Agenda item

New Governance Arrangements for Kent County Council


(1)               Mr Carter proposed, Mr A King seconded that the Council agree the recommendations as set out below:


(a)       approve the proposals for the implementation of the new governance arrangements as described in this report, including the disbandment of the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee suite with effect from 31 March 2012 and the creation of the new Cabinet Committees and the Scrutiny Committee suite from 1 April 2012;


(b)       having considered the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, to formally adopt the Members’ Allowances Scheme for the period 1 April 2012 to the Annual Council meeting in May 2013, as set out in Appendix 12 to this report;


(c)        ask the Selection and Member Services Committee to develop a new Annual Review template and process in consultation with the three Group Leaders and the Head of Democratic Services and then share with the Independent Remuneration Panel before submitting to the County Council for approval


(d)       note on the Independent Remuneration Panel and Standards Committee’s views on the proposed changes to the Member Role Descriptions and approve them accordingly;


(e)       delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential changes to the Constitution necessary to implement the new governance arrangements from 1 April 2012;


(f)         agree:


(i)                 that KCC will be the lead authority for the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) for the purposes of planning and delivery of the PCP’s work programme


(ii)               the provision of accommodation and officer support, as described in paragraph 5(5) of the report


(iii)             that a Shadow PCP be established by July 2012


(iv)              that KCC, in consultation with Medway Council, draft the procedure rules and panel arrangements for the PCP for discussion and refinement by the Shadow PCP, with a view to reporting back the detailed operating arrangements to a future meeting of the Kent Forum for endorsement, subject to each local authority approving this via their own decision-making processes at the appropriate time; and


(v)                the establishment of the Police and Crime Panel for Kent as a formal Joint Committee with Medway Council and the 12 District Councils in Kent, and note that the Panel will have two independent members appointed following a public advert.


(2)               Following a debate on the new governance arrangements Mrs Dean proposed, and Mr Carter agreed that a separate vote be taken on recommendations a) and b).


(3)       The Chairman put to the vote the two separate recommendations as set out in (1) a) and b) above, when the voting was as follows:


For (60)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr R Bayford, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr R Brookbank, Mr R Bullock, Mr R Burgess, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mr A Chell, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mr B Cope, Mr H Craske, Mr A Crowther, Mr J Cubitt, Mrs V Dagger, Mr M Dance, Mr J Davies, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Mr W Hayton, Mr C Hibberd, Mr M Hill, Mr D Hirst, Ms A Hohler, Mrs S Hohler, Mr P Homewood, Mr E Hotson, Mr M Jarvis, Mr A King, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mr R Lees, Mr J London, Mr R Long, Mr K Lynes, Mr R Manning, Mr A Marsh, Mr M Northey, Mr J Ozog, Mr R Parry, Mr K Pugh, Mr L Ridings, Mr A Sandhu, Mr J Simmonds, Mr C Smith, Mr K Smith, Mr M Snelling, Mr B Sweetland, Mr R Tolputt, Mrs E Tweed, Mrs C Waters, Mr J Wedgbury, Mr C Wells, Mr M Whiting, Mrs J Whittle, Mr A Wickham, Mr A Willicombe


Against (8)


Mr I Chittenden, Mr L Christie, Mr G Cowan, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mrs E Green, Mr G Koowaree, Mr T Prater



(4)       The Chairman put to the vote the remaining recommendations, c) to f), as set out in (1) above, when the voting was as follows:


For (69)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr R Bayford, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr R Brookbank, Mr R Bullock, Mr R Burgess, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mr A Chell, Mr I Chittenden, Mr L Christie, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mr B Cope, Mr G Cowan, Mr H Craske, Mr A Crowther, Mr J Cubitt, Mrs V Dagger, Mr D Daley, Mr M Dance, Mr J Davies, Mrs T Dean, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Mrs E Green, Mr M Harrison, Mr W Hayton, Mr C Hibberd, Mr M Hill, Mr D Hirst, Ms A Hohler, Mrs S Hohler, Mr P Homewood, Mr E Hotson, Mr M Jarvis, Mr A King, Mr J Kite, Mr G Koowaree, Mr P Lake, Mr R Lees, Mr J London, Mr R  Long, Mr K Lynes, Mr R Manning, Mr A Marsh, Mr M Northey, Mr J Ozog, Mr R Parry, Mr T Prater, Mr K Pugh, Mr L Ridings, Mr A Sandhu, Mr J Simmonds, Mr C Smith, Mr K Smith, Mr M Snelling, Mr B Sweetland, Mr R Tolputt, Mrs E Tweed, Mrs C Waters, Mr J Wedgbury, Mr C Wells, Mr M Whiting, Mrs J Whittle, Mr A Wickham, Mr A Willicombe


Against (0)




(5)       Resolved: that the recommendations above be approved.

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