Agenda item

Portfolio Holder's and Corporate Director's Update


(1)       Mr Hill and Ms Honey updated Members on the following issues and answered questions from Members


Olympics Resilience


(2)       Ms Honey thanked officers across the County Council for the work that they were undertaking regarding the Olympics and its impact upon Kent.  She referred to the Olympic Torch relay which raised security issues and required road closures, as did the Para Olympics cycling based at Brands Hatch.  Also there was the issue of parking and additional traffic around Ebbsfleet and North West Kent.  In addition there was the issue of security for the training camps in Kent. The biggest challenge would be keeping Kent moving. Mr Hespe (Head of Culture and Sports) and his team had produced a DVD and online material for organisations to give advice during this period.  A sub group of the Kent Resilience Forum had been established to look at issues raised by the Olympics’. 


(3)       In response to a question on whether schools would be encouraged to give pupils time off to watch the Olympic Torch relay, Mr Crilley explained that officers had been successful in securing significant funding to celebrate this event. It was the intention to ask schools to let their pupils celebrate the Olympic Torch relay.


Locality Boards


(4)       Mr Hill explained that the target was to try to have all Locality Boards set up by the end of the year.  He reported that 9 Locality Boards had been established. He was in discussions with 2 other Districts/Boroughs regarding setting up a Locality Board and with the remaining Borough there had yet to be a meeting of minds.  He had been to all Locality Boards to discuss the Youth Service.  They had been supportive of the policy and concept and he welcomed the opportunity to engage locally both with District/Borough Council colleagues and the wider community.  He emphasised that Locality Boards had a role to play in designing Youth Services for their area.


(5)       In response to a question on what was being done to encourage all areas to establish Locality Boards, Mr Hill stated that moral pressure was being applied to encourage all District/Boroughs to be part of a Locality Board.  In areas which did not currently have Locality Boards the fall back position for the discussion of issues such as the Youth Service was to engage with all the County Council Members for the area.  A Member pointed out that this would not have the advantage of engaging with District Councillors and partner organisations.


Turner Contemporary Update


(6)       Mr Hill reported that there had been 350,000 visitors to the Turner Contemporary up until the end of 2011, which exceeded the annual target of 156,000.  There had already been significant improvements in the area and the old town of Margate had been transformed with a lively café culture developing.  He referred to the new exhibition, Turner and the Elements, which would be opening on 28 January 2012. 


(7)       In response to a question on the amount of national coverage that Turner Contemporary was receiving, Mr Hill stated that he was doing all he could to ensure that Kent County Council was given full credit for building the gallery in Turner Contemporary publicity.  Mr Burrows confirmed that there was a communications officer dedicated to publicity for the Turner Contemporary.

Joint visit with Chief Constable to Rotterdam: 11 & 12 October 2011

(8)       Mr Hill referred to his visit to Rotterdam with the Chief Constable and informed Members of the technology that they had seen which could have implications for engaging with the public.  Kent Police were hoping to obtain a grant from government to trial this technology and if successful the County Council could look at using it in the Gateways.

Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) Engagement Forum: 24 November 2011

(9)       Ms Honey referred to the first meeting of the VCS Engagement Forum, it was hoped that the forum would meet quarterly (next meeting on 28 February 2012).  It would enable information to be shared across the sector and would also focus on the big strategic issues for the sector.  

Meeting with Medway Council to agree route for the Police and Crime Panel (PCP): 5 December 2011

(10)     Mr Hill explained that a Police and Crime Panel needed to be established by Kent Local Authorities to scrutinise the actions of the Police Commissioner.  Each of the 14 Kent Local Authorities were entitled to appoint one Member to the Panel and there could be additional co-optees up to a maximum of 6.  A draft paper on the establishment of PCP had been agreed with Medway Council and would be considered by the Kent Forum in February 2012.

(11)     In response to a question, Mr Hill confirmed that the PCP would not replace the Crime and Disorder Committee.

Ambassador’s Briefing on Youth Justice: 8 December 2011

(12)     Mr Hill stated that he had been part of a Panel at the Ambassador’s Briefing on Youth Justice on 8 December 2011, along with the Chief Constable and a Judge.  The session had been very useful and a consensus had been reached on the need to avoid young people coming into the Youth Justice System.  He also reported that over 200,000 police officers had been trained in restorative justice.

(13)     RESOLVED that the update and the comments made by Members be noted.  

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