Agenda item

Portfolio Holder and Corporate Directors update


(1)       In the absence of Mr Hill, who was unwell, Ms Honey updated Members on the issues listed in the paper circulated with the agenda and answered questions from Members.


Matt Burrows, the new Director of Communications & Engagement

(2)       Ms Honey informed the Committee that Mr Burrows, who was currently Head of Communications at Croydon Council, would be taking up the post of Director of Communications and Engagement on 1 December 2011.


Update about the restructures taking place in Customer Services and Service Improvement Divisions


(3)       Ms Honey stated that consultations had recently started to reshape the Customer Services and Service Improvement Divisions.  All Members had been informed. Staff would be informed next week about how this was going to be taken forward.  The intention was to have the Head of Service  appointed by Christmas and the new structure in place early next year.


 Localism – update

(4)       Ms Honey drew attention to the Localism Act 2011 which had received royal assent on 14 November 2011. This was the biggest transfer of power to local government in a generation.


(5)       In relation to Locality Boards, Ms Honey informed Members that there had been meetings of Locality Boards in five District/Borough areas.  It was intended that by April 2012 a further two Locality Boards would have met.  Work was continuing with Districts/Boroughs around the shape of their Locality Board arrangements as there was not a one size fits all.  It was intended to create a sharepoint arrangement for Members and Directors to share information on Locality Boards.


 Launch of South East Dance : 27 September 2011

(6)       Ms Honey stated that the directorate were working with Hextable School regarding their amazing dance facilities. 


Regeneration and Renewal Awards Ceremony : 29 September 2011


(7)       Regarding the Regeneration and Renewal Awards Ceremony, Ms Honey stated that she had attended the award ceremony with Mr Hill and Mr Carter.  The Turner Contemporary had received an award for the best use of Arts and Culture in regeneration.


Gravesend Library Reopening : 4 October 2011


(8)       Ms Honey reported the official reopening of Gravesend Library.


Marlowe Theatre Opening : 4 October 2011

(9)       Ms Honey referred to the opening of the Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury and commended the achievement by Canterbury City Council.

Ashford Gateway Launch - 7 October 2011

(10)     Ms Honey mentioned the successful launch of the Ashford Gateway, which was becoming a great community facility.

Joint visit with Chief Constable to Rotterdam


(11)     Ms Honey reported on the visit to Rotterdam that Mr Hill had made with the Chief Constable, it had been a successful visit and they had seen some interesting technology which it may be possible to use in Gateways.


 Cyclopark.- Gravesend


(12)     Mr Sandhu reported that he had attended the BMX southern region league event held at the Cyclopark.  This had been a very successful event attended by 1600 participants and their families.  This had been used as an opportunity to test the facility for this type of event and complaints from residents about noise etc were acted upon promptly.   He also reported the receipt of a cheque for £10,000 from the National Lottery and Sport England for equipment.


(13)     RESOLVED that the update and the comments made by Members be noted and a visit be arranged to one of the new libraries (Gravesend or Ashford), if Members visit Gravesend Library arrangements be made for them to also visit the cyclopark.



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