Agenda item

Margate Task Force progress report


(1)       Ms Woodward presented a report on Margate Task Forces’ progress.  She explained that policy and strategy work on Margate Task Force started in July 2009 as one of three key themes in Kent’s Total Place submission. The resultant scoping exercise highlighted the disproportionate public services demands and expenditure (£110 million per annum) in Kent’s two most deprived wards – Margate Central and Cliftonville West.  An implementation model, primarily based on a ‘Task Force’ multi-agency team, was launched in September 2010.  The report reviewed progress to date, challenges to delivery and priorities moving forward.


(2)       Ms Woodward, Ms Honey and Ms Slaven answered questions and noted comments from Members which included the following:-


  • In relation to the neglect of rented accommodation and the anti-social behaviour of tenants, Ms Woodward explained that if the landlord was a registered social landlord then they were responsible for the management of their tenants.  If they were private landlords the District Council would have the authority to issue enforcement notices in relation to for example litter on private land. 
  • Concern was expressed about the relaxation of requirements/standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s). 
  • The number of Looked after Children placed in this part of Kent from out of the County was still an issue.  Member expressed their strong support for the Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services in lobbying Central Government on this matter.
  • In relation to the placement of adult offenders back into the community, Ms Woodward confirmed that there was a close working relationship with colleagues in the probation service and that work was being carried out to look at the fifty high risk offenders to see what key interventions  they received.  
  • Regarding Community Budgets and how many families had been identified in the Margate Taskforce area to be part of the scheme, Ms Slaven explained that there was a report giving further information on the scheme later in the meeting.  However, the two Margate Task force wards were not identified as a distinct area within the Community Budget programme as the agenda for this focussed on other residential areas in Thanet. The focus is around intergenerational worklessness and the population in these wards tended to be transitional and no significant numbers of families were identifiable. This area was not excluded from this agenda as Ms Woodward was involved with the Community Budget programme.
  • Officers undertook to circulate a copy of the brochure on “Live Margate” to Members
  • Ms Honey confirmed that it was not the intention to build luxury housing but to ensure that there was a better mix of provision by bringing derelict buildings back into use as family housing.   These would initially be for rent but as time went on they could be sold and the funding recycled. 
  • Ms Slaven stated that displacement was always an issue when trying to improve an area.  It was important to monitor the impact on surrounding areas. She confirmed that the area was being managed as well as possible with the resources available.

(3)       Officers undertook to respond to all Members of the Committee on the following questions raised by Mrs Law where a response was not available at the meeting:-

·        More information was requested on the Judicial review of the mandatory selective licensing scheme and the Committee be informed of the outcome of the Judicial Review of Selective Licensing in due course.

·        A copy of the hard evidence that would be collated to measure progress with street scene enforcement (referred to in paragraph 2.23 of the report) be provided.

·        Information was requested on how neighbourhoods and volunteers were being engaged within their communities to improve ownership of the local area and civic pride,

·        Details of the nationality of those Nationals from A10 Eastern European States referred to in paragraph 2.38 of the report be provided.

 (4)      RESOLVED that the report and the comments made by Members be noted and the Delivery Plan including targets for the Task Force be circulated to Members when available. .


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