Agenda item

Proposed Disposal of Land Fronting the A20 at Allington

Mr N J D Chard, Cabinet Member for Finance, and Mr M Austerberry, Director of Property, will attend the meeting from 10.30 am to 11.30 am to answer Members’ questions on this item.


(1)       The Committee welcomed Mr N J C Chard, Cabinet Member for Finance, Mrs E Walker, Head of Asset Management and Disposals (Property Team), and Mr J Wilkinson, Trustee of the Allington Baptist Church to the meeting.


(2)       Mr Wilkinson was invited by the Chairman to set out the nature of his concerns with regard to the proposed disposal of land.  Mr Wilkinson began by stating that, contrary to the description of the church’s premises in the County Council’s planning application, the church was not in a poor state of repair and was, in fact, a timber-framed building with brick sides built on a solid base.  He added that the building was in need of some repairs but that this had not been possible because their lease had not been renewed or extended and had, in fact, expired.  He added that the church organised a range of activities for the community, ranging from Sunday services to parents’ groups and older peoples’ groups.  The church even hosted examinations for a local school.  Mr Wilkinson stated that the church wanted to extend its premises on the existing site and had no desire to move to new premises.  He requested that the Council should either gift the land to the church or grant a long-term lease.  Finally, he stated that, the County Council should withdraw its application for planning permission because of the concern being caused in the community, particularly amongst vulnerable people.


(3)       Mrs Walker stated that the County Council had been in negotiations with the Allington Baptist Church for some 18 months, during which several meetings had taken place.  She stated that the church had agreed in principle to leave their existing site subject to the new site being acceptable to them.  She referred to the tabled plan, which showed the proposed alternative site, located in Bower Mount Road, which was approximately half a mile away from the existing site.  She continued that, in the Council’s negotiations with Maidstone Borough Council, as the planning authority, the County Council would enter into a Section 106 agreement, which would require the Council to provide alternative premises for the Allington Baptist Church.  It was noted that this would involve the County Council gifting an appropriate piece of land on an alternative site.  Referring to the tabled plan, Mrs Walker stated that negotiations were ongoing with the church with regard to the most appropriate design for their new premises and gave assurances with regard to access, parking and services. 


(4)       At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr Curwood addressed the Committee as a local Member.  He stated that there was significant support within the local community for the church to remain in its present location.  He spoke about the wide range of essential services provided by the church to the local community, which were enhanced by its prominent position on a busy road junction, with schools and residential properties nearby. 


(5)       Mr Chard, Cabinet Member for Finance, stated that he recognised fully the role that the Allington Baptist Church played in terms of providing essential services to the community and added that, in his opinion, the whole scheme would only work if there was a successful and mutually acceptable solution to both KCC and the Allington Baptist Church in relation to the relocation of their premises and he accepted that both parties still had some work to do.


(6)       In response to a question from Mr Northey, Mr Wilkinson stated that the church’s main concern about a possible move was that some local people would not travel to the new site, particularly older people; that the Allington estate was increasing in the opposite direction to the alternative site, which would mean that the church would be some distance from the centre of Allington; and that the existing facilities would be difficult to replace elsewhere.


(7)       In response to a number of questions from Mr Daley, Mrs Walker stated that community facilities had been provided on the existing site since 1972 when the buildings were occupied by the Church of the Latter Day Saints.  She added that the Allington Baptist Church’s current lease expired in 2001 but that the church had been allowed to remain on the site because the land was originally purchased by the County Council for highways scheme which did not ultimately proceed.  Accordingly, the land was declared surplus to highways requirements in 2005.  She stated that the County Council was seeking to dispose of the existing site because the authority was required by law to make the best use of its assets and that this particular site was regarded as non-operational land.  With regard to the alternative location for the Allington Baptist Church, Mrs Walker stressed that discussions were ongoing with regard to the design of the new premises and that this would be key in determining the size of the site that would be gifted to the Allington Baptist Church.  It was noted that this would not be a smaller site than the church currently occupies and could, indeed, be larger than their existing site.


(8)       Mr Daley stated that, if the County Council was prepared to gift a piece of land to the Allington Baptist Church, then surely it would be more straightforward to gift the existing site rather than force the church to move to alternative premises.  Mrs Walker and Mr Chard both confirmed that there was a differential in value between the existing site and the alternative site, which was why the County Council was seeking to relocate the church. 


(9)       In response to questions from Mr Daley and Mr Scholes, Mrs Walker stated that it would have been preferable for the County Council to submit two planning applications at the same time; the existing one at the Leafy Lane site and the one relating to the relocation of the Allington Baptist Church but, unfortunately, this had not been possible.  She reiterated the likely terms of the Section 106 agreement with regard to the relocation of the church.


(10)     A number of Members expressed the view that two separate surveys should be carried out.  The first survey should assess existing usage in terms of attendance at various services, clubs and activities and the distances that individuals travelled to attend the church; and secondly, a survey to assess potential usage of the church by people living close to the proposed alternative site off Bower Mount Road.  It was considered that the results of these two surveys would be essential to enable the discussions and negotiations with regard to the precise location, access, and design of the new premises so that the maximum community benefit could be realised.  Mr Chard stated that he would become more involved personally in the matter to seek to resolve the various issues of concern to the Allington Baptist Church.


(11)     RESOLVED that:-


(a)       Mr Chard, Mrs Walker and Mr Wilkinson be thanked for attending the meeting to answer Members’ questions;


(b)       the Committee welcome the comments from Mr Chard that the proposed development scheme for the site at Leafy Lane will only work if there is a successful and mutually acceptable solution to both KCC and the Allington Baptist Church in relation to the relocation of their premises;


(c)        the Committee welcome the commitment and willingness of both parties to continue to work together to find a suitable alternative location for the Allington Baptist Church; in particular, we are pleased to note Mr Chard’s commitment to become more involved personally to resolve the various issues;


(d)       the Committee note that, should outline planning permission be granted to KCC for the site at Leafy Lane, there will be a requirement upon KCC to facilitate the relocation of the Allington Baptist Church to new premises before their existing premises are closed;


(e)       the Committee particularly welcome the commitment given by KCC to provide the Allington Baptist Church with a freehold site, which would not be smaller and could be larger than their existing site;


(f)         the Committee would support the carrying out of two surveys; one by the Allington Baptist Church to assess existing usage in terms of attendance at various services/clubs/activities etc. and the distances that individuals travel to attend the church; secondly, one to be carried out by KCC to assess potential usage of the church and its existing services by people living near to the proposed alternative site off Bower Mount Road.

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