Agenda item

Records of Decisions





4 April 2011









Subject: Annual Business Plans – 2011/12



1.1       Kent County Council’s overall strategic direction is set out in Bold Steps for Kent, The County

         Council’s Medium-Term Plan. The Annual Business Plans specify how each unit would contribute

          towards delivering Bold Steps for Kent, and in particular how the Council would transform services, innovate, and increase efficiency in order to meet the needs of Kent communities, businesses and individuals during the very tough times ahead. 


2.1             Because the Annual Business Plans were developed during the Change to Keep Succeeding

           restructuring, which is still underway, there are no Directorate-level plans as yet for the new

           Directorates. Directorate-level plans reflecting the new structure are therefore being prepared

           and would be reported for approval to the meeting of Cabinet in July 2011. 


2.2             The Annual Business Plans are based on units in the old structure, most of which would transfer in their entirety within the new structure although some would be divided between new directorates.  Therefore a light-touch approach to the development of these plans has been taken because further work is needed during 2011-12.  Indeed, a fresh approach to business planning in the new organisation is being undertaken making it fit for purpose in the light of the design principles,  and reflecting the reduced capacity the organisation has in its ‘back office’.  


Decision :

Cabinet resolved to approve the Annual Business Plans as listed in the attached Appendix 1 and noted that the Directorate-level plans reflecting the new structure would be submitted for approval by Cabinet at its meeting in July 2011. 



Any Interest Declared when the Decision was Taken

Mrs Jenny Whittle made a declaration of personal interest and took no part in the discussion and vote on this matter


Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information

As set above and in the Cabinet report


Background Documents:

Medium Term Financial Plan 2011 -13 and County Council Budget Book 2011-12






Appendix 1



Children, Families and Education Directorate


Kent Adult Social Services Directorate

1. Learning Group


1 Business Support

2. Specialist Children’s Services Group


2 Gypsy and Traveller unit

3. Commissioning and Partnership Group


3 Sensory

4. Resources and Planning Group


4 Community Equipment

5. Capital programme and Infrastructure Group


5 Mental health



6  Learning Disability

Communities Directorate


7. Kent Supported Employment Unit

1 Sport, Leisure & Olympics Service


8. Older People/physical disability

2 Arts Development Unit


Environment, Highways and Waste Directorate

3 Libraries & Archives


1. Country Parks

4 Community Learning and Skills


2. Countryside Access

5 Community Safety Unit


2 Kent Highways Service

6 Emergency Planning


3 Planning and Environment

7 Registration Service


4. Waste management

8 Coroners Service


Chief Executive’s Directorate

9 Trading Standards


1 Commercial Services

10 Kent Scientific Services


2 Communications & Media Centre

11 Youth Service


3 Corporate Finance

12 Youth Offending Service


4 Governance and Law

13 Kent Drug & Alcohol Action Team


7 Personnel & Development

14 Supporting People


8 Property Group

15 Supporting Independence


9 Public Health



8 Strategic Development Unit



9 International Affairs Group



10 ISG



11 Kent Forum Unit



12 Corporate Policy and Performance



13 Regeneration and Economy



14 Strategy and Research







4 April 2011










1. Summary

(1)  This report provided Cabinet with information on the outcome of the consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for transfer to Primary and Secondary schools in September 2012 and the scheme for In Year Casual Admissions. 

(2)  All Admissions Authorities within Kent agreed to the proposed Co-ordinated Primary Admissions Scheme for 2012. The scheme was set out in a similar way to last year following broadly similar scheme dates. The details of the Scheme were set out in Appendix A to the Cabinet report.


(3)  The  Secondary Coordinated Scheme was also agreed by all Kent Admissions  Authorities and the details of that scheme were set out in Appendix B to the Cabinet report


(4)  The report also provided details of the Oversubscription Criteria for Community and Voluntary Controlled Infant Junior and Primary schools in Kent, the Oversubscription Criteria for community and Voluntary Controlled Secondary schools in Kent Community and the Oversubscription Policy for Voluntary Controlled Secondary schools in Kent. The Cabinet report also provided members with Information on the Published Admission Numbers and the Relevant Statutory Consultation Area.


2.   Decision

Cabinet Resolved to AGREE:

       (i)  The Coordinated Primary Admissions Scheme 2012 incorporating the In Year admissions process, as detailed in Appendix A of the Cabinet report.

