Agenda item

Section 106 - Swanstree Avenue




A petition was presented to the Chairman.


Democratic Services Officer




   The Chairman welcomed Mr Andrew Rourk (Community Delivery Team Leader (Kent Highway Services)) and Mr James Wilson (Major Projects Officer, SBC) to the meeting.


Mr Rourk read out a statement from Mr Robert Mowl (KHS) which outlined the history and detail of the Section 106 planning agreement approved in 2002. The agreement had stated that within completion of the 201st dwelling or after the Swanstree Avenue Extension had been open for 12 months, the Highway Authority should use all reasonable endeavours to carry out the closure of Highsted Road.


As the 201st residential unit had been completed some time ago, the process to close Highsted Road should now commence. The closure would take the form of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) restricting the use of motor vehicles, although pedestrians, cyclists and the emergency services would still have access. The TRO required formal consultation and this would be extended to include local residents, Parish Councils etc.


The Swanstree Avenue extension would be completed by August 2009, although not open to traffic until September 2009. To allow time for drivers to get used to the new road and avoiding the Christmas period it was anticipated that the associated Public Consultation would take place in the New Year.


The safe and efficient operation of the proposed traffic signal junction of Swanstree Avenue with the A2, would require parking restrictions. A second TRO would therefore be required in order that double yellow lines could be provided in the junction. It was hoped that the Order would be presented to the Swale Joint Transportation Board on 7th September 2009.


Mrs Lewis raised the following concerns: the proposed expansion of Kent Science Park (KSP) would have an adverse effect on traffic flows in the area and the proposal would lead to problems at Cromers Road junction with Ruins Barn Road.


The Major Projects Officer advised that the KSP was important for the economic growth of Swale, and that the adopted Swale Borough Local Plan 2008 was supportive of the principle of expansion at the site. He further advised that KHS were liaising with KSP and SBC with regard to the highway/traffic flow implications of the proposed development. He also advised that the development proposal would need to avoid adverse implications for traffic flow on local roads, including the junction of Ruins Barn Road and Cromers Road.


Ward Members for Roman Ward raised the following concerns: considered the whole Swanstree Avenue link application had demonstrated a lack of joint working between KCC and SBC; concern with the number of houses allowed, without the appropriate checks and balances being made; lack of record keeping and transparency by both SBC and KCC during the whole application process; how far would the double yellow lines extend along Swanstree Avenue; problems likely at the Community College and Meadow Fields if to be used as main routes and the noise attenuation fence at Harvey Drive needed to be inspected as it had been erected one foot above ground level.


The Major Project Officer advised that all information including reports and minutes relating to the scheme were made available to the public. With regard to record keeping, he explained that proper records were kept.


With regard to the number of houses built on the site, he advised that in the Local Plan 320 properties had been earmarked for the site, but since then Government guidance had changed, requiring a minimum of 30 dwellings per hectare. The developer had been granted permission for over 600 houses at the site which was in line with Government policy.


A Member drew attention to his requests raised on the Agenda:


1. A request for the grass area at the end of Blenheim Road as it meets Swanstree Avenue to be tarmaced to replace the car parking spaces which residents will lose on Swanstree Avenue.


Mr Rourk (KHS) reported that the developer had advised they would not be prepared to fund any further parking for the scheme.


2. A request for tree planting at the end of Wadham Place.


The Regeneration Director advised that a letter had been sent to the developer asking that tree planting be included.


A Member for St Michael’s Ward raised the following concerns: closure of Highsted Road seemed a foregone conclusion despite the public consultation not being carried out; why was Brenchley Road still closed as the lighting had now been completed; configuration of the bollards at the junction with Swanstree Avenue was dangerous, with vehicles needing to reverse to negotiate the junction; a national speed limit sign needed to be erected both sides of Highsted Road as vehicles were still speeding.


Mr Rourk agreed to inspect the speed limit signage in Highsted Road, and at the request of a Member, Church Road, Murston. With regard to the other issues raised he would consult with his colleague, Mr Mowle, and report back at the next meeting.


Mr Rourk (Community Delivery Team Leader (KHS))




   The Chairman of the Swale Joint Transportation Board (JTB), requested that KHS ensured that the relevant KHS Officer attend the next JTB meeting to ensure questions could be answered. He stated that SBC were in the process of adopting a supplementary planning document on developer contributions, which would ensure more Member involvement on how Section 106 Agreements could be achieved.