Agenda item

Cyclopark and Right to Ride - Laurence Tricker (KCC) and John Hamblett (Right to Ride)

Come and find out more about this exciting project as well as other cycle initiatives in Dartford.


Laurence Tricker gave a presentation and provided an update on project (copy attached)


Questions from the public and Members


Q.        Will there be a large car park?

A.        yes 300 spaces


Q.        Would there be enough spaces especially when events are taking place?

A.        No - but there would be a prepaid parking for large events


Q.        How do you access the Park? Can you reach it from behind Morrisons?

A.        Yes.  Access into public highway, access Wrotham Road, Tollgate entry.


Q.        Do you have to pay for entry?

A.        Playground - 50p-£1

            BMX - £2.50-£3

            Skate - £2.50-£3

            Coach - £6-£7

            Entry into National Event £10+


Q.        Do you expect people to come with their bikes?

A.        Yes – along spine – commute route


Q.        Will venue be floodlit?

A.        Central area will be lit


Q.        Will clubs be able to hire the venue?

A.        Yes.  Will appoint charity to run it and plan to ring fence income. Prices start at £3/head until appointment of operator.  A Charity will be found via a tender process which goes out on 22nd July using various bodies to manage this process to find a suitable charitable trust.


Q.        LT was congratulated for facility as it was felt that the country needed it. Would it interfere with Premier Inn?

A.        No


Q.        Concerned car park spaces for Youth Games as 400-500 children from Gravesham expected would there be a provision for parking

A.      Hoping that the nearby railway station would be used to try reducing number of cars as there are only 300 spaces. People will be encouraged to use public transport or cycle to venue.


Q.        Will there be events at weekends – How many do you anticipate?

A.        Events anticipated 40 per year.  Local residents can partake still when they are happening.


Q.        Family able to cycle circuit?

A.        Yes there are five circuits to use

            Hog hill similar set up.  Have mountain bike trails

            South East road league event every Friday for the year


Q.        What was the outcome of the West Kent Archaeology survey?

A.        Took advice KCC sent team in.  Identified six bodies and bronze urns and archaeology have been removed.


Q.        How many staff?

A.        Core staff of five (further needed (12) for cafeteria etc) or franchise out.


Q.        Is facility open to entire South East?  Not just Dartford.

A.        Yes it will be and an Online booking facility will be available at the pavilion


Right to Ride - John Hamblett


John Hamblett gave some background to Right to Ride (RTR).  Four years ago a cycling woman along Spittal Street screamed at a car that going wrong way.  Car driver apologised and has lead road markings on cycle paths.


Old routes always considered unlit and unsafe.


RTR Campaigned to KCC and KHS for extra lighting along routes (Peter Salter – KHS)


A new cycle path installed along Watling Street


Resulted in other routes cleared up and better lighting


Future plans – More cycle paths in Dartford and encourage people to cycle to work and school etc.


A Gravesend and Dartford map indicating cycle paths has been produced by KCC


Still concerns around the maintenance of the path running from Crayford roundabout to Shorne Park as it is full of grit and glass.


Questions from Public and Members


Q.        A brilliant facility but existing path not easily seen from Dartford

A.        Ann Allen to consider funding extra signposts from her Highways allocation.


Q.        Would cyclists be expected to pay road tax then cycle paths would be maintained better?

A.        We have thin wheels and do not wear roads down compared to a lorry.  This affect children most as most adult cyclist have cars and pay tax.


Q.        There is a school in my area we find kids flying around area on their bikes.

A.        KCC are running a Safety Campaign and will be going into all schools in Dartford also Dartford children came top on road safety.