggested that a letter be written to the Director of Children, Families & Education.
A Member considered that it may be beneficial to obtain the full facts before the consultation meeting and was unsure why the financial facts were not available to everyone. He suggested a letter be written to the Director after the consultation meeting.
A Member suggested that as the matter was progressing rapidly, a letter should be written as soon as possible. He raised concern that the financial papers were not accessible to the parents and that this was needed to enable them to comment on the consultation. He stated that parents were concerned over the need to find alternative nursery places for their children.
The Community Liaison Manager suggested that it could be beneficial to receive some history and background of the nursery.
A parent of one of the children who attended the nursery reported that there were 45 children at the nursery and that the staff were highly qualified.
(1) That a letter be written to the Abbey School Day Nursery expressing the Faversham Local Engagement Forum's concerns regarding the loss of nursery places; a request for further information, including financial implications and the future of the nursery. The letter to be copied to the Cabinet KCC Member for Children, Families & Education, the Director of Children, Families & Education, the Area Education Officer (Canterbury & Swale) and the Chair of Governors at the school.
A Member raised concern that a Partnerships and Communities Together (PACT) meeting had clashed with the Faversham LEF meeting. Inspector Swinney advised that PACT meetings were set up, subject to the availability of a meeting venue. The Corporate Services Director advised that the dates of the Faversham LEFs for 2009/2010 were now known and these were on the agenda for information.
Mr Macdonald, a local resident, reported that a sign restricting vehicles of a certain weight needed to be moved as it was not clearly visible on West Street during the current road works. The Community Liaison Manager advised that he would report this to Kent Highway Services.
Community Liaison Manager