Agenda item

Procurement Practice


(1)       Mr Simmonds and Mr Swan introduced a report which provided information for the Committee on the improvements that had commenced in Procurement and how these would be taken forward in the next year.


(2)       Mr Simmonds and Mr Swan answered questions and noted comments from Members which included the following:-


·        Mr Swan confirmed that in his view the target of ensuring that 60% of procurement affected local businesses was achievable.  He stated that what needed to improve was pointing contractors in the direction of Kent suppliers.  Also it was important to ensure that Kent businesses knew about the Kent Portal, and that where appropriate specific Kent business were contacted and made aware that there would be a tender that they might be interested in.  Another aspect for Kent Businesses was consideration of whether tenders could be broken down into smaller lots to make them more attractive to them. 

·        In relation to timescale for the changes to procurement, Mr Swan stated that the saving targets started in 2012/13 and he was working on a 5 year plan of continued improvement.

·        Regarding collaboration with other local authorities and public sector organisations, Mr Swan explained that the County Council was already doing a lot but consideration should be given to whether it could be more effective.  It was important to ensure that any collaboration provided the right solution for the County Council. 

·        Mr Swan expressed the view that I-Procurement would make things easier for Kent small businesses.

·        Mr Swan undertook to supply Members with an updated version of the structure chart on page 129 of the papers.

·        In relation to a question on European Union (EU) legislative requirements for procurement, Mr Swan stated that there were advantages to these as well as disadvantages and that it was the responsibility of the procurement team to ensure that tenders complied with EU requirements. This should avoid these requirements causing any problems for service Directorates.

·        In response to a question on whether there was a tendency to over specify in tenders which would have an impact on savings, Mr Swan explained that part of role of the procurement teams role was to challenge and ensure that consideration was given to doing things differently if appropriate. 

  • It was agreed that the outcome of the meeting on 11 January 2012 between Mr Simmonds, Mr Woods and Mr Swan to agree the savings that Mr Swan needed to achieve would be circulated to Members of the Committee.

·        Mr Swan stated that in relation to engaging with Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in Kent his team was being as proactive as possible within their available resources, this included working though Chambers of Trade and similar organisations.

·        In relation to where possible savings could be achieved in Social Care, Mr Swan replied that savings could be achieved by for example using a team of social care specialists to procure services for the needs of the child rather than this being done by individual social workers.  The team would be better placed to monitor the timescale for placement. By having better contracts in place it would be possible to drive savings out of the market place.

·        Mr Swan confirmed that a review of all elements of Commercial Services was currently being undertaken.

·        Mr Swan stated that, although economies of scale were important, a lot could be delivered better by small businesses.  Small businesses often had lower overheads, it was a case of knowing the market place.

  • It was suggested that Members should receive an update report in about a years time.


(3)      RESOLVED that the improvements underway in Procurement be noted, the change that will be necessary to deliver better control of procurement be supported and the targets for the next year be endorsed.

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