Agenda item

Portfolio Holder's and Corporate Director's Update


(1)       Mr Hill and Ms Honey updated Members on the issues listed in the paper circulated with the agenda and answered questions from Members.


(2)       Mr Hill stated that good progress was being made towards achieving budget savings. 

Integrated Youth Services

(3)       Mr Hill thanked Members for their contribution towards reshaping the youth service within their area.  He explained that most of the new in house youth service team were in place and that currently the property rationalisation process was underway, which included efforts to identify a centre in Tunbridge Wells.

(4)       Mr Hill explained that on the commissioning side the pre qualification phase of the process had just concluded and 120 potential providers had met the criteria.  Overall the service transformation remains on target to go live in January 2013.

(5)       In response to a question, Mr Hill gave an assurance that no youth service building would be disposed of until the commissioning arrangements for that area were known.   In relation to whether successful service providers using existing buildings would be encouraged to retain existing users of the premises, Mr Hill confirmed that this would be dealt with sympathetically on a case by case basis.

(6)       Ms Slaven confirmed that there had been sufficient expressions of interest in the commissioning of youth services to cover the whole of the County.

Library Service

(7)       Mr Hill reported that as savings from the library services were not due to be achieved until 2014/15 this was progressing at a gentler pace.  He was very encouraged by suggestions that had come forward as a result of local discussions.  A variety of options were being considered. With small libraries it would probably be a question of collaboration with Parish Councils, the voluntary sector and other local organisations. Regarding larger assets there had already been collaboration with other organisations such as the Gateways, and this was something to build upon.

(8)       Mr Hill referred to a meeting with Vice-Chairmen of Locality Boards in a couple of weeks’ time to discuss the library service. 

(9)       Mr Hill mentioned the recent Hornby competition, which had generated a lot of interest from young people and teachers.  It had been very worthwhile and he congratulated Mr Chell and his team.

Commissioned Services

(10)           Ms Honey informed the Committee that Ms Lesley Andrews, Head of Commissioned Services in Customer and Communities had now left KCC and Ms Honey wished to record her thanks to her for the work that she had done for the Drugs and Alcohol team.  The Drugs and Alcohol team were now providing services for those in prison.  Work was being undertaken on the needs assessment for Drugs and Alcohol services and she offered to make the results of this available to the Committee.

Kent Jobs for Kent Young People

(11)           Ms Honey reported that the Kent Jobs for Kent Young People scheme had been launched at the recent 2020 business event.  165 businesses had expressed an interest in taking on an apprentice.  The first 14 apprenticeships had been established.  The campaign was being actively marketed and she reminded Members that the aim was to achieve 1,000 apprenticeships with the £2m funded from the Big Society Fund.                  

Integrated Adolescent Strategy

(12)           Ms Honey referred to the presentation that Members would receive later in the meeting on “Troubled Families”. For that initiative to succeed there was a need to ensure close working and coordination with services for young people; work was ongoing to develop and trial three pilots from the autumn of this year

(13)           A Member referred to the use of the terms “Youth” and “Adolescent” and asked that if these were interchangeable; if so, there should be consistency and only one of these should be used. 

Kent School Games

(14)           Mr Hill reported that the Kent School Games Cultural celebration had taken place on 12 June at the Kent Studios.  The quality of the performances from young people had been outstanding.  The Kent School Games was the biggest event of its kind in the UK and it was intended to continue to run this every second year.

(15)           Mr Hill congratulated Mr Hespe and his team their efforts which had made the School Games events so successful.

Community Wardens 10-Year Anniversary

(16)           Mr Hill referred to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Community Wardens, which had been one of the success stories of KCC.  Members spoke highly of their work.

 (17)    RESOLVED that the update and the comments made by Members be noted.  

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