Agenda item

Kent Concessionary Travel Scheme of Over 60's & Disabled


1)         This report provided an update on the Kent and Medway Concessionary Travel Scheme for Over 60’s and Disabled People since the Government had indicated that this scheme would become a County Council responsibility in future years.


(2)       In introducing this report Mr Ferrin referred to two communications which had been received, one on behalf of Maidstone Borough Council and one on behalf of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council but he did not feel either changed the purpose of the report.


(3)       The Kent Concessionary Travel Scheme is operated jointly by the District Councils, Medway Council and the County Council.  Whilst responsibility for this scheme rests with the District Councils, who are termed Travel Concession Authorities the County Council takes an active co-ordinating role in order for Kent residents to get the most out of their pass.  There are currently some 260,000 pass holders in Kent and the scheme costs some £17.25m (08/09 prices).  These costs are met by the Districts and Medway with financial assistance from Government through the Revenue Support Grant Mechanism.  The County Council provides £30,000 per annum towards the cost of administering the scheme.


(4)       As of April 2008 the scheme was expanded to enable free travel on bus services across England.  The funding responsibility was also changed from the District issuing the pass to the District in which the journey began.  As a consequence, many of the Travel Concessionary Authorities across the country put back the start of the scheme to 9.30 am in order to try and reduce costs.  Faced with increasing travel and uncertainties over levels of future funding, all the Kent districts, except Medway amended the time from which passes are valid from 9.00 am to 9.30 am.  Medway Council decided to return to a 9.00 am start in February 2008.  Mr Ferrin said that this had resulted in a situation, where for example some pass holders living in rural areas may have to pay a fare on a service before 9.30 am or wait until the next service which might not run for several hours.  Pass holders have therefore continued to lobby for the scheme to be put back to a 9.00 am start.  The additional annual cost of allowing pass holders to travel for free between 9.00 am and 9.30 am has been estimated at some £150,000 per annum and there may also be on top of that claims from bus operators as services are changed to cater for demand.


(5)       During the course of discussion, Mr Chard said that he felt strongly about this issue and the County Council in its leadership role should take a positive decision.  He therefore proposed and Mr A J King seconded that as from Monday, 30 June 2008 the County Council should fund the cost of allowing pass holders to travel for free from 9.00 am and 9.30 am by providing £120k from the forecast underspend for 2007/08.  Future years provision should be considered as part of the Council’s normal budget build.


(6)       During the course of discussion, several Members of Cabinet spoke in support of the proposal and Mr Carter said that he welcomed this move.


(7)       Following further discussion, Cabinet agreed that as from Monday, 30 June 2008 the cost of allowing pass holders to travel for free between 9.00 am and 9.30am be funded by providing £120k from the forecast underspend for 2007/08.  Future years provision would be considered as part of the Council’s normal budget build.


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