(ii)  The Coordinated Secondary Admissions Scheme 2012 incorporating the In Year admissions process, as detailed in Appendix B of the Cabinet report


                       (iii) The oversubscription criteria relating to Community and Voluntary Controlled Infant, Junior and Primary schools in Kent  as detailed in Appendix C (1)


(iv)  The oversubscription criteria relating to Community and Voluntary controlled Secondary schools in Kent as detailed in  Appendix C (2) of the Cabinet Report


(v)  The Published Admissions Number for Community and Voluntary Controlled Infant,       Junior and Primary Schools as set out  in Appendix C (3) of the Cabinet Report           


                       (vi) The Published Admissions Number for Community and Voluntary Controlled Secondary Schools as set out in Appendix C (4) of the Cabinet Report


 (vii)  The relevant statutory consultation areas for Kent primary schools as detailed in Appendix C (5)and the relevant statutory consultation areas for Kent Secondary Schools as set out in Appendix C (6) of the  Cabinet report. 



 Any Interest Declared when the Decision was Taken




Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information


The reasons for this decision are set out in this notice and also in the Cabinet Report. 


Background Documents:
































4 April 2011










Subject: Rail Action Plan for Kent 




(1)  The Rail Action Plan for Kent sets out the principal objectives of KCC to ensure that the new rail franchise for Kent - which is due to commence in April 2014 - delivers a rail service that meets the needs of the county’s residents, commuters and visitors. It is not concerned with changing the existing franchise operated by Southeastern Railway, although KCC would continue to press for improvements in its current operation.


(2) The Plan listed in detail the rail routes which needed addressing in today’s network, and recommended improvements to be incorporated in the new franchise specification. It also recognised the need for the level of rail fares charged in Kent to offer better value for money so as to encourage economic growth throughout the county, and the need for the rail system to operate with greater resilience in adverse weather conditions. 


(3)  During the course of discussion Cabinet members spoke of the importance the Plan’s purpose and objectives in providing the county of Kent with modern and efficient rails services. It was said the Council needed to robustly push the Department of Transport on the issue of the County Council having a much more involved role in the franchising process by being a signatory to the franchise document and having an ongoing role in its monitoring. There should also be greater opportunity for Kent residents to become more involved and one way of doing that could be to set up have a dedicated web website.      


Decision :


Cabinet Resolved


(1)       To approve the Rail Action Plan for Kent as the basis for KCC’s participation in the Department of Transport’s (DfT) consultation process for the new Integrated Kent Franchise;


(2)       To present the approved version of Rail Action Plan for Kent to the third KCC Rail Summit in April 2011; 


(3)       To present the approved Rail Action Plan for Kent to the DfT as the basis of KCC’s contribution to  the consultation process for the new Integrated Kent Franchise;


(4)       To recommend that the DfT changes both the present franchise service specification and the new Integrated Kent Franchise specification to require the franchisee to report all performance indicators separately for High Speed and Mainline services;


(5)       To recommend that the DfT, with effect from January 2012, changes the current regulated fares policy which permits the franchisee to raise fares above the base level by a further 5%, so that the maximum increase in Kent equals that elsewhere in England at RPI +3%; 


(6)       To ensure that KCC’s interests are fully represented in the final franchise service level specification for the new Integrated Kent Franchise;


(7)       To continue to consult widely with MPs, KCC Members, district councils, town and parish councils, neighbouring authorities, Rail User Groups and interested individuals so as to ensure as wide a range as possible of stakeholder engagement within Kent;


(8)       To engage with the chosen operator of the Integrated Kent Franchise well before commencement of the new franchise on 1 April 2014.    




Any Interest Declared when the Decision was Taken



Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information


As set above and in the Cabinet report and appendices  


Background Documents:

(1)  Integrated Kent Franchise – Stakeholder Briefing Document (Strategic Rail Authority, London, January 2005);


(2)  Memorandum of Understanding regarding the setting up of a European Network of High Speed Regions (Kent County Council, Region Nord-Pas de Calais, Gemeente Breda, BrabantStad - Brussels, February 2009);


(3)  Connecting Local Communities – Network Rail CP4 Delivery Plan: Route Plans 2009 – Route 1: Kent (Network Rail, London, March 2009);


(4)  The Modern Railway – A Special Modern Railways Publication (Ian Allan Publishing Ltd, Hersham, Surrey, 2009);


(5)       Unlocking Kent’s Potential:  Opportunities and Challenges (Kent County Council, Maidstone, 2009);


(6)       Kent Route Utilisation Strategy (RUS) (Network Rail, London, January 2010);


(7)       21st Century Kent –    A Blueprint for the County’s Future (Sir Terry Farrell, London, January 2010);  and


(8)Ashford to Ramsgate journey time enhancements – GRIP 1 stage (Network Rail, London, May 2010)