Agenda item

Establishing Joint Working Arrangements with Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council, Shepway District Council and Thanet District Council


(1)       The signing of the Kent Commitment recognised the opportunities that existed for the County Council and the District Councils to work closer together in order to integrate functions which improved the effectiveness and efficiency of services and how they are developed.  In particular, the Commitment recognised the work of East Kent in developing a cluster model and it was agreed that Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council, Shepway District Council, Thanet District Council and the County Council would continue to work together in order to consider and identify opportunities for greater integration and the potential to share a range of public facing services.  In order to carry forward these objectives, it would first be necessary to establish a framework which gave legal authority for the four districts and the County Council to work jointly together.


(2)       Mr Carter said this report was simply about establishing a possible framework and it would be up to the County Council to decide at a later date what might be put into this framework.


(3)       Following discussion, Cabinet:


(a)       approved the establishment of a joint committee comprising Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council, Kent County Council, Shepway District Council and Thanet District Council, to be known as the East Kent (Joint Arrangements) Committee, with effect from 1 June 2008;


(b)       approved the terms of the Operating Arrangements for the East Kent (Joint Arrangements) Committee as set out in Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report;


(c)        approved the delegation of functions to the East Kent (Joint Arrangements) Committee as set out in paragraph 3 of the Cabinet report and Schedule A of the East Kent (Joint Arrangements) Committee Operating Arrangements;


            and agreed that that the County Council with the Agreement of the Cabinet should

(d)      appoint the Leader and Deputy Leader from time to time as the two nominated members of the Council in accordance with the East Kent (Joint Arrangement) Committee Operating Arrangements, with the Chief Executive authorised to effect such substitutions in consultation with the Leader as referred to in 2(e) below;


(e)       authorise all other members of the Cabinet to act as substitutes for the Leader and the Deputy Leader as mentioned in the East Kent (Joint Arrangements) Committee Operating Arrangements;


                                     the County Council in relation to the East Kent (Joint Scrutiny) Committee    (f)            should approve the establishment of a joint scrutiny committee comprising   Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council, Kent County Council, Shepway District Council and Thanet District Council, to be known as the East Kent (Joint Scrutiny) Committee;


(g)       approve the East Kent (Joint Scrutiny) Committee Operating Arrangements as set out in Appendix 2 of the Cabinet report;


(h)        approve the terms of reference for the East Kent (Joint Scrutiny) Committee as set out in the East Kent (Joint Scrutiny) Committee Operating Arrangements;


(i)         appoint 3 Members to serve on the East Kent Joint Scrutiny Committee in accordance with the East Kent (Joint Scrutiny) Committee Operating Arrangements;


(j)         That Cabinet agrees to the County Council being recommended to pass the resolutions set out in 3(a)-3(e) above;


3.         Cabinet and Council note that the implementation of these recommendations will result in the likely need to make consequential changes to the County Council’s Constitution. Such changes that are required will be published and implemented in accordance with Article 15 (Review and Revision of the Constitution) sub-paragraph 15.2.


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