(1) Mr Hill and Ms Honey updated the Committee on the following issues and answered questions from Members.
Budget Day: 9 February 2012
(2) Mr Hill reminded Members of the County Council budget meeting where the Administration had produced a balanced budget. He referred to the launch on 30 March 2012 of the £3m Big Society Fund being administered by the Kent Community Foundation and on 19 April 2012 the launch of the £2m Big Society Fund for the Youth Employment Scheme, which aimed to encourage Employers to take on young people.
Corporate Board: 5 March 2012
(3) Mr Hill referred to the first meeting of the Corporate Board on 5 March 2012 which replaced Cabinet Briefing and Corporate Management Team. This Board would take forward Cabinet Decisions and was a new means of governance of the whole authority.
Community Learning and Skills (CLS)Ofsted Inspection
(4) Mr Honey gave details of the positive informal feedback from the Ofsted Inspection of CLS in January 2012. CLS had moved forward swiftly and developed a wide range of support for employability to meet the needs of individuals. There were areas that needed improvement, these included collaboration with Job Centre Plus.
Restructure Update
(5) Ms Honey informed the Committee that following the appointment of Heads of Service the staff consultation for the sub structure for those services was due to close at the end of the week. They would then move to the interview stage and appoint to these posts in the next six weeks. It was a difficult time for staff but they were making sure that they engaged with them and she hoped that this would complete the bulk of the restructuring of the Customer and Communities Directorate.
Registration Service
(6) Mr Hill referred to the changes that had been put in place to the registration service by proving a registration service in some libraries in order to provide a better service in more venues. However, an abnormally high level of registrations in January 2012 had put pressure on the new facilities and meant that in certain cases they were not able to offer a timely service. He was pleased to report that this had been resolved and that it was now possible to offer registration timeslot within the appropriate timescale. Lessons had been learnt from the experience of changing this service which would inform future service changes. It was important to look at every possible scenario to make sure that every possible eventuality was covered. The new registration service would provide a better service to the people of Kent by providing the service with more staff at more venues.
(7) Members welcomed the comments on the Registration Service and supported the improvements which gave the public extra choice of venue and times. In response to concern expressed about the privacy of registration appointments, Mr Crilley stated that there were four venues that were not as private as he would like them to be but consideration was being given to how improvements could be make to improve this situation.
Opening of Turner & The Elements Exhibition: 28 January 2012
(8) Mr Hill updated the Committee on the visitor numbers for the Turner Contemporary, since its opening in April 2011 it has had 0.5m visitors. He encouraged Members to visit the current exhibition. Ms Honey stated that the Turner Contemporary had been nominated for Museum of the Year and encouraged Members to support this nomination.
Young Consumer of the Year: 2 March 2012
(9) Ms Honey referred to the Young Consumer of the Year competition, which provided an opportunity for Young People to get to grips with consumer issues and develop an understanding of them. Ninety nine teams had entered from across Kent, the final was held on 2 March 2012 with six team competing. The Kent Final was won by Chatham House & Clarendon House Grammar School, Thanet, who would go on to the South East heats and if successful on to the Final.
Kent History & Library Centre Celebration Event: 12 March 2012
(10) Ms Honey reported that the building had been handed over on 12 March 2012. It would open on 23 April 2012 with the formal opening later in the year. It had been a remarkably successful procurement which was a credit to Mr Crilley and his team. Mr Hill stated that the important factor in the success of this scheme was selecting the right partner at an early stage.
Sheerness Gateway Opening: 13 March 2012
(11) Ms Honey referred to the opening of the Sheerness Gateway on 13 March 2012, this facility was on the High Street and also contained the Library. It had increased footfall for the Library.
Customer and Communities POSC – Visits – 19 March 2012
(12) The Chairman referred to the visits on 19 March 2012 to the Gravesend Library, Dashwood Library, the Gurdwara Temple and the Cyclopark. She stated that it had been interesting to compare the new Gravesend Library which was busy even at 9.30am with the Dashwood Library. Mr Sandhu had invited Members to visit the Gurdwara Temple which was the largest Sikh temple in Europe, it was interesting to see the interaction with the community regardless of religion. Regarding the Cyclopark, she referred to the wide range of facilities on offer.
(13) Regarding the visit to the Gurdwara Temple, Mr Sandhu stated that it was open to every one in the community and that Directors and other officers were very welcome to visit.
(14) In response to a question from a Member, Mr Hill confirmed that no library closures were proposed. Locality Boards would be looking at the library provision in their area, along with local people.
Safer Kent Awards
(15) Mr Sandhu referred to the Safer Kent Awards that he had attended, and he mentioned the outstanding work of the Community Wardens.
Princes Trust Awards
(16) Mr Sandhu stated that he had attended the Princes Trust Awards which had been very inspirational and he commended the work of the Trust in providing opportunities for individuals.
(17) RESOLVED that the update be noted an that the excellent informal feedback from OfSTED on the Community Learning and Skills (CLS) service be noted and thanks be recorded to Mr Forward and his colleagues.
